Kingswood Index: U – Z


John, cm, abt 40, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

Lazarus, collier, inhab of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe.

Lazarus, named on Player’s Map, 1750

Thomas, see Anne Strange, 1598. see Andrew Burnell, 1637

Thomas, 1643 & 1645, see BAFHS 52, p35.

William, 1671, see BAFHS 52, p35.

William, 1674, see J. Greenway & Wm Pruett, see Fra Creswick, 1674

William, yeo, 60, see Thomas Sledge 1677, & BAFHS No 55, p14

—- benefactor to Bitton, see Bigland



Thos & wife, tyler & plasterer, KW, (Persons and families who receive weekly relief St Peter’s Hospital, 1818, BRO P/StM/OP/6).



John of Mangotsfield, maltster, (Philip Gully of St James as Bonds) & Sarah Jeffery of Mangots, sp. Mar Lic 29 Oct 1789



Councillor David, First Mayor of KW, May 1987



Mary, wife of John of I.A., separation advert in Farley’s newspapers 4.11.1727

Robert see Robt Palmer, alias Upton, 1851



Elizabeth, 31, rheumatism, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897



Family of Oldbury Court, see BAFHS Journal 101, p18, Summer 2000

Lt Col Vassall: died at Montevideo: long account of Battle, 25.4.1807, FFBJ. Monument erected to him in St Paul’s, his remains brought from South America, FFBJ 9.6.1810



John, s.o. John Barton Regis, baker, apprenticed to Hugh Pearce, 16.1.1699, BRO.



Bethia: Mrs Bethia Vaughan, wife of Rev William Vaughan, Rector of Siston, but 12.12.1762, Siston PR (see also Alice Butler, 1762)

Hugh, esq., Frenchay, see Andrew Pope, re donations etc to Cock Rd  School, FFBJ 21.8.1813

Hugh, of Frenchay, 59, obit, FFBJ 13.11.1813

James see Zachariah Townsend, 1765



Mr John, “Wednesday sennight at his home in KW, Mr John Vaulton, many years a preacher among the people called Methodists.” Obit, FFBJ.29.3.1794.

Mrs Valton, see Hester Davis, 1801



Mary see Nicholas, 1632

Nicholas Veale, of Mangots, gent, proved 19.11.1632, by sister, Mary Veel, YB.

Thomas Veel, Copy Will, Bitton, 1663, BRO DC/E/21/4.

William Veele see Nicholas Pointz 1585

William Veale, gent, Mangots, will, 1626, BAFHS, 3



John see John Pick, 1600



Charles see Geo, 1700

George, s.o. Charles, W & A yeo, to John Browning, cooper, Bristol Apprents, 23.4.1700

Mrs Ven of Barton Hill, only d.o. Joseph Pratten, shoemaker, Old Market, obit FFBJ 9.11.1805



John, alias “Long Jack” see John Roger, 1736

Rev John, d 1817 aged 31, First Pastor Downend Baptists, see E.J. p77



Mr, see Thos Wallis, 1711

Richard see Wm Hays, 1684

Richard Vickris, 1687, Mangots, E.J.,p157,



George, of Malmesbury, shot dead in night of 2nd inst. by Scully in act of trespass on premises of Mr Packer of Upper Easton, Coroner’s verdict manslaughter. Aged 25; 4.2.1824, from burial register of St George.



Dorothy, Kingswood historian & author



Colston, 74, “unable to work now, has 1/- a week, can break stones. Ordered that as Mr Haynes will find him work, no relief given. c1814 Bitton Orders & Resolves, 1807-32. Colston Vizard of Made for Ever aged 82, bur 6.1.1822, Bitton.



Ann see Jacob Trathen, 1775

Elizabeth see John, 1849

John, coalworker see Samuel Hathaway, 1689

John, beerhousekeeper of St George, wife Elizabeth, friends Thos Vowles, yeo, Horfield, & Samuel Gerrish, gardener of St George, will 2.4.1849, proved 1851, witnessed Robt Leonard & George Mitchell. BRO.

Joseph of Mangots & Sarah Bendell, wid, otp banns, 7.6.1818, at Litton, Somerset.

Obediah, coalworker see Samuel Hathway, 1689

Richard see Henry Tripwick, 1669, Richard & son Richard, Samuel Hathway, 1689

Samuel, gardener, his house & gdn, Lot 2, Notice of Auction at Fire Engine, St George, 15.8.1842, bill in author’s possession

Thomas see John, 1849



Ann & Nathaniel, Mangots, see E.J. p157 & 158, 1687 (Samuel Davis mar Widow Wade)

Major, altercation with KW Colliers, 1712 & 1714, see Annals of KW

Martha, widow of Mangots & John Lashley of N. Stoke, mar St Augustines, 27.10.1712

Samuel see Henry Knapp, 1836



  1. of Parkfield Colliery, coalminers’ delegate to owners during strike, 1874, see WDP 29.5.1874



Aaron see Joseph Stone, 1818

Daniel see Robt 1808

Edward Wayte, see Edw Greenaway, 1779

Elizabeth, see John Hall, 1751/2, see John Davis, 1827

James, born Mangotsfield, 2nd Dragoons, 1805-18, discharged aged 37. TNA

John, Mangots, convicted at LG Petty Sessions, “game” see Vol 22, p65, WOT, BRO

Martha see Robt 1808

Robert bp 17.7.1808, s.o. Daniel, farmer & Martha of FC, Whitefield Sch KW.

Sarah see Mark Tanner, 1758

Susannah Waite, see Samuel Lloyd, 1762



Lance Sergt George, 2nd Battn Grenadier Guards, beloved hsb of Rose who died Harrismith , South Africa, Sep 5, 1902. His end was peace, MI St Geo.

Sergt Lionel Steward Wakefield, 27, killed in action in France, Sep 1915, he died for his country. MI St Geo.



Daniel, Mangots, halter, dec’d, intestate, William, son, housecarpenter to administer, 7.1.1769, BRO

Daniel see William, 1769, see Thos Burchell, 1769

John, yeo, 1710, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Leonard of Cromhall, mar Sibble Philla, IA, 30.5.1676

William of Mangots, housecarpenter, s.o. Daniel, intestate, bondsman Joseph Betts & Thos Burchell, cm, 13.2.1769, BRO.

William see Daniel, 1769



Frances:  M.I. Horton Glos: Frances, wife of John Walker, of Yate, 2.2.1776, aged 76, William, 1752, aged 34, John s.o. John & Frances, otp, 5.1.1775, aged 6, Elizabeth, wife of William, otp, 1787, aged 34.,

George, 61, “died Feb 18, at KW Hill, greatly respected, 30 years schoolmaster of that place.” Obit BMerc 24.2.1855

James, P & J mar Mary Hendy, Siston, by licence, Cold Ashton

James, 17, b Fishponds, 1881 cens RN at sea, BAFHS 73, p29

John, gent, Yate, freeman, Gloucester, 1727, Bs & Glos Arch Socy.

Joseph, Bitton, for America, July 1693 See “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX

William see William Sumption 1786

William, of Kingswood Hill Spelter works, 30 years principal agent to Bristol Brass & Copper Co, whose agency he quitted in 1792 to establish with others extensive works of Pitt, Savage, Anderson & Co. Obit, Gentleman’s Magazine, 1815.



Betty & John,  see Ann Pinnell, see James Ludlow, 1781



Alice, see Alice Townsend, 1808

Charles s.o. John, lab, apprent to Edward Nicholas, mariner, “to be obdurated in Greenland Fishery” 1757, BAFHS 84, p20

John of IA leaving family chargeable 1745, Berkeley Bridewell, see BAFHS Journal, 84, p20

John see Chas, 1757

John, at his home in Easton the Bristol & District Co-operative movement was established in 1884. See BO 20.12.2002, re commemoration plaque.

Louisa, d.o. Richard & Alice, nee Townsend collier, bp IA 1808

Mr see Jacob Lacy 1830

Richard see Alice Townsend, Louisa Wall, 1808

Sarah wid of Bitton, bur in woollen, Sep 1729, B32433/5 BRL

Thomas, cm & Hester Howell, sp, mar Bitton, 1.8.1756



George, 82, aged, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897



Thomas, vanger, kcp boiler explosion Soundwell Lower Pit, see BM 13.12.1851, & KCP



Rev Mr, “The Corps (sic) of Rev Mr Walling brought from Ireland & interred at chapel in Pucklechurch” 8.10.1742, PR



Thomas, (servant of Mr Vickris) mar Elizabeth Goodman, of Bitton, widow, at Bedminster, by licence, 29.4.1711


WALTER(S), (see also Waters)

Alice, wid, inhab of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

Amy see Isaac 1841

Ann, Mangots, admitted 1865, lunatic in Gloucester County Asylum, Warmley Union list, 1897

Arthur, “landsman” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Arthur, cm, suddenly 29 April as he was eating milk for breakfast, “death by visitation of God” Inq 3.5.1795, Coalpit Heath, Westerleigh, D260/GRO

Barbara see Nathan, 1782; Betty see Nathan 1782

Charles, cm, 10, kcp by stone falling on head when trying to get out of a coal cart at bottom of pit called November 15, Westerleigh, Inquest 13.12.1802, Ring of Bells, Coalpit Heath, D260/GRO, Bur Westerleigh, 13.12.1802, s.o. George & Hannah.

