The Bristol Magdalens – Bristol’s Female Penitentiary
The inmates to Bristol Female Penitentiary, founded in 1801, numbered up to forty young women and girls. The premises were in the parish of St James, at the appropriately named Maudlin Lane, later Maudlin Street, Magdalen or Maudlin, being traditionally the “fallen woman” who Jesus saved through repentance. The list of inmates shown below is dated 1834-1842 and is numbered 444-591. The headings are Name, Age, Parish, Date (presumably of entry) and Family Details. This latter is more often blank, though on rare occasions the words “orphan” or “illegitimate child” may appear. It is not clear whether the girl herself was the illegitimate child, or had given birth to a child out of wedlock.
The young women named were aged between 15 and 29 years old, though the majority were about 18 or 19. Most came from Bristol parishes and the surrounding countryside, but some had been sent from as far afield as Wiltshire, Newport, Cardiff, Swansea, Llandaff, and later, Chatham, Kent. There were evidently previous records as interleaved between details of the new arrivals, the names of inmates previously admitted are recorded, neither dated nor numbered.
Several “died” or were “dismissed” for unspecified reasons, others left for a life of drudgery “in service”. Some of the “success stories” were given a gratuity as they went on their way. In the light of present knowledge it is worrying that these young women were despatched so readily into private households. One wonders if such households were properly checked. The cursory information is now and then enlivened by the gold dust of additional remarks: even on a few rare occasions referring to behaviour. It seems implied that no 480, Mary MAGGS, 18, of Newton Bath, (Newton-St-Loe?) admitted 8 January 1836, “truly sensible of her situation and in a hopeful state of mind.”
No. 503, Elizabeth FAIRCROFT, 18, St Mary Redcliffe, admitted 31 July 1837. This poor girl was evidently bullied: “Mary Ann JAMES and Elizabeth PRICKETT made mock of Elizabeth Faircroft. They showed symptoms (sic) of penitence and were admonished. Reports to be made.” (As I can find no instance of this surname, it may be an error in my copying.)
No 504, Eliza JACOBS, 15, of Clifton, 25 September 1837 was “admitted because of her youth, not thro’ any sign of penitence.” (In 1841, aged 19, she was a servant in the household of Thomas WALDRON, a smith, at Burbidge Yard, Clifton.)
No. 531, Mary Matilda WINE, 18, Temple, 29 July 1839, who “made grossly false statements” was referred to the committee. As Maria Wine, “aged 15, servant” she was still an inmate of the Penitentiary in 1841. Her place of birth “Bristol” was entered and deleted.
No 583, Elizabeth FOWLER, 18, St Philip & St Jacobs, 30 May 1842, thought better of it, and “refused to remain.”
No. 584, Abigail BROAD, 19, Clifton. “Inferred that her desire for admittance was to get food and clothing. Told to abandon her sinful habits and she might find hope of admission.” (She was admitted 29 August 1842.)
27 June 1836: Ann BROAD, Sarah BALL, Elizabeth BAILEY, “afflicted by the itch.”
25 May 1837: Eliza TIVOSE (Trevose?) “eloped from the House. Expelled.”
26 June 1837: Ann GOLLEDGE was “discharged. Of unsound mind.”
24 September 1838: Lucy HOWARD, “left the House for St Peter’s Hospital, derangement.”
25 January 1841: Sarah Ann CHILDS “here since 30 July 1838, taken on as servant to Charles CRANE, Haverfordwest.” (Sarah Childs “aged 15, sempstress” had not moved by 1841 when she was still an inmate. Her place of birth, “Shirehampton” was entered and deleted, with “N” for “not born this county” added. She appears to have died in Pembrokeshire in 1847. Charles Crane was a silk and cotton dyer at Haverfordwest.)
28 March 1842. Anna RIMMER “dismissed being found in a state of pregnancy.” No place of birth is stated for Anna, but it seems possible that she had been a servant in the household of a commercial traveller in Manchester, before running away to Bristol for sanctuary. Some hopes. I would not be surprised if she was the Ann Rimmer, aged 19, buried at St Cuthbert’s, Halsall on 13 May 1842.
The tragedy could have been written by Thomas Hardy.
An Annual General Meeting of the Society was convened in late October every year, when an annual report was delivered by Reverend gentlemen amid much wringing of hands, each statement outdoing the last in long winded pious pompous-assery:
“It could not be stated without pain that this year twenty two inmates had left the Home, five dismissed for bad conduct, five absconded, five left at their own desire, five taken away by friends and three obtained places in service. Fifteen new applicants had been received and at present there are twenty five present in the House. The committee hope that the establishment would not be discouraged as the object of the institution is to reclaim a class to whom the restrains of conscience had been weakened by habitual profligacy; to abandon such pitiable objects to their guilt would not be consonant with Christian principle, either they must be left helpless and hopeless in their guilt, pursuing a course ruinous to themselves for all time and Eternity…..noxious to fellow creatures and hateful in the sight of their Maker…. [more caution necessary]….. in the reception of candidates and also to adopt more persevering and assiduous efforts for religious cultivation. (Bristol Mercury, 31.10.1840)
“…….. no-one can deny that the unhappy inmates of a Female Penitentiary are lost beyond almost any other class of sinners, having violated every feeling of modesty and morality. Virtuous society has made them outcasts from it and unless some asylum like this were provided for them they must be left (as far as human aid can prevail) to drag out a life of degraded misery and vice; an early death without hope must be their portion and everlasting perdition beyond ….. but here, in this House, the Saviour’s Mercy is brought before them and they are exhorted to come as weary sinners to seek for rest in Jesus Christ, and they are likewise taught with the assistance of the Holy Spirit to go and sin no more.” (Bristol Mercury 23.11.1844)
Among the accounts was £97. 15s 0d which had been produced from needlework by the inmates – it would have been about £12,000 in today’s money!
In 1837, the matron of the Home died. She seems remarkably old if the brief announcement in Bristol Times & Mirror, 14.7.1837, is correct. “Mrs Rachael Lawrence, 88, matron of the Female Penitentiary.”
The register of the inmates 1834 – 42 is as follows: (Reference 35722 at Bristol Archives plus more records of the Institution.)
Number | Name | Parish | Age | Date admitted | Other information |
444 | Ann Jackson | St Mary Redcliffe | 17 | 25.8.1834 | |
445 | Caroline Wood | Temple | 19 | 25.8.1834 | |
446 | Mary Ann Smith | St Stephen | 22 | 3.11.1834 | |
447 | Mary Ann Richards | St Paul | 17 | 3.11.1834 | |
448 | Matilda Roper | Bedminster | 15 | 3.11.1834 | |
Mary Bryant | 3.11.1834 | Dismissed for improper behaviour | |||
Phoebe White | 3.11.1834 | Dismissed for improper behaviour | |||
449 | Eliza Harmon | Street, Somerset | 25 | 24.11.1834 | Illegitimate child |
450-459 | Nothing listed | ||||
460 | Catherine Watkins | St James | 17 | 24.11.1834 | |
461 | Mary Fitzgerald | St Paul | 17 | 24.11.1834 | |
462 | Hannah Smith | St Stephen | 18 | 24.11.1834 | |
463 | Elizabeth Tozer | Bedminster | 17 | 24.11.1834 | |