Charlotte see Jonas 1841

Edward see James Bradey, 1779, see Francis Cory, 1780

Elizabeth see Thos, 1674

George & Nathan, “hewers” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

George “sinker”,16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b; George see Chas 1802

George, 25, cm, Mary Ann, 20 & 2 daus, & William Hill, 15, cm, 1841 cens Westerleigh

George see Isaac 1841

Hannah see Chas, 1802, see Isaac 1841; Hester see Nathan, 1782

Isaac, 30, cm, Amy, 30, Hannah, 6, Geo,4, Mary,3. 1841 cens West.

Jacob Walter, born Westerleigh, 102nd Foot, 1798-1812, discharged aged 53 TNA

James see Wm, 1764, see Joseph 1789

Jane see Nathan, 1782

John s.o. Matt, gent, Stapleton, apprent as a mariner, Bristol apprents, 1668-71

John, tailor, 1729, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

John feltmaker, bur Westerleigh, 13.10.1736

John, Mangots, 1738, see E.J. p155 .

John s.o. Wm of Mangots, yeo, to Geo Grist, house carpenter, Bristol apprents, 9.11.1761

Jonas “Vereing Boy”, 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Jonas, 60, cm, Charlotte, 60, Jonas, 25, Mark, 20, Hannah Crew, 5, 1841 census, Westerleigh/Coalpit Heath

Joseph  & James “vereing boys” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Maria see Wm, 1841; Mark see Jonas 1841

Mary see Isaac 1841; Mary Ann see Geo, 1841

Matthew, see John, 1668-71

Mrs, sister of Mr Arthur Palmer, 1810

Nathan s.o. Samuel, cm, to Joseph Winstone of Stapleton, feltmaker, 7 years, 7.3.1757(Westerleigh PR.)

Nathan see George, 1789

Nathan, removal from Westerleigh to Stapleton, Nathan, cm, Barbara his wife, Unity 11, Betty, 9, Hester, 5, Jane, 2, their ch., 1.2.1782, Westerleigh PR

Robert see Thos 1674

Robert s.o. Samuel, cm, to Thomas Walter, feltmaker, 7 yrs, 2.2.1762, Westerleigh PR

Samuel see Nathan, 1757, see Robt 1762

Samuel kcp & bur Westerleigh 16.2.1771, KCP

Thomas, deposition of witnesses re coaling rights 1629, T.W. gave names of the forest keeper in KW Chase, Braine p64

Thomas, Robt, Elizabeth, & Walter Walter. Inhabs of Siston 1674, vicar’s perambulation.

Thomas see Luke Styles, 1676

Thomas s.o. Thomas, Stapleton, to John Smith, naut, 8.12.1699, Bristol Apprents

Thomas see Robt, 1762; Unity see Nathan, 1782

Walter see Thomas, 1674; William see John, 1761

William, committed to Gloucester Castle for killing James Walter in an affray, see FFBJ 5.5.1764

William, 20, shoemaker, Maria, 20, 1841 cens West



Joseph see John Cryer, 1797



Captain” Ward: “One day last week a collier, well known by the name of Captain Ward was found dead in a coalpit at Siston, and his shirt and trousers some distance off. Two men are taken up on suspicion of murdering the above person.” FFBJ 21.4.1753 & AKW.

Edmund, late of Nevis, killed by fall from his horse in Bitton, 20.6.1784 aged 33, Bitton, Bigland

Edwin White Ward of P & J, & Eliz Strickland, mar Holyrood, Southampton, 1.5.1832.

George, executed at Gloucester, Mar 1784 for horse & sheep stealing. Body returned to Bitton & buried there 28..3.1784, see FFBJ 7 Feb & 27 Mar 1784, & Annals of KW.

Hester see John Bryant, 1809

John, “at King’s Head, Stokes Croft, (Bristol), J.W. of KW, horsedriver, convicted of beating, assaulting and abusing the collectors of tolls at Mangotsfield Turnpike, fines £10, FFBJ 25.11.1758 & AKW

John, cm, condemned for housebreaking, executed Gloucester 30.3.1781 with John Read; body returned to Bitton and buried there 1.4.1781, see Annals of KW, & “The Cock Road Gang” I. Wyatt.

John, 1759, Bitton. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX

Mr: wire drawer of Lamb Street, (1786) see James Pillinger – Bristolian, BAFHS 49, p26

Nathaniel, c1693, Mangots, see E.J. p145

Richard. Agreement 7 Mar 1740/1, between him & Thomas Haynes lease of Limekiln Leazes. Ref 14581 HA/D/227

Samuel, cm & Joan Frye, sp, botp mar Bitton, 12.1.1755

Samuel see Joseph Fry, 1785/6

Samuel, alias “Dagger” 28, Not Guilty of theft from house of John Rogers, lab, Bitton, Conduct “very bad”, height 5’7″ right shoulder has been dislocated/ With Nathaniel Bryant, also Not Guilty, G/QS GRO 30.3.1827

Samuel, alias Dagger, see John Day, 1834

Thomas, Bach, o21 & Hester Burchell. John Burchell as bondsman, all of Mangots, 1.8.1797, BMLB.

William see Wm Lovell, 1874



Edward, 39 & Josiah Jefferies, 38, Oldland Common, drowned at Keynsham Bridge in the Great Flood, bur Bitton, 5.11.1823, Parish Register.



John of Stapleton. His black mare stolen. FFBJ 1 Oct 1774.

Mary see Henry Tucker, 1664



Mary Anne, see BAFHS 60, p14

Rebecca, nee Flower, 1820, wife of Thomas, aged 36, hanged for his murder at Gloucester, bur Bitton, 18.8.1820. Thomas Worlock & Rebecca Flower mar Bitton, 7.10.1807. See BAFHS no 60, p29, no 61, p30, no 88, p 5-6

See “The Wild Bunch or a Rose by any other Name”, Penny Deverill, BAFHS 60, p26-8, and “Till she be Dead” Penny Deverill

Thomas, butcher of Oldland, aged 40, “died of poison” bur Bitton 23.4.1820. See also Geo Hook, 1820; see Rebecca

Sarah Worlock, 31 & Stanley, 5 mths, KW, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List



Anthony, cm, Hanham/Bitton, abt 40, tall, suitable as pikeman, Men & Armour, 1608

Anthony, collier of Oldland, wife Elizabeth, will, 1627

Anthony & Thomas, keepers of cole horses 1666 list, Ellacombe

Anthony see Fra Creswick, 1674

Daniel Warn of Bitton & Mary Davis mar Keynsham 10.4.1774

Elizabeth see Anthony, 1627

Elizabeth, benefactor to Bitton, by deed 1656, see Bigland

Henry of Bitton & Mary Green, mar Siston, 18.4.1799

Henry see John Manners, 1804

Henry, 26, b. Bitton, Francis Caines, 23, b, Bitton, John Manners, b. Weston Bath, 24, executed Ilchester 5.9.1804. Warn & Caines for horsetheft, Caines, Manners & Charles Fuller, 26, b. Birmingham, executed 17.9.1804 at Ilchester for robbery of cloth from Mt Joyce, value £400. (See Padre’s notebook, Ilchester Gaol, SRO), Henry bur Bitton, 8.9.1804.

James of Bitton, cm, ordered to pay 1/6d per week for support of Rosanna Hope’s bastard child, see FFBJ 21.2.1852.

John, father of Wm, 1608, qv

John, cm, Bitton/Hanham, abt 40, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

John, cm, Bitton/Hanham, abt 40, suitable as a calyver, Men & Armour, 1608

John see Fra Creswick, 1674

John Warne, John Thomas, John Jeffrys, William Syms hath 3 pits open landing coal and 1 now sinking at the Lodge, Mr Berkeley’s Liberty, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684 Ellacombe

John, inhab of KW Chase, 1684 Ellacombe

Martha see Samuel 1815

Thomas, brother of William, cm, Bitton/Hanham, abt 20, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

Thomas, see John Britton, d1648; Thomas see Anthony 1666

Thomas, inhab Siston, 1674 during vicar’s perambulation.

William, s.o. John cm, Bitton/Hanham, abt 20, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

William Warns, inhab of KW Chase, 1684 Ellacombe

William, collier of Bitton, chosen to serve in militia, provided Evan Williams, tailor of Bristol, as his sub. 1.3.1797, Bitton Militia List.