464 | Mary Morgan | St Philip & Jacob | 21 | 29.12.1834 | |
465 | Mary Ann Hickson | Westbury | 16 | 26.1.1835 | |
Mary Ann Smith | 26.1.1835 | dismissed | |||
466 | Mary Ann Davis | St John | 17 | 10.3.1835 | |
467 | Jane Linton | Temple | 18 | 10.3.1835 | |
468 | Sarah Burgess | Henbury | 16 | 27.4.1835 | |
469 | Rachel Masters | Nailsea | 18 | 27.4.1835 | |
470 | Elizabeth Moss | St Paul | 19 | 27.4.1835 | |
Maria Cambee | 27.4.1835 | dismissed | |||
471 | Mary Ann Pratten | St John | 18 | 29.6.1835 | |
472 | Mary Burston | Clifton | 19 | 29.6.1835 | |
Isabella Nelson | 29.6.1835 | Given leave – to service | |||
473 | Elizabeth Willett | St Augustine | 20 | 17.7.1835 | |
474 | Hannah Taylor | Bath | 20 | 17.7.1835 | |
475 | Caroline Cowels | Sts Philip & Jacob | 16 | 17.7.1835 | |
476 | Sarah Pascoe | Kingsweston | 19 | 31.8.1835 | Orphan. Daughter of a Dissenting Minister |
477 | Tabitha James | All Saints | 20 | 31.8.1835 | |
478 | Eliza Twose | St James | 20 | 29.11.1835 | |
479 | Hannah Horton | St James | 18 | 8.1.1836 | |
480 | Mary Maggs | Newton, Bath | 18 | 8.1.1836 | Truly sensible of her sin and in a hopeful state of mind. |
481 | Mary Ann Taylor | Almondsbury | 19 | 4.1.1836 | |
482 | Sarah Ackland | St Augustine | 17 | 25.2.1836 | |
483 | Leah Powell* | St John | 18 | 25.2.1836 | |
484 | Charlotte Savage | St Stephen | 14 | 25.2.1836 | |
Tabitha James | 25.2.1836 | died | |||
485 | Ann Priest | Llandaff | 22 | 28.3.1836 | |
486 | Jane Durston | St John | 19 | 28.3.1836 | |
487 | Mercy Durban | St James | 17 | 28.3.1836 | |
488 | Eliza Marshall | St John | 19 | 28.3.1836 | |
489 | Sarah Bewley | St Paul | 19 | 28.3.1836 | |
490 | Lucy Howard | Clifton | 20 | 28.4.1836 | |
491 | Ann Gilborson | Sts Philip & Jacob | 20 | 28.4.1836 | |
492 | Elizabeth Daniels | St James | 19 | 28.4.1836 | |
Ann Broad | 27.6.1836 | Afflicted by Itch | |||
Sarah Ball | 27.6.1836 | Afflicted by Itch | |||
Elizabeth Bailey | 27.6.1836 | Afflicted by Itch | |||
493 | Elizabeth Berney | St Paul | 21 | 25.7.1836 | |
494 | Ann Golledge | St Paul | 20 | 27.6.1836 | |
495 | Mary Stevens | St Mary Redcliffe | 17 | 27.6.1836 | |
496 | Mary Ann James | Skenflith, Herefordshire | 18 | 31.10.1836 | |
497 | Mary Mackridge | St James, Taunton | 19 | 31.10.1836 | |
498 | Sophia Hawkins | St James | 16 | 31.10.1836 | |
Mercy Durbin | 13.10.1836 | Died. Buried St James | |||
Mary Morgan | 30.1.1837 | Left to go into service. 2¼ years here | |||
Mary Ann Richards | 24.4.1837 | Left to go into service.
2½ years here. |
Ann Davis | 24.2.1837 | Left to go to friends. 2 years 1 month here | |||
Eliza Twose | 29.5.1837 | Eloped from House. Expelled | |||
Sarah Hooper | 15.5.1837 | Died. Buried St James. 18 months in the House | |||
499 | Eliza Gillard | St Augustine | 17 | 29.5.1837 | |
500 | Matilda Williams | St Augustine | 18 | 26.6.1837 | |
501 | Mary Ann Hopton | Thornbury | 18 | 26.6.1837 | |
Ann Golledge | 26.6.1837 | Discharged – of unsound mind | |||
502 | Elizabeth Prickett | St Augustine | 18 | 31.7.1837 | |
503 | Elizabeth Faircroft | St Mary Redcliffe | 18 | 31.7.1837 | |
Mary Ann James & Elizabeth Prickett | Made mock of Elizabeth Faircroft. Showed symptoms of penitence, admonished. Reports to be made | ||||
504 | Eliza Jacobs | Clifton | 15 | 25.9.1837 | Admitted because of youth, not through any sign of penitence. |
505 | Sarah Cross | St Paul | 16 | 27.11.1837 | |
Ann Prest, (sic), Jane Durston & Eliza Willett | All dead. Two at the Infirmary, one at her friends. | ||||
506 | Ann Banks | Bideford, Devon | 20 | 2.4.1838 | |
507 | Jane Owen | Swansea | 20 | 2.4.1838 | |
508 | Ellen Stuart | St Peter | 26 | 2.4.1838 | orphan |
509 | Eliza Bond | Bedminster | 15 | 2.4.1838 | |
510 | Charlotte Weaver | Sts Philip & Jacob | 18 | 2.4.1838 | |
Caroline Cowles | 30.4.1838 | Had been in service of M. Williams 1 year and conducted herself with satisfaction that the usual gratuity be given to her | |||
Sarah Dunscomb | St Mary Redcliffe | 17 | 30.4.1838 | Referred to Ladies Committee | |
Mary Ann Richards | 30.4.1838 | 1 year in service of Henry Pike. Satisfaction. Gratuity | |||
511 | Sarah Ann Childs* | St Paul | 17 | 25.6.1838 | |
512 | Susannah Chard* | Sts Philip & Jacob | 19 | 25.6.1838 | |
513 | Eliza Whiting | St Augustine | 18 | 25.6.1838 | |
514 | Sarah Dunscomb | St Mary Redcliffe | 17 | 25.6.1838 | |
Eliza Herman | 27.8.1838 | Allowed to leave – “on trial” special case | |||
Sarah Burgess | 27.8.1838 | Left for service. 3 years 3 months in the House. | |||
Mary Ann Huckson | 27.8.1838 | Left for service. Leave granted. | |||
35 in family (I presume this means the number of girls in the House) | |||||
515 | Mary Ann Walsh | Sts Philip & Jacob | 19 | 24.9.1838 | |
516 | Mary Ann McCarthy | St Nicholas | 18 | 24.9.1838 | |
517 | Charlotte Widden* | Horfield | 24 | 24.9.1838 | |
518 | Susan Hellen* | St George, Pill | 17 | 24.9.1838 | |
519 | Charlotte Perry* | Clifton | 16 | 24.9.1838 | |
Lucy Powell | 24.9.1838 | Left here for St Peter’s Hospital – derangement | |||
Sarah Pascoe | 29.10.1838 | Left for service | |||
Hannah Horton | 29.10.1838 | Left for service | |||
520 | Elizabeth Pike | Sts Philip & Jacob | 17 | 28.1.1839 | |
521 | Mary Ann Wilkins | St George, Bristol | 18 | 28.1.1839 | |
522 | Mary Ann Wallis | Bedminster | 16 | 28.1.1839 | |
523 | Emma Fisk | St Paul | 17 | 28.1.1839 | |
524 | Elizabeth Bridal | Backwell | 16 | 25.3.1839 | Admitted subject to Surgeon’s examination |
Sophia Hawkins | 25.3.1839 | In House 2 years 5 months. Left for friends | |||
Mary Ann James | 25.3.1839 | In House 2 years 5 months. Left for friends. | |||
Charlotte Bryant | 25.3.1839 | Expelled, bad conduct | |||
Elizabeth Marshall | 25.3.1839 | Expelled, bad conduct | |||
Mary Maggs | 27.5.1839 | In service, J. Hull, 12 months, 33 Castle Green, gave satisfaction. Gratuity, 1 guinea | |||
525 | Sarah Ackland | St John | 17 | 27.5.1839 | |
526 | Mary Ann Stevens | St Michael | 22 | 27.5.1839 | Referred to St Peter’s Hospital |
527 | Maria Ford | Sts Philip & Jacob | 16 | 27.5.1839 | Refused refuge offered her |
Elizabeth Taylor | 27.5.1839 | Left to go to friends | |||
528 | Caroline Griffin | St Augustine | 17 | 29.7.1839 | |
529 | Ann Clarke* | St Paul | 16 | 29.7.1839 | |
530 | Mary Isles | Temple | 18 | 29.7.1839 | |
531 | Mary Matilda Wine* | Temple | 18 | 29.7.1839 | Made grossly false statements. Referred to Gentlemen’s Committee |
Elizabeth Prickett | 29.7.1839 | Eloped from House | |||
Ellen Stuart | 29.7.1839 | Eloped from House | |||