Henry, Frenchay, see Andrew Pope, re donations etc to Cock Rd School, FFBJ 21.8.1813

John, tailor, 1698, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28



Rev J.- see William Mosely, 1727



Isaac, cm, 21, KW, drunk and wanted to fight everybody, challenged a man 16 stone though a small man himself, see WDP 20.12.1912

Thomas 1857, BAFHS 74, p37

William, yeo, 1691, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28



See Elizabeth Wasborough Watts

Matthew, brassfounder of Narrow Wine Street, inventor of Rotary Motion Pump, paten granted 10.3.1779, see Latimer’s Annals, & Annals of KW., Obit FFBJ 27.10.1781



Anne, see Fra Creswick, 1674,  see John Willis, 1699



Robert, miner, Dog Trap Pit, 1839, see SGMRG newsletter, no 32, Dec 2012 and my KCP



Wm see Wm Godsall, 1663




Leonard, Waters & Co. ) various colliery concerns in KW.

Jefferies, Waters & Co  ) see Isaac Bryant 1853

Davidson & Waters       ) see Thos, below

Waters & Reynolds       ) see Chas James, 1841


Alfred see Abraham Cook, 1882

Ann see Stephen Tippett, 1760

Benjamin Water, bp 5.7.1798 s.o. Jefferies, butcher & Sarah, Bitton, Whitefield Sch KW

Benjamin, see Isaac Cottle, 1820, see Thos Waters, 1821, see Samuel Moreton. 1835

Elizabeth see Thos, 1796

Francis, cm, see Thos Smith, 1776; Francis, d 27.4.177, MI Bitton, Bigland

Francis, see Wm Waters, 1825, see Mr Thomas Waters, 1850,

Henry, P & J, and Betty Newman, mar Slimbridge, 12.4.1751

James see John (1781) 1774

Jefferies Water (sic) see Benjamin 1798

John, cm, of St George, admitted freeman of Bristol 26.10.1774 by being son of James Waters, weaver, Bristol Burgesses, Poll Book, 1774/81

John see Sarah, 1796

Sarah, bp 22.5.1796,d.o. John & Sarah, Bitton, Whitefield Sch KW

Sarah see Benj, 1798

Thomas, cm & Rachel Iles, mar Bitton, 5.2.1759

Thomas see Isaac Britton, 1787

Thomas, draft settlement 1796 between T.W. of Oldland, cm, Elizabeth his wife to Robt Willis, Hanham yeo, land South side of Causeway, nr Road, Bristol-Marshfield. 5918/26, BRO

Thomas: Lease etc,  Phoebe Bissicks of Temple Back, wid, to Thos Waters, Oldland, cm & Benjamin Waters, his brother re cottages in KW Chase. 8/9 Aug 1821, 6098/7 d-e BRO

Thomas see Thos Emett, 1831

Thomas, Managing Partner of coalworks, Warmley, Davidson & Waters. Employs 60 hands, 11 under 3 & 10 between 13-18. Wages vary from 2/6 to 10/- per week. Said he remembered the instance of George Harvey going without food from sheer poverty. It would not have happened if he had known about it in time. Said Harvey had a drunken father & an improvident mother. Waring, 1841.

Mr Thomas, s.o. late Francis Waters esq., of KW, staying at Wrington, went mad and tried to cut his wife’s throat with a cheese knife. Taken to Dr Fox’s asylum at Northwood, but succumbed to melancholia & died, FFBJ 7.12.1850

William, see Susannah Hayward, 1633; William, collier, inhab of KW Chase, 1684 Ellacombe

William, coppersmith, see William Waters, gent, 1825

William Waters, gent, Wm Waters, coppersmith, Francis Waters, Bitton, cm (1), Isaac Leonard, John Betts, Leonard Jefferis, Robt Jefferis,  Isaac Leonard Jefferis, Robt Jarrett, Wm Boult, Francis Tippet, Francis Waters, Geo Leonard, Nathaniel Williams, Phoebe Bissicks (2) as co-partners in Hole Lane Colliery Bitton; William Waters (3) & Isaac Leonard (4) ref 6098/7 f 19.5.1825, BRO



Charles, army clothing manufacturer, ca 1895, Staple Hill, Wathen & Gardiner, six times Mayor of Bristol, see EP 4.6.1998

Mary: William Godfrey of Bassaleg, Monmouthshire & Mary Wathen of Bitton married Bassaleg 6.6.1805.

Sammy, surgeon’s apprentice & early preacher in KW, see John Cennick, 14.6.1739, & Annals of KW



Benjamin, junior of St P & J, Bristol & Sarah Thatcher of Keynsham, mar there 26.2.1778

Hester, wid, Mangots, bur in woollen, Dec 1730, B32433/5 BRL

James Watkin, 1672, BAFHS 52, p36

John, coal carrier, 1627, Mangots, see E.J. p177

John coal carrier, inhab of KW Chase, 1684 Ellacombe

John & Thomas, theft of a she-ass, belonging to Thos Stoneham, at Wick, FFBJ 29.2.1812

John William 1822, see BAFHS 74, p35

Sarah see Isaac Cole, 1840; Sarah Ann, see Joseph Sparkes, 1862

Thomas, theft of a gelding from James Nicholls, butcher, St Geo, FFBJ 8.1.1814

Thomas, b. Stapleton 1787, collier Whites Hill, mar Susanna Flook, bur St Geo, 1871

William, kcp 1826, from effects of gunpowder, see Trapped in the Pit, by D.V.



Abraham cm, 48, drowned at Linch pit, by breaking in of water, 24 fathoms, 6.2.last, not found until 4th inst. Inq White Hart, Hanham, 6.5.1795, D260/GRO & KCP

Abraham,  Oldland, 82, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Edmund, “limebourner” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

John, & wife, collier, Mangots, he absconded, (Persons and families who receive weekly relief St Peter’s Hospital, 1818, BRO P/StM/OP/6).

Simon, cm, 12, kcp at work by Rock fall, Inq White Hart, Hanham (Mr Leonard’s & Co) , D260/GRO & KCP

Thomas, cm, & Hannah Sweet, mar Bitton, 10.8.1759



Ann see Edward Bracey 1649, see William 1823

Frederick, awarded Edward Medal for attempting to save life of Isaac Tanner, trapped by explosion at Hanham Colliery. Tanner sadly died for his injuries. 29..5.1908, see “Gallantry” by Wilson & McEwen, 1939, & KCP.

Betty see Stephen & Mary (1778)

Betty d 1778 see Henry, d 1792

Elizabeth Wasborough Watts see Wm Jefferies 1801

Frederick – awarded the Edward Medal for attempting to save the life of Isaac Tanner trapped in explosion at Hanham Colliery. 29.5.1908. Tanner sadly died. See “Gallantry” by Wilson & McEwen, 1939, Bristol ref Lib.

Henry, Bitton, 1747, “handkerchief” (theft of?) “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

Henry see Stephen & Mary (1778)

Henry v William Luton, Gloucester Summer Assizes 1788 – re Rights of Common, Rodway Hill, Ref 1399/6 BRO. Spoke for defendant: Samuel Chancellor, s.o. John who rented Rodway Hill Farm from Mr Colston; John Humphries, 63, born Pucklechurch; Stephen Britain, 70, upwards of Bitton who mentioned: Mr Chancellor & after Capt. Woodward at Rodway Hill House; Harry Lacey, a collier who rented a colliery from Mr Colston with Mr Chancellor’s brother & Mr Punter whose dog “Pretty One” was shot by Mr W. Old Rich, a desperate collier who tore down the gates in revenge & tore off his own thumb at the same time – all this occurred abt 40 yrs back. After Capt. W. the house was occupied by Mr Medlicott, bailiff of Mrs Colston. Hannah Shipley, wife of Stephen Shipley of Downend, 46, sister of William Luton; Zechariah Baily, steward to Mrs Colston 1761-76. Defendant was tenant to Lord Middleton & Mrs Colston.

Henry Watts & family: MI at Mangotsfield, see E.J. p59: Henry d1792 aged 51, Betty his wife, d 1778 aged 40; George V. Douglas, 1824 aged 29, Richard Monk, 1845, 72, Elizabeth W. Monk, 1855, 66. (All on one tablet in West Aisle.,

Henry of Mangotsfield, bach, 20, Ann Jefferies, sp, 21. William Jefferies, Mangotsfield, surgeon, bondsman. Mar Bond BRO 24.6.1800

Jane see Stephen & Mary (1764); Joanna (Shipley) see Stephen & Mary (1769)

Joshua, see Thos Trueman, 1805

Mary see Stephen & Mary (1773); Mary see Thomas Noble 1849

Mr A. Mangots 1743, see E.J. p196

Samuel see John Robins 1774

Samuel of Stouts Hill House, Willsbridge, age 62, for many years surgeon to Royal North Somerset Regt Yeomanry Cavalry. Obit Bristol Gazette 28 Nov 1844

Samuel underground bailiff at Soundwell Lower Pit gave evidence at Inquest see Bristol Mirror 13 Dec 1851

Sarah see William 1823

Stephen, 1743, Mangots, see E.J, p195

Stephen & Mary: obits at Mangotsfield see E.J. p38. Jane d.o. Stephen & Mary d Apr 30, 1764 aged 34. Joanna Shipley, d.o. same, d 23.11.1769 aged 42. Stephen Watts, sen, gent, d. 24.3.1768 aged 72, Mary his wife d 23.9.1773 aged 74. Stephen, eldest s.o. Stephen & Mary d 27.9.1765 aged 28, Betty wife of Henry, d 23.5.1778 aged 40.