Sarah Probert | 29.7.1839 | Persisted in desire to leave | |||
Jane Owen | 30.9.1839 | Left to go to friends | |||
Mary Isles | 30.9.1839 | Dismissed at own request | |||
Elizabeth Daniels | 30.9.1839 | Left after 3 years for service. Very satisfactory | |||
532 | Caroline Dainton | Sts Philip & Jacob | 17 | 30.9.1839 | Subject to examination by surgeon |
532 (No. entered twice) | Louisa Webber | St George, Barton Hill | 15 | 25.11.1839 | |
533 | Mary Ann Harding* | St Nicholas | 17 | 25.11.1839 | orphan |
Mary Mockeridge | 27.1.1840 | Said she would go to aunt in Taunton. On enquiry, no friends to rescue her. Advised to continue in House, but persisted | |||
534 | Mary Southwood | St John | 27.1.1840 | Dismissed for bad conduct | |
Mary Ann Walsh | 24.9.1838-24.2.1840 | ||||
Louisa Webber | 25.11.1839-24.2.1840 | ||||
Sarah Ackland | 25.3.1839-24.2.1840 | ||||
Maria Wilkins | 30.12.1838-24.2.1840 | ||||
535 | Jane Baker* | St James | 16 | 24.2.1840 | |
536 | Mary Ann Lemon* | Bedminster | 16 | 24.2.1840 | |
537 | Ann Davies | Sts Philip & Jacob | 22 | 27.4.1840 | orphan |
538 | Matilda Counsell* | St James | 18 | 27.4.1840 | |
539 | Catharine Levina Evans | St James | 17 | 27.4.1840 | |
540 | Mary Griffiths* | St Mary Redcliffe | 16 | 25.5.1840 | Sent to St Peter’s Hospital. Diseased. Cured. Admitted 27.7.1840 |
541 | Mary Ann Cutler | St Peter | 16 | 25.5.1840 | Not admitted. Told a lie |
542 | Elizabeth Butcher* | Congresbury | 14 | 25.5.1840 | |
543 | Mary Ann Skinner | St Augustine | 16 | 25.5.1840 | |
Mary Ann Stevens | 25.5.1840 | In House 3 years 10 months. Left for service | |||
544 | Jane Willett | St Augustine | 19 | 27.7.1840 | |
545 | Elizabeth Richardson | Sts Philip & Jacob | 16 | 27.7.1840 | |
546 | Sarah Russell | 27 | 27.7.1840 | One sister in Bradford | |
547 | Margaret Clarke | St Mary Redcliffe | 16 | 27.7.1840 | Not admitted. See note below |
548 | Abey Broad | Clifton | 17 | 27.7.1840 | Not admitted (see No.584) |
27.7.1840 | Note re admissions for 27.7.1840: “All admitted except for 547 and 548 who had disclaimed having fallen into that particular sin which would render them fit objects for this House.” | ||||
Elizabeth Gillard | Elizabeth Jacobs | Eliza Bond | 27.7.1840 | {all left in April | |
Sarah Churchill | Sarah Dunscombe | 27.7.1840 | {To go to friends | ||
Mary Mockeridge | 27.7.1840 | Left to labor on her own account | |||
549 | Mary Abbot* | Newport | 19 | 31.8.1840 | orphan |
550 | Elizabeth Hamilton | St Mary Redcliffe | 16 | 31.8.1840 | |
551 | Elizabeth Griffin | St James | 29 | 31.8.1840 | |
Eliza Harman | 31.8.1840 | In House 6 years. Gave assistance in the House. £5 given on leaving | |||
Eliza Whiting | 10.8.1840 | Left to go to friends | |||
Mary Southwood | 10.8.1840 | Left to go to friends | |||
552 | Ann Watts* | St Paul | 16 | 28.9.1840 | |
553 | Fanny Jones | St John | 27 | 28.9.1840 | Orphan. One sister |
554 | Elizabeth Williams* | Clifton | 20 | 26.10.1840 | |
555 | Maria Clarke* | St Augustine | 21 | 26.10.1840 | |
556 | Eliza Ditchett | Sts Philip & Jacob | 19 | 30.11.1840 | |
557 | Louisa Bayley | St James | 20 | 30.11.1840 | |
558 | Sophia Davis | St Michael | 25 | 25.1.1840 | |
Sarah Ann Childs | Here since 30.7.1838. taken as servant by Charles Crane at Haverfordwest | ||||
Eliza Ditchett | Dismissed. Disorderly conduct | ||||
Elizabeth Richardson | Dismissed. Disorderly conduct | ||||
Charlotte Weaver | (2.4.1838) – engaged as servant by Morgan, Montague Hill | |||
Sarah Ann Childs | 29.3.1841 | Remaining in House. Place of service not suitable | |||
559 |
Ann Richards | St Peter | 17 | 29.3.1841 | |
560 | Mary Jane Jenkins * | Cardiff | 15 | 29.3.1841 | urgent |
Sophia Davis | 29.3.1841 | Left. Misconduct | |||
Elizabeth Hamilton | 29.3.1841 | Left at own request | |||
Jane Willett | 29.3.1841 | Left at own request | |||
Catharine Evans | 29.3.1841 | Left. To parents | |||
Charlotte Wybourne | 29.3.1841 | Left. To service | |||
561 | Harriet Gillett | Clifton | 18 | 26.4.1841 | |
Elizabeth Bridle* | 5.7.1841 | Left. To parents | |||
Susan Hellen | 5.7.1841 | Left. To service | |||
Charlotte Perry | 5.7.1841 | Left. To parents | |||
Harriett Gillett | 5.7.1841 | Left. To parents | |||
562 | Frances Bracey | St Augustine | 17 | 27.7.1841 | |
563 | Mary Ann Hunt | St James | 16 | 27.7.1841 | |
564 | Susan Lovell | Newport, Wales | 16 | 27.7.1841 | |
565 | Mary Ann Perrins | St James | 27 | 27.9.1841 | |
566 | Elizabeth Ricketts | Sts Philip & Jacob | 18 | 27.9.1841 | |
567 | Sarah Roberts | St Michael | 25 | 27.9.1841 | |
568 | Ann Williams | St James | 17 | 27.9.1841 | |
569 | Elizabeth Morgan | Sts Philip & Jacob | 19 | 27.9.1841 | |
570 | Hannah Pople | Clifton | 15 | 29.11.1841 | |
571 | Caroline Rowlands | St Michael | 18 | 29.11.1841 | |
Mary Griffiths | 29.11.1841 | To Infirmary | |||
Mary Ann Perrin | 29.11.1841 | To Infirmary | |||
Sarah Roberts | 29.11.1841 | Left. To friends | |||
Sarah Childs | 29.11.1841 | Left. To service | |||
572 | Jane Ruck | St James | 19 | 29.11.1841 | |
573 | Mary Ann Childs | Sts Philip & Jacob | 17 | 29.11.1841 | |
574 | Elizabeth Harper | St James | 19 | 29.11.1841 | |
Elizabeth Chesterton | 29.11.1841 | Left. To St Peter’s Hospital | |||
575 | Louisa Stock | St Augustine | 14 | 31.1.1842 | |
576 | Anna Rimmer | St Paul | 23 | 31.1.1842 | |
Elizabeth Butcher | 31.1.1842 | Eloped | |||
Mary Ann Hunt | 31.1.1842 | Eloped | |||
Susanna Chard | 31.1.1842 | Left for friends. | |||
Elizabeth Ricketts | 31.1.1842 | Dismissed. Improper conduct | |||
577 | Caroline Williamson | St James | 21 | 28.2.1842 | |
578 | Hannah Cordy | Winterbourne | 18 | 28.2.1842 | |
579 | Harriet Kilminster | Westbury on Trym | 18 | 28.2.1842 | |
Mary Griffiths* | 28.2.1842 | Left to go to Infirmary. Not in good health | |||
Susan Chard | 28.2.1842 | Left to go friends, repented her decision. Re-admitted. | |||
Elizabeth Daniels | 28.2.1842 | Gratuity of £1 for good conduct after 2 years in her place of service. | |||
Mary Ann Child | 28.3.1842 | Left. Bad conduct | |||
Caroline Williams | 28.3.1842 | Left. Eloped | ||
Harriett Kilminster | 28.3.1842 | Left. Eloped | |||
Jane Road | 28.3.1842 | To Infirmary | |||
Caroline Daynton* | 28.3.1842 | Left after 2 ½ years. To friends | |||
Anna Rimmer | 28.3.1842 | Dismissed being found in a state of pregnancy** | |||
580 | Ellen Bowen | St Augustine | 21 | 25.4.1842 | |
581 | Emma Riley | St Stephen | 15 | 25.4.1842 | |
Susan Chard | 25.4.1842 | Left | |||