Stephen (sen & jun) see Stephen & Mary (1765 & 1768)

Thomas Trueman, s.o. late Joshua of Stapleton, died Montserrat, May 1805, see BAFHS Journal no 101, p13

William = Sarah, collier, their daughter Ann bp Holy Trinity Kingswood 1823

William underground foreman at Soundwell Pit. Gave evidence at Inquest see Bristol Mirror Nov 1,7,11,1845

William see Thomas Noble, 1849


Rev Wm Henry Bromley
, Rector of Stapleton, 1869 see BAFHS Journal no 101, p19



Catherine, sp, Britton & Charles Coke, bach, by lic, mar Keynsham 1765

Elizabeth see Chas Bragge, 1744

George, Mangots, 1772, see E.J. p145



Jacob, & Sarah Ann, see Henry Smith, 1842



Elizabeth bur from World’s End, St P & J, 1626

Elizabeth see AKW 1765

Jacobus (James) vicar of Mangots, 1622. See E.J. p61



Coat of Arms – Lozenge- bend dexter, no colours at St Thomas Church, Bristol.

Near this place underneath the stone with the brass plate lies interred the remains of George Weare and Mary his wife. He was one of the sons of Henry Weare of Beach Farm in the County of Gloucestershire. She was the eldest daughter of William Barnfdale of this parish, grocer. She died 26 February 1754 aged 70, He died 25 April 1754 aged 75. To whose memory Henry Weare, their eldest son erected this marble.


Mrs Ann, d.o. Thomas & Elizabeth, mar  Mr Samuel Webb, merchant, 1750, lived Beach Farm, Bitton.

George, bc1682, s.o. Henry of Bitton, yeo, to Wm Barnesdale as grocer,  Bristol Apprents.

George see Susanna, 1718

George E. Weare, author of “Cabot’s Discovery of N. America” , Edmund Burke’s Connection with Bristol” etc., (listed in Bristol Bibliography, 1916)

Henry, yeo of Bitton, had sons Thos, bc1677, apprent as grocer, and George, bc1682 see above

Mr Henry, in Bitton, “of Beach”, 1692, d Bitton 1720 aged 79, mar Mary, d Bitton, 1737, aged 88, had children Mary c1675-1712, Philip c1683-1707, William bp Bitton, 1692, d 1700

Henry see Wm, 1700, see James Smith 1717

Henry, gent, d.21.3.1720 aged 77, Mary his wife, d.11.9.1737, aged 88, Bitton, Bigland

Mary see Henry 1692, see Wm, 1700, see Susanna, 1718, see Henry, 1720

Philip see Henry 1692, see Mary, 1700

Susanna d.o. Mr George & Mrs Mary, bp Temple, 18.7.1718

Thomas, bc1677, mercer of Bristol, mar Elizabeth Harris c1710, dau Ann 1711-1777 = Samuel Webb

William see Henry 1692

William, s.o. Henry & Mary, d. 30.7.1700, Philip, their son, d.24.2.1707, Mary, their dau, d.21.5.1712 aged 37, Bitton, Bigland



Ann see William, 1781

Thomas, pinmaker, to employ all children in Bitton workhouse, 11.6.1770, Vestry Minutes, and AKW.

William, his wife, Ann, 1 mth from St George, Somerset, to St P & J. 13.11.1781. SRO Q/SR 350/1



Anna see Stephen Stout, 1741; Ann see Samuel 1777

Benjamin, executed for sheep stealing Mar 1784 & bur Bitton, 28.3.1784, FFBJ 7.2 & 27.3.1784 & AKW

Charles, 73, wife, aged, Hanham Abbots outdoor poor, 1897

Charles see Elizabeth Emma, 1914

David, 61, kcp Easton by roof fall, Had been in employ of company for 40 yrs. BTM 9.1.1894 & KCP

Edward, West, wills at GRO,1726

Elizabeth Emma, d.o. Charles, cm & Joseph Hickmott, mar St Silas, Westerleigh, 19.9.1914.

George, IA, wills at GRO,1726

George, glazier, 1729, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

George, yeoman, Mangots, (ex St Paul) Bristol Poll, 1820

George, 25, Selina, 20, 1841 cens Westerleigh

George, cm, St Geo, kcp Deep Pit, 7.12.1863, COI/1291/Acc, GRO & KCP

Giles see Wm Osborne, 1598

Harry, miner, bach, 28 s.o. Isaac, lab & Eliza England, wid, 41, James Bryant, lab, mar 9.12.1889, West.

Isaac see Harry, 1889, see Thos, 1893

Jane, KW, admitted 1895, lunatic in Gloucester County Asylum, Warmley Union list, 1897

John, broad weaver, 1663, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

John & Joseph, tithingmen of Bitton, 1722, Ellacombe

John, 8, Inq at Wick, “Drawn into machinery at Rolling Mill by his pinafore” BM 26.2.1859

John, 39, Reformatory Lane, KW, Injured Easton Pit explosion, see BMerc 20.2.1886

Joseph, husbandman, 1629, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Joseph see John, 1722

Lucy see Edward Williams, 1781; Lydia see John Noble, 1730

Miss, aged 22, only d.o. Mr Webb, of near New Church, KW. Obit, Bath Chron, 5.8.1784.

Nathaniel, Westerleigh, 1737. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

Mrs Webb, wife of Mr Webb, nr New Church, (i.e. St George) Kingswood. Obit Bath Chron. 5.8.1784, on Friday senni

Rebecca, see Joseph Garland, 1705, see Sarah, 1808

Robert, accomplice of Abraham Iles & Abraham Scull, who were executed at Ilchester. Webb escaped, see FFBJ 17..8.1799

Mr Samuel & Mrs Ann Weare of Bristol, mar Kelston 19.11.1750. Lived at Beach Farm, became bankrupt, see AKW. See Jane Bond, bca 1761. His obit BG 20.3.1777 and that of his wife Ann.

Samuel see John Evans, 1799

Samuel, quarryman, Hanham, Bristol Poll, 1820

Sarah see Saul Brain, 1755

Sarah bp 17.7.1808, d.o. Thos, gardener & Rebecca, Bitton, Whitefield Sch KW

Selina see George 1841

Susannah see Stephen Stout, 1741

Thomas, s.o. Walter cordwainer of Bridgeyate, to Randolph Peacock as cooper, 21.8.1701, Bristol Apprents.

Thomas of Westerleigh, s.o Thos, carpenter, to Geo March, tobacconist, Bristol Apprents, 10.5.1701.

Thomas of Thornbury, gent & Christian Hicks of P & J, (bondsman Robt Willis of P & J, clothworker) BMLB 1.5.1752

Thomas, cm, & Ann Shallard, sp, mar Bitton, 7.2.1756; Thomas see Sarah, 1808

Thomas, aged 23 (12 mths) & William Webb, 22, not guilty, navigators, charged Qtr Sessions Gloucester. 1838, see Q/Gc 5 1-5

Thomas, 26, miner, s.o, Isaac, lab, Laura Jane Benjamin, 23, d.o. John. labourer, mar 30.9.1893, West. St Silas.

Walter see Thos 1701

William, smith of outparish of St Philips & Sarah Wilkins, mar Bedminster 1.2.1703

William, IA, wills at GRO,1729; William see Thos Britton, 1755

William s.o. Wm, outparish of P & J, to John Palmer. Stationer, 31.1.1759, Bristol Apprents

William, cordwainer, bur West 29.11; William, see Nathaniel Fry, 1773,

William of St Geo, coal merchant, see Wm Flook, 1782

William & Elizabeth see Mary Lacy 1782

William in his 82nd year, of St Geo, KW, whose unremitting personal attention to the Benevolent School established in that uncultivated neighbourhood &c, Obit, FFBJ 2.12.1815

William, 1817, see BAFHS 74, p35; William see Thos, 1838



William see Samuel Creswick, 1777



Kedgwin, see Thos Trye, 1726; lodged at Mr Shatford’s in Hanham, mentioned in connection with case agt Edward Stone for riot, 1738, see Edw Stone, 1738/40. Letter from Kedgwin Webley to Henry Creswick, 20.3.1741, refers to misunderstanding about working methods at pits, & criticised Aaron Brain for not communicating information. Ellacombe Mss Vol 18, f147, & see Annals of KW. His dau sold Manor of Oldland to Mr Emerson, who in 1803 sold to Samuel Whittuck, whose family now reside in Manor Hall. See Braine, p116



Charles see Thos, 1789

Charles, cm,  fell from tip of cp. nr Pucklechurch, & expired next day. Inq Mangots 4.11.1817, D260/GRO & KCP

Edward see Chas Arthur, 1759

Edward Webster & Susan Bennett/ Elizabeth Webster & Francis Smith, all of Mangots, double wedding at Mangots, 3.9.1732.