Mary Ann Harding* | 25.4.1842 | (25.11.1839) Left for friends | |||
Jane Baker* | 25.4.1842 | (24.2.1840) Left for friends | |||
Ann Watts | 25.4.1842 | To father | |||
582 | Caroline Collins | Bedminster | 20 | 30.5.1842 | |
583 | Elizabeth Fowler | Sts Philip & Jacob | 18 | 30.5.1842 | Refused to remain |
584 | Abigail Broad | Clifton | 19 | 30.5.1842 | Confessed her desire for admittance was to get food and clothing. Told to abandon sinful habits and she might then hope for admission. Admitted 29.8.1842 (see No.548) |
Leah Powell | 30.5.1842 | Six years in House. To mother | |||
584 (No. duplicated) | Ann Sheppard | St James | 18 | 27.6.1842 | |
585 | Sarah Axford | St James | 17 | 27.6.1842 | |
586 | Sarah James Reese | St James | 24 | 25.7.1842 | |
Mary Ann Leman | 25.7.1842 | To service | |||
586 (No. duplicated) | Ann Stevens | St Peter | 21 | 29.8.1842 | |
587 | Mary Ann Edwards | St Mary Redcliffe | 15 | 29.8.1842 | |
588 | Elizabeth Pryce | Temple | 19 | 29.8.1842 | |
589 | Emma Curtis | St James | 17 | 26.9.1842 | |
590 | Harriett Jefferies | St James | 17 | 26.9.1842 | |
591 | Louisa Ann Cross | Sts Philip & Jacob | 18 | 26.9.1842 | |
Maria Clarke | 31.10.1842 | Aged 24. 6 years in House. Left for friends | |||
Ann Davis | 31.10.1842 | Aged 24. 2 ½ years in House. Left for friends | |||
Louisa Cross | Elizabeth Williams | Elizabeth Morgan | 31.10.1842 | Admonished for disorderly conduct |
- *Girls marked with an asterisk appear in the 1841 census. (See below) Sarah Dunscombe is perhaps the girl shown as Harriett in 1841.
- **The phrase that springs to mind is “Whited Sepulchres”. (Matthew 23.27) I wonder what happened to Anna Rimmer and her unborn child, cruelly cast out by this “Christian” organisation.

St Peter’s Hospital – Bristol’s Workhouse, where several of the Penitentiary inmates were sent. The building was destroyed in World War 2.
1841 Census: Bristol Female Penitentiary, St James.
Mary Ann Moore | 50 | Matron | Born Bristol |
Theodosia Harris | 35 | Sub-matron | Carmarthen |
Leah Powell | 20 | Sempstress | |
Sarah Childs | 15 | Sempstress | Shirehampton |
Susannah Chard | 20 | Sempstress | |
Caroline Whitten | 25 | Servant | Horfield |
Susannah Hellin | 15 | Sempstress | |
Charlotte Perry | 15 | Sempstress | London |
Elizabeth Bridle | 15 | Sempstress | Nailsea |
Ann Clark | 15 | Servant | |
Maria Wine | 15 | Servant | Bristol |
Caroline Dainton | 15 | Sempstress | Bristol |
Mary Ann Harding | 15 | Sempstress | Bristol |
Mary Ann Lemen | 15 | Sempstress | Bath |
Jane Baker | 15 | Sempstress | Bristol |
Matilda Council | 15 | Sempstress | Bristol |
Louisa Dainton | 20 | Sempstress | |
Elizabeth Butcher | 15 | Sempstress | |
Mary Griffiths | 15 | Servant | Bristol |
Mary Abbott | 20 | Servant | Exeter |
Harriett Dunscombe | 15 | Servant | Bristol |
Ann Watts | 15 | ||
Elizabeth Williams | 20 | Dressmaker | Gloucester |
Maria Clark | 20 | Servant | |
Mary Jane Jenkins | 15 | Sempstress |
NB: Ages in the 1841 census were given to the nearest five years – so the 15 year olds would have been aged between and 15-19, those given as twenty years old would have been between 20-24. The place of birth was not usually stated in 1841, so this is an unexpected bonus – which on occasions differs from the register book.