Edward, Mangots, cm, wid, o21 & Ann Emett, sp o21 (Bondsman Thomas Pullen, of Mangots, blacksmith) BMLB 15.5.1768

Elizabeth, 3, burnt to death, inquest Mangots; clothes caught fire in absence of parents, see FFBJ 9.10.1810

John, 11, fractured arm, cured, 1788, BRI Inpatients

Pamela, charged with murder of her female child at Mangotsfield, 29.10.1865. Found guilty of concealment of birth. 4 mths with hard labour. See The Times, 4.4.1866

Thomas, cordwainer, Hanham, 1684, Jamaica, Servants to Foreign Plantations, Coldham-Wilson

Thomas & Charles, “vereing boys” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

William, list of fugitives from KW, 1667 & took part in riot 1670, Ellacombe

William, 1691 survey of KW Chase, labourer, ability indifferent, wife, one child, good house,1 acre, 3 horses, see E.J. p179

William, “hewer” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b



Ann, see Samuel Godfrey, 1814; Ann, 1857, BAFHS 74, p37

Caphen, see Abraham Brain, 1722

Francis of KW, charged with theft of a watch from Mr Rice, FFBJ 9.10.1819.

George, of Whiteway, 36, died cholera, St Geo 1833, PR.

Hester mar Joseph Sweet, of Bitton, at Long Ashton, 1 Apr 1771

Honor, in list of fugitives from KW, 1667, Ellacombe

Isaac, 23, Clouds Hill Rd, St Geo, Injured Deep Pit, Nov 1910, see WDP

James, s.o. Robt, of outparish of P & J, cordwainer to Israel Alleyne, merchant, 10.1.1761, Bristol Apprents.

John, see Andrew Gifford, 1677; “One” Weekes, see John Wood, 1653

Robert Weekes or Wykes, supposed to be one the Lords of Oldland, died a beggar in London, 1629, see Braine, p65

Robert, see Abraham Braine, 1722, see James, 1761

Robert, Bitton, ulcered leg, cured, BRI Inpatients, 1788

Samuel, mercer of Bristol, see Thos/Henry Weare, 1691;Samuel, see Dinah English 1828

Thomas, cm, 10, killed by 1cwt coal falling on his back whilst at works at Mr Whittock’s called Trims, death 14 hours after. Inq 24.10.1798, Oldland, D260/GRO & KCP

William Weekes, committed to Newgate after miners’ march on Bristol, 1753, see FFBJ 26.5.1753, and AKW.

William, “at the farm” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b; William see Mr Whittuck, 1849



W., jun, see Rev W. Sandford, 1862

W.S., founder of KW Cricket Club, BO 21.7.1900 (portrait)



John, of Siston & Amy Stephen of Mangots, lic, mar Siston, 16.7.1730


WELSH see Wealsh



John, Yate, wills at GRO,1729



Hugh, killed 4 conies in the Chase, 1374, see Braine, p39



Anthony, kcp Old Pit, Yate 27.4.1865, see BAFHS 96, p15.

Mary, see Wm Luton, 1703

William Fane of Coalpit Heath, in Victoria Australia, c1888, see BAFHS, 63, p29



Charles: portrait in B.O. Apr 14, 1917

John: It is impossible to overestimate the influence of this man on KW. There are frequent references to us in his Journals. In my childhood, in my Sunday School days, I imagined him sitting on the right hand of God, only just below Jesus himself.  In adulthood, I am glad I never had to suffer him at dinner. He will be found throughout all the AKW.

Drawing of interior of his chapel in KW, “about to be pulled down” see BO 18.1.1919

See Ann Allen, 1740 & Thos Whittington, 1745.



Ann: at Mangotsfield, Miss Ann West, obit FFBJ 21.8.1813

Coroner, see AKW 1753

David, see Richard, 1701, see Elizabeth Toghill, 1741

Henry, of Yate proved 27.5.1633 by son Henry, Year Books of Probates.

James, bargeman, Hanham (Persons and families who receive weekly relief St Peter’s Hospital, 1818, BRO P/StM/OP/6).

John, Westerleigh, 1685, Jamaica, Servants to Foreign Plantations, Coldham-Wilson

John, see Wm, 1698, see Susanna Archer, 1747

Philip, see Daniel, Bowman, 1728

Richard, s.o. David of Stapleton, miller, to Sarah Tether, baker, Bristol Apprents, 5.8.1701.

Thomas, aged abt 40, cm, of Baron Regis/Easton, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

William, s.o. John, coledriver, Bitton, to Thos Hall, as blacksmith, 4.2.1698, Bristol apprents, p294,



Edmund, see Margaret Pavey, 1479



Ann, d.o. James Weston of Bitton bp Kelston 29.7.1751

Ann, see James, 1759, see Sampson Cook, 1815

Alice see Edmund, 1580

Alice, of Oldland, widow, will dated 12.6.1589, proved 27.10.1580 by Leonard & Ann Ivey. To sister Hungerford, sister Margery, Mrs Bushe, brother Thos Strange, brother Hungerford, brother Anthony, John, Henry & Thomas Ryder, dau Anne Ivey, “husband’s furred gown that John Weston has in his custody”, by son Leonard Ivey, my dau Ann, his wife, Blanchidyne Weston. (Som Wills, 4th series, Bath Ref Lib.)

Blanchidyne, see Alice, 1580

David see Mrs Leonard 1844

Edmund, of Oldland, Bitton, will dated 28.3.1580 proved 6.6.1580, mentions my cousin Bassett, and wife Alice to be exec. (Som Wills, 4th series, Bath Ref Lib.)

Elizabeth, see James, 1759; George, see James, 1759

Henry, Oldland & Gee Moor, 1511, see Braine, p131

Henry see Roger Langesford, 1565

Henry: Lease of land between Henry Weston, gent of Oldland, & William Lashley, weaver of Beach, his son John Lashley in consideration & surrender of old lease by John Harding of Oldland & his wife Elizabeth, John Hooke, John Harding & Nicholas Holliwell, witnesses. 1624, see BAFHS 52, p35

Henry: Lease between H.W., gent, Oldland to Henry Sheppard, carpenter of Upton, re lands lying between Henry Smith, Thos Britton, Thos Goodhind & Robt Hawkins and close to John Harding & Henry Stubbs in consideration of surrender by H.S. and his son William Sheppard of lease by which they held estate for their lives., 1627, see BAFHS 52, p35

Henry: exchange between H.W., senior, gent of Oldland, Thos Underhill, yeo, Bitton, 4 acres called Park Piece in Bitton Field & adj lands of John Perryman & Bartholomew Rymer 3 acres, Whyting Gate. 1645, see BAFHS 52, p35

Henry, in list of Fugitives from KW, 1667, Ellacombe

Henry see Francis Creswick 1674, see Ruth Beard

James Weston & Mary Woodbridge, of Siston, mar Yate, 20.5.1720

James, see Ann, 1751

James, summer 1759, Bitton, “wool; (theft of?) wife Ann & George & Elizabeth Weston acquitted. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

Langley, c1606. See Braine p55; Langley, see Lord Stafford, 1610 & Braine, p60, 1615

Mr see John Norden, 1615

Simon of P & J, mar Mary Bradford of Bitton, at Wap & Cod, 14.6.1750



Elizabeth mar Handel Cossham, 1848

Henry, obit (portrait) 25.3.1916

Joseph, Henry & Edward, brothers in lw of Handel Cossham, See “Handel Cossham, esq., MP, A Sketch of Life, BRO 4492 (1) & (2a) (Handel married Elizabeth Wethered, d.o. William, of Little Marlow)

Mr see Samuel Bennett, 1853, see Samuel Bryant, 1853

Wethered & Cossham, see Isaac James, 1853, Joseph Fraglin, 1853, Wm Fletcher, 1874

Wethered, Cossham, Bendall, see Thos Cynders, 1853

William see Handel Cossham



Charles, cm, kcp slipping of a rope off a cart, whilst descending, Westerleigh, Inq. Golden Hart, Kendalshire, 22.6.1809 & KCP



Charlotte, see James Peacock, 1814/5

Daniel, of Winterbourne, 58, bur Brislington, 5.12.1838

Griffith, Winterbourne, 73, bur Brislington, 15.10.1817

Henry, of Stapleton, 56, bur Brislington 17.6.1841



Thomas, 64, rheumatism, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897



Charles see Walter Leonard, 1895

Jessie, 70, Hanham, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Richard see Joseph Rolph, 1856

Richard, Pucklechurch 19.5.1856, inq, GRO CO1/1/2/B/19

William, Barton Regis, 1684, Jamaica, Servants to Foreign Plantations, Coldham-Wilson



Francis, see Fra Creswick, 1674



Alfred, a boy, standing close to engine when engineer blew off steam, scalded and taken to BRI but died that evening, FFBJ 5.3.1853, & KCP.

Frances, nee Willmott, see Edward Willmott, 1757

Elizabeth see John, 1667

Jacob, 23. Oldland, drowned, Bur Bitton 29.12.1819

John & Elizabeth “Fugitives from KW” 1667, Ellacombe

Thomas see Edward Willmott 1757

Thomas, “Consideration Money” Soundwell Coalworks, £306.15.0d, 31.5.1813, Ellacombe


The name Whippy will also be found at Brislington



William, Born St George, 27th Dragoons, served 1796, discharged aged 28. TNA



Eliza, 63, KW, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List



Anne see Henry, 1825; Elizabeth see Henry, 1684

Francis see Jane Crates, 1818

Francis, 35, collier, Hannah & 4 ch, 1841 cens Warmley

Francis, 52, banksman, Crown Pit, knocked into pit by a runaway cart, Co 2 Acc 1291, GRO 5.12.1857 & KCP

Hannah see Francis, 1841

Henry Whitchurch’s widow Elizabeth & John Whitchurch, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

George, see James, 1759

Henry of Bitton & Anna Willis, Mangots, mar Yate, 7.5.1714

Henry, named on Player’s Map, 1750

Henry, collier of KW Hill, & Ann, their dau Louisa bp HTKW 1825

John see Henry 1684

John, kcp at Siston by a large stone many tons in weight falling on him, BMerc, 12.7.1834, & KCP

John Hugh, infant of Bitton, bur Brislington, burial register, StLB

Louisa, see Henry, 1825

Sarah, 41, Oldland, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Thomas of Bitton, 21.2.1734/5, BRO 04435/3



Caroline, 50, KW, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Charles, 39, mason of West Lawrence Hill, obit FFBJ 3.10.1816

David “vereing boy” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Elizabeth, inhab of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

Elizabeth see Richard Moreton, 1823, see John 1841

Emily, 32, Gertrude, 9, William, 8, Alfred, 7, Wilfred, 5, George, 4, Oldland, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Epanetus, Bitton, yeo, & John Cuff, Castle Precincts, 1700, BMLB

Francis, coal carrier, killed by blows on back part & right side of head in a pitched battle with George Hook. Head was opened by Mr Hyett & jury gave a verdict of manslaughter, Inquest 17.2.1817, Yate, Hook for trial at next Assizes. D260/GRO.

Francis J. White, Bookshop in KW see John Horewood, 1821

George, from Easton New pit: one of deputation who went to see Mr Leonard, Strike of 1874, see WDP 6.6.1874

George, b1867, d 30.3.1880, s.o. George & Elizabeth (Franklyn) White, aged 13, killed by truck passing over him (Inquest) (Information from R.M. Dunning, Linga Longa, St Luke’s Rd, Dukestown, Tredegar, Gwent)

Hannah see Robt, 1841; I, see J.S.Moore, 1910-20; Jacob see John, 1794

James, “he ended his existence by famine, supposed to be insane”, bur W & A, 15.3.1799. Died at Carpenter’s Arms, Wick and was “a famous literary figure” see Annual Register, for 1799.

James, cm, 13. Kcp falling down John Stibbs’  (Babel’s Tower) by rope breaking with a lad called Lewton abt 20 fathoms. White killed on the spot, Lewton, with 2 legs broken, “on a fair way of recovery”.  Inquest 1.9.1806 at Crown & Horseshoe, Hanham, D260/GRO.

Jane see Thos Edwards, 1748, Geo Smith, 1815, Isaac Taylor, alias Cottle, 1829

John s.o. William, Stapleton, yeo, to Matt Thomas, naut., Bristol Apprents, 5.8.1701

John, exciseman, bur Mangots, 24.3.1724; John see Wm Britton, 1759

John & Jacob, with others enclosed part of common waste at Oldland, to get off by 2 Feb or be fined £5, Oldland Court Leet, 2.2.1794, GRO D108/M187/8

John, cm, kcp falling down landway to bottom, Messrs Baynton & Co, 17 fathoms, 1.4.1817, Inquest Tennis Court Inn, Warmley, D260/GRO, Bitton burial register, “aged 54 of Cadbury Heath,” 4.4.1817.

John, 30, collier, Elizabeth, 25, John, 8 & Elizabeth, 1, 1841 cens Bitton.

John, 1842, see Rowland Hayward, 1553

Kate, 30, 3 ch, wid, Siston outdoor poor, 1897; Mary Ann, 77, aged, Siston outdoor poor, 1897

Robert White, or Moreton, see Richard Moreton, 1823

Robert, 40, collier, Hannah, 40, & 6 ch, 1841 cens Bitton.

Samuel, ” a poor collier boy” late of Hanham; then a clerk at Tipps & an outrider; left by will £100 for a school at Hanham, but first a debt must be paid off on some Meeting House in Bristol”. Note by Henry Ellacombe in Ellacombe Mss. (Samuel White’s School still survives.) and… “Samuel White, June 17, at Hanham, in 86th year of his age, an eminently consistent & useful member of the Wesleyan Society for 62 years. He bore increased infirmities of advanced age with exemplary patience & Christian fortitude & as in his life, all was peace. Obit 28.6.1849, BG.

Sarah see Isaac Cole, 1840, see Robt Bryant 1847

Thomas, 1 quarry, done working & 1 quarry at work: KW Chase 1684m Ellacombe

Thomas, see Isaac Cole, 1840, see James Stone, 1858

William of Westerleigh, mar Alice Miller, 16.10.1615 at Swainswick

William see John 1701



George, 1714 – 1770, charismatic preacher and one of Kingswood’s “Big Three” of Wesley, Whitefield and Cennick. Kingswood appears frequently in his 3rd & 4th Journals, 1739. References to him will be found throughout the AKW.

  1. see Job Bennett, 1901

William, miners agent; dispute at Parkfield, 500 men on strike, see BO 18.6.1898



Tabitha, 67, aged, KW North, outdoor poor 1897



George, aged 15, kcp falling from Landway at Buff Pit, belonging to R. Haynes, esq., Inq 20.9.1811, Oldland, D260/GRO

Phoebe, see James Emerson, 1764; Samuel, see Elizabeth Willis, 1789



Anne, see Jonathon Pearce, 1737



Robt, Bitton, paper maker/Martha Clark, BMLB Jun 1792



Fanny & William see Charles Franklin Kilminster 1901



Elizabeth, ts of Mangots wills, 1684, BRO

John see Mary Dennis, 1719



Samuel, 1857, BAFHS 74, p37



Mark, 24, of Bitton, executed with James Caines Bush, 11.8.1825 for murder of Isaac Gorden, see Cock Road Gang, I. Wyatt.

Mary, 5, Bitton, fractured leg, BRI Inpatients, 1789

William, 40, Bitton, found Not Guilty of harbouring Isaac Stone, c1833



John, collier, Bitton/Hanham, aged abt 20, suitable for service as pioneer: (smallest stature) Men & Armour, 1608.

Roger, in list of Fugitives from KW, Ellacombe



George, 21.3.1803, Lease, Geo Whitmore of Lower Slaughter, Glos, esq., to Thos Jefferies of Warmley, carpenter, Isaac Llewellin of Mangots, cm, Samuel Jefferis, Wick, yeo., Moses Jefferis, cm, Solomon Jefferis, Siston, yeo, re coalmines in Pucklechurch, BRO ref 6098/7b



John see AKW 1762

John of Beach, bur Cold Ashton, Oct 16, 1766

Wm see Edw Thrissell, 1776



Ann see John Tyler, 1759

Elizabeth, wife of John, no date, Bitton, Bigland

Elizabeth of Beach, bur Cold Ashton, Apr 1767

Henry, cm, admitted to Bristol Liberties, 21.10.1774, by being son of Thomas, gardener, (Bristol Burgesses). Poll Books, 1774 & 1781 of Bitton.

Hester, Oldland, wills at GRO,1729

Hester see John Avery 1774

John, of Upton, gent, lease to Wm Sheppard of same, yeo, for lives of W.S., Hannah, his wife, & John his son in consideration of surrender by W.S. of lease of 1557. James Dolman, John Burnell, Thos Hooke, Abraham Sagett, witnesses, 1663, see BAFHS 52, p35.

John of Haisewill, bur Cold Ashton, 1743

John, of Bitton & Margaret Peckstone, mar Bathweston 18.12.1766

John of Beach, Bitton, at an advanced age, Obit 18.10.1766, FFBJ

John, arrested in KW for robbery of the Portsmouth coach: see BMBJ 7.9.1782

John, see Robt, 1795

Mr J: legal adviser of John Jubilee Whittuck: gave £1 to widows’ fund after inquest on Thos Bright & Joseph Iles, 1862

Rachel of Beach, bur Cold Ashton, 1761

Robert of Fifteen Acres, Bitton, bur Cold Ashton, 3.4.1770

Robert, of Beach & Mary Croome of Puck. Mar Cold Ashton, Lic, 10.12.1795 by me John Whittington, Rector.