An advertisement, Bristol Times and Mirror, 30.3.1850, from which it would appear that the new matron was not long in the post by the time the 1851 census was taken.
The 1851 census is much more explicit than that of ten years before, and the gives the status of the inmates, in relation to the Matron, as Head of the House, in each case demeaned as a “Penitent”. They were all engaged in “domestic work”, making it possible to envisage the rough hands and smell the carbolic even from this distance. They are all listed as “unmarried”.
The address, 2 Upper Maudlin Street, South Side, St James, Bristol, if it is the same, is a small property in a rank of houses opposite the Bristol Royal Infirmary. It is currently a shop and art gallery. (At the time of writing, 2021, it is closed because of the Pandemic.
- Elizabeth Saville, Head, widow, 50, 1801, Matron of the Establishment, born Bristol*
- Amelia Lockestone, unmar, 30, 1821, sub matron of the Establishment, b. Bristol
- Jenetta Millet , Penitent, 21, 1830, domestic work, b. Frampton Cotterell, Glos *
- Jane Young, Penitent, 21, 1830, domestic work b. Chatham, Kent*
- Louisa Lillington, Penitent , 21, 1830, domestic work b. Clifton
- Emma Stephens, Penitent, 18, 1833, domestic work b. Clifton
- Hester Willet, Penitent , 17, 1834, domestic work b. Clifton
- Ann Vowles, Penitent , 18, 1833, domestic work, b. Bristol
- Tabitha Treadwell, Penitent, 16, 1835, domestic work, b. Bath*
- Harriet Rickards, Penitent, 24, 1827, domestic work, b. Chippenham
- Ann Richards, Penitent , 30, 1821, domestic work, b. South Wales, Swansea
- Eliza Caines, Penitent, 27, 1824, domestic work, b. Bristol,
- Charlotte Brooks, Penitent, 20, 1831, domestic work, b. Pill, Somerset
- Eliza Edwards, Penitent, 20, 1831, domestic work, b. Bristol
- Carolin Franklyn, Penitent, 20, 1831, domestic work, Bristol
- Annie Hanney, Penitent 18, 1833, domestic work, b. Stanton Drew, Som*
- Mary Ann Beasley, Penitent, 18, 1833, domestic work, b. Bristol
- Jane Pewtner, Penitent, 20, 1830, domestic work, b. Bristol
- Emily Addams, Penitent, 22, 1829, domestic work, b. Exeter, Devon
- Louisa Maby, Penitent 22, 1829, domestic work, b. Axbridge*
- Amelia Gardiner, Penitent, 26, 1825, domestic work, b. Ilfracombe (? illegible) Devon
- Ann Hooker, 22, Penitent, 1829, domestic work, b. Winscombe
Some Family History:
- Alexina Janetta Millet baptised Frampton Cot., 10 June 1827, daughter of
Joseph & Hannah, (3 years older than on the census) She married in Cardiff in 1862. - Jane Young baptised Chatham, 4.11.1831, daughter of Joseph & Elizabeth
- Annie Hanney, baptised Stanton Drew, 10.1.1833, daughter of William & Hannah,
butcher, of Stanton Wick. In 1841 she was 8 years old, the 2nd child of 6 children,
living with parents at S.D. - Tabitha Treadwell, baptised Bath St James, 3.8.1834, daughter of Enoch & Sarah,
married John Whitley, Bristol, 1867. - In 1861, Elizabeth Saville, widow, 60, was living in lodgings at 4 Montague Street,
St James, working as a seamstress. What had precipitated this decline in
in circumstances? - In 1861, Louisa Maby worked as a servant in the household of Henry & Lucy Lund
at 3 Bellevue, Clifton. Henry, 47, a modest flower, styled himself ,“Barrister at law, Lincoln’s Inn, MA Trinity College Cambridge, In practice in London.”
If your ancestor is named here, or you can add more details, please contact me.
A less detailed version of this article first appeared in the Journal of Bristol & Avon Family History Society.