Thomas, 1746 abstract close roll for 5 Mar 1745 re bargain & sale (1) John Wesley, Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford; (2) John Hodges, clerk, rector of Wewo, Co Glam, John Dyer, gent, Henry Durbin, chemist, David Jenkins, corkcutter, Thomas Whittington, collier. Property, New Room, in Horsefair, Bristol, 34545(15) BRO

Thomas, of Beach, gent, bur Cold Ashton, 25.1.1747

Thomas, gardener, see Henry & Hester Whittington, &  see John Avery, 1774

William, see Thos Burnell, 1630

William, late of Stapleton, gave £100 to St James, Bristol, for upkeep of decayed parishioners, 1716. (History of Bristol, Barrett).


NB According to Bigland there are several obliterated MIs on flat stones in the church at Bitton for the Whittington family.




—– Whittock, “in Wiltshire” 1721, see John Smith, 1721, MD

Abraham, 1721, MD

Abraham, bur Bitton, 12.2.1744/5

Abraham cordwainer & Frances Cool, b.o. Bitton, mar Old Sodbury 28.4.1747

Miss Alice Whittuck of Hanham & William Bush of Alveston, mar announcement, FFBJ 13.11.1813Miss, Hanham, see Andrew Pope, re donations etc to Cock Rd School, FFBJ 21.8.1813

Mr Abraham aged 40. One of the proprietors of Bitton coalworks, drowned in the River Boyd near the Copper Works at about 9 pm, last Saturday night, on his return from Bristol. Inquest 9.2.1795 D260/GRO; “Mr Whittock, thrown from his horse & killed.” See SFBJ 21.2.1795

Charles mar Ann Coo, Bitton, 28.8.1729

Charles s.o. Samuel bp Bitton, 21.12.1733; Charles see John 1777

Charles of Hanham, mar Miss Roach of Bristol, FFBJ 22.1.1780

Charles A, esq., “at the Grange, Hanham, Charles A. , esquire, s.o. the late Samuel Whittuck esq., Hanham Hall, obit, Bristol Mirror, 26.7.1856

Clifford, see Jack

Jack Whittock, 567 Capitol Drive, Benicia 94510, California, USA, born KW, emigrated to California 1948, seeking Jean d.o. Clifford Whittock, born Midsomer Norton, a former Policeman, retired ca1945. E.P. clipping, undated, c1975?

Jean see Jack

John & Ann Lockyer mar Christchurch, Bristol, 28.4.1709

John s.o. Abraham see Martha Barnes, 1755

John, polled land in tenure of Charles Whittuck, objected to, not rated, see BG 20.2.1777

John see Rev J.A. Curtis, 1798

John Jubilee, 1851 census, Hanham Hall, J.J.W., head, mar, landed proprietor, b Hanham, Sarah, wife, 28, b. Warwick, Henry Goodenough, coachman, unmar, 21, b. Hanham, also a parlourmaid, housemaid & cook.

John Jubilee, owner of Tom Joy’s Pit, KW; gave evidence at inquest on Thos Brian, & Joseph Iles, killed 1862, gave £5 to the widows’ fund.

Joseph mar Betty Wyet, St Augustine’s Bristol, 1722

Joseph Whittick, d.May 1733, aged 72, Abraham d.3.3.1744 aged 79, Sarah wife of Abraham, d.17.10.1747 aged 83. Bitton, Bigland

Joseph, apprenticed to his father, Charles Whittuck, of Bristol, feltmaker, 1774. (Apprenticeship indenture) see Family Tree Magazine, November 2000. (John Titford’s Guide to Auctioneers & Booksellers Catalogues)

Miss, house broken into & robbed, Hanham see FFBJ Apr 1809

Mr Whittick: house robbed at Hanham see FFBJ 21.5.1757 & AKW

Mr Whittick, “steward to Lady Archer at Coalworks in KW: Obit 13.9.1783, FFBJ:

Mr: see Isaac Stanley, 1796, James Fry, 1798, Thos Weeks, 1798, Simon Golding, 1797, Wm Townsend, 1800, Samuel Hall & Wm Sampson, 1804,  Lazarus Iles, 1809,  Wm Flook  1809, James Ball, 1810, Robt Williams, 1810, Geo Davies, 1811, Samuel Coles, 1812, Wm McCarthy, 1812, Robt Paul, 1812, Sam Fry, 1817, Robt Hemmings, 1848, Francis Fowler, 1851, John Palmer, 1851

Mr Whittuck: The Cholera Epidemic at Bitton:  “1849 August 25th and Wm Weeks died in the cholera Aug. 26th. Williams Neads’ wife died the 23rd August and many others died at Jeffries Hill and St Georges. Mr Whittuck aged 67 yrs 4 mths. Mr Whittuck bur Aug 31st and George Jenkins who was to be one of (his) bearers died in the cholera Augt 30 and Miss Horner bur 31st Augst at Jeffries Hill. (Couch)

Mrs Whittuck, died the 13th and bur Bitton 17 Jun 1845, (Couch)

Robert, Mangots, yeo & Mary Silcox, BMLB 1714, no. 194

Samuel mar Ann Smith, both of Bitton, Yate 18.2.1719

Samuel: Seal  (no. 408) on a deed of 23 Oct 1739 (Ellacombe Mss): Edmund Bond of Elmore to Samuel Whittick, Oldland, cm. See Bristol Merchant Marks from Proceedings of the Clifton Antiquarian Club, 1909-1912 Vol. VII.

Samuel see AKW 1767

Samuel, bought Oldland Manor from Mr Emerson, 1803, see Kedgwin Webley

Samuel of Bitton, bach & Ann Hooper of Walcot, Mar Lic, Somerset, 18.6.1804. SRO

Samuel see James Haskins, 1804, Thos Pearsall, 1804, Sam Fry, 1817,  Chas Bryant 1812, Simon Iles, 1814,  Joseph Stone, 1821

Samuel (1840) see Edmund Stone, “Queen Elizabeth’s time”

Samuel, “August 25 at Hanham Hall, aged 68” Obit BG 30.8.1849

Samuel see Charles, 1733, see Kedgewin Webley, see Charles, 1856

Messrs Whittick brothers, see John Green, 1853.



Andrew Whittwood, 1613, Mangots, E.J, p177

Ann Whittwood, dead, now John Whittwood, cm, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

John Whitewood, ran Corn mill Stapleton, 1609, see BAFHS Journal no 101, p 17

John see Ann 1684



Harry, from Wootton under edge to Bitton, BRO P/BOP/6/32

Henry, Mary his wife & 5 ch, John, 15, Hester,12, Mary,10, Hwnry,7, Sarh,2,  Removal Oldland to Bitton, BRO P/BOP/6c/51 (order later abandoned)

John Wyatt, ygr of P & J, pubicam, dear wife Eliza, all goods he has inpartnership with father, John Wyatt, Will, BRO 1852

Mary see Christopher Summerill, 1836



Arthur, wife Hester, 1722, MD; Damaris, see John Parsons, 1702

Emma, d.o. William, see Samuel Summerhill, 1848

Hester, (1722)  & Mrs: (1719) MD & see Arthur, 1722

John Weekham, of Puck, & Ann Hurle, of St Peter’s mar St Werberghs, 2.5.1678

John see Thos Carpenter, 1793;

John, born Bitton, 1st Foot, served 1793-1816, discharged aged 46, TNA

Mr Wickams, see Sir John Berkeley, 1670

Phillipp, alias Friend, 1620, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Thomas Wickeam (sic) see Anth Moreman, 1607

William see Emma, 1848

—- Wickham see Fra Creswick 1674



Wm see Hugh Smith, 1646



John, cm, Mangots, will, 1644, BRO; John, cm, Inventory, 1647, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

John, collier, now John Bennett, cm, KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

John of Siston, see Maria Summerhill, 1684/5

Mary of Siston, bur Saltford, 1718

Thomas see John Wood, 1653; Thomas, collier, 1672, Mangots, see E.J. p177

Thomas, collier, KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

William, cm, Stapleton Common, pasture appertaining to a cottage & garden near the Lodge House, yearly value £3.10.0. Minute Book of KE Enclosure Commissioners, 1779-84, BRL



Edward, see Jane Bond, bca 1761



Elizabeth, FC, wills at GRO,1729; Emma, see Mark Dudfield, 1843

George, 15, collier, 1841, cens Westerleigh, also Hannah Wigmore, same house.

George, 74, aged, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897

George see Mark Dudfield, 1843; Hannah see Geo, 1841

Maria, alias Summerhill of Westerley (sic) and William Evans of F.C., excise officer, re goods of John Summerhill of Westerley, died 1690

Sarah see Thos Alsop, 1719



Betty Wilcox, see James Peacock, 1755

Charles, clerk to Reeve, Son, & Hill, fell into a coalpit at Two Mile Hill & rescued see FFBJ 3.1.1778

Daniel Wilcox, see Jonas, 1847

Edmund, “filler & strapper” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

John & Jos(eph) Wilcox, named on Player’s Map, 1750, see Joseph Bailey.

Jonas, maj, bach, miner, Soundwell, s.o. Daniel, lab, & Susanna Cross, wid, d.o. Wm Long, lab, mar HTKW 27.12.1847

Joseph, 1725, MD; Joseph,  see John, 1750

Mr, mason, see John Davis, 1840; Samuel Wilcocks see John Barrett, 1755

Thomas Wilcox, of St P & J, 1696. For America. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX . (Perhaps Thomas Wilcox of Barton Regis, smith. His marriage licence to Ann Yarrington, St Philip, wid, bondsman John Colbrooke of Barton Regis, sergeweaver, 23 Nov 1687)

William see William Wilcox Flower, 1838



Hester see Henry Langley, 1703



Robert (17) indicted for shooting a little boy called Albert Jones with intent to kill at Bitton. He was with another boy called Joseph Jefferies. Found guilty, sentence deferred. See The Times, 4.4.1866.



Beloved, s.o. Robt, W & A, cleric, as soapmaker, Bristol apprents, Sep 1668

Beloved, W & A, will 1722, charity, see BRO 33792

Beloved, W & A, wills at GRO, 1727; Robt see Beloved, 1668.



Betty, suicide when pregnant, servant of Mr G. Robbins, miller of Willsbridge, see FFBJ 4.10.1788

George, servant to Mr Brown, fell from a wagon carrying a load of penant, returning from Downing, a sober & steady man, leaving a wife and small family (FFBJ 2.4.1808)

  1. aged 22, of KW, hanged with David Morgan, 65, of Bristol, for passing forged money, Dorchester, see FFBJ 15.8.1807

John see Wm Bawn, 1795; Sarah see Wm Webb, 1703

Mary, Kingswood. Name included in a list of “Persons Receiving Pay from Clifton Parish for themselves and their families” FFBJ 10.1.1818



Policeman: see Geo Groves, 1817



Abraham, charged theft of 3 fowls from Albert Sperrin of Church Farm, Bitton, a feather covered in blood found in his pocket, sent for trial see WDP 1.3.1870

Albert, 24, bach, s.o. James, lab & Miriam Cook, 20, d.o. Geo, lab, mar 4.6.1890, St Silas, Westerleigh.

Albert, 23, Bitton, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Ann, spinster of St P & J, 1750, “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

Arthur, 1713, MD

Arthur & John Williams, tithing of Oldland, Bitton side, 1747, Ellacombe

Arthur, Adventurer, No 2 Liberty, named on Player’s Map, 1750.

Arthur, see Edward Willmott, 1757

Charles Williams & Sarah Bush, 1787 “shotgun marriage” see I & J Wyatt, Poor Law Records of Bitton.

Charles, 16, s.o. George, cm, apprenticed to Wm Farmer, FC, Boot & shoemaker, 5 yrs, 17.2.1853, Apprentices Westerleigh, BRO

Charlotte see Theophilus, 1841

Christopher, W & A, wife Margery: 16.5.1636, Year Books of Probates, BRL

Christopher, of Wick & Abson & Martha Mansell mar St P & J 2 Feb 1703/4

Christopher: articles of agreement between Thos Haynes & Christopher Williams & William Smith, to be co-partners for 31 yrs, coalmining of lands of C.W. & T.H. T.H. to have 6/8 share and the other two 1/8 each, see AKW 1758.

Christopher see Richard Ashley, 1799

Daniel, hooper, Bitton, Electoral Roll, 1739

Edward of Bitton & Lucy Webb otp mar Stoke Gifford, 28.10.1781

Edward, consideration money, Soundwell Coalworks, 31.5.1813, £306.15s.0d. Ellacombe.

Elizabeth, see Robt, 1739

Elizabeth, widow of John, cm, & Hannah, John, Mary their children removed from Oldland to Brislington, Somerset, 1740, BRO P/StLB/OP/11/6.

Elizabeth nee Willmott, see Edward Willmott, 1757

Evan see Wm Warne, 1797

Francis see Joseph Fry 1785/6

Francis, 19, KW, Not Guilty, see Wm Kendall, 1833

Francis, gave evidence re accident at Shortwood Pit, see BG 3.2.1853

Francis, cm, Bitton, struck by a train: Inquest 25.10.1856, GRO Co I Acc 1291.

George of St James, Bristol, , see Edith Alden, 1775

George see AKW 1757

George “vereing boy” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

George, native of Bitton, charged with horsetheft from his father in law of West Bromwich. Taken to Worcester Gaol. See FFBJ 9.5.1818

George, 20, of Westerleigh, charged theft of waistcoat & pair of worsted stockings: dk hair, dk eyes, long face, looks very wild with his eyes, scar bottom of back, 5′ 5 and a half inches, served two & a half years with 32nd Regiment. Six months. 21.8.1820. Tried again for theft of a black mare, 22.9.1820. Died in gaol, night of 26.12.1820; GRO G/QC/5 1-5.

George, cm, & Charlotte Adams, bastardy order W & A, 1.2.1833

George, 25, collier, 1841, cens, W & A.; George see James, 1849, see Charles, 1853

Grace see Henry 1723

Hannah see Roger Bryan(t) 1727, see Elizabeth 1740, see Wm, Russell, 1787, see Robt Cole, 1817, see William, 1841

Henry, lab, Grace, his wife, Robert their son, removed from Siston, to Brislington, BRO StLB

Henry see John, 1750, see Wm Lacey, 1844

Henry, cm at Speedwell, see Stanley Nash

Hester, widow of Bitton, will dated 5.2.1754, dau Elizabeth Nott, wife of George of P & J, millwright, witnesses Betty Cox, Sarah Nott, Edward Young

Hester see William, 1825

Isaac, “filler & strapper” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Isaac, at Braine’s Deep Pit, St George, descended shaft between 7 & 8 o’clock to  a passage way where water is turned off by engine. Having stayed longer than required, the man at the top grew alarmed, and descended in a bucket to find the dec’d in a distressingly mutilated state. His wife very near her confinement and left 4 other children, see BM 3.6.1854

  1. see George Groves, 1814; Jacob, see Thos Edward, 1748

James, mar Elizabeth Willis, 15 Nov 1719, Bitton

James see Solomon Chipper, 1760

James, s.o. John Williams, the ygr, cm, bp West., 24.3.1765; James see James Bradey, 1779

James “hewer” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

James & John, “fillers & strappers” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

James cm, & John cm, re part of a cottage, now 2 tenements & garden ground in West., and all or any of the coalmines or veins on the land, 18.10.1798, BRO Westerleigh, Misc OP/24/2

James, see Wm Ludlow, 1801

James, killed cp by bucket falling on his head, Neale & Co, Inq., 14.6.1813, Nibley, Westerleigh, D260/GRO

James, minor, bach, miner, Mounthill, s.o. Geo, miner & Ursula Bryant, sp, shoemaker, d.o. Francis, mar 23.12.1849 HTKW

James see Albert, 1890; James, 29, idiot, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897

Jane see Robt, 1739. see John Jenkins, 1786, see Samuel, 1841

Jenkin see Thos 1760

Joan, see Wm Horrell, 1684, see Benj Hall, 1720

John, cm, & John, lab, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe; John, died 1713, MD

John see Elizabeth 1740, see Arthur, 1747

John, Thomas, Nathaniel & Henry, named on Player’s Map, 1750

John, vagrant, removed from Thorn St Margaret, Som,  to St P & J, 15.9.1753. SRO Q/SR 321/4

John, cm & Jane Jones, sp, mar Bitton 6.1.1760

John see James, 1765, see James 1789; John, cm, bur West., 21.6.1769

John “driver” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b; John see James, 1798, see Wm Simmons 1802

John, cm, 20, fell down cp 11 fathoms, Sweet & Co., Soundwell, Inquest 10.12.1803, Oldland D260/GRO

John, examination of bastardy, Hannah Cole, her male child of John Williams, cm, 4.7.1806, Westerleigh PR. BRO

John see Geo Rickards, 1822, see Robt May, 1822

John, of Coalpit Heath, kcp by falling coals, see FFBJ 13.6.1835.

John, shoemaker, his house, Lot 3, Notice of Auction at Fire Engine, St George, 15.8.1842, bill in author’s possession.

John, 21, miner, s.o. John, miner & Fanny Elizabeth Tilling, d.o. Thomas Morgan Tilling, mar 10.6.1889, St Silas, Westerleigh.

Jonathan, “vereing  boy”, 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Jonathon, 40, collier, Sophia, & 6 ch., 1841 cens Westerleigh

Joseph, “mason & lab”, 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Louisa, KW, admitted 1880, lunatic in Gloucester County Asylum, Warmley Union list, 1897

Margery see Christopher 1635

Mary, of St P & J, hanged herself, FFBJ 27.9.1788

Mary, see Humphrey Garland, 1708, see Elizabeth 1740, see Geo Jenkins, 1759, see John Sherbourne, 1808

Mary, straw bonnet maker, Bitton, (Persons and families who receive weekly relief St Peter’s Hospital, 1818, BRO P/StM/OP/6).

Maurice see Daniel Cribb, 1689

Mrs Williams of Screws Hole to Mr Young of Llandogo, with a fortune of £10,000; see BAFHS 88, Jun 1997, p21.

Mrs. Williams, formerly of Jamaica, wife of Lt Richard Williams, late of 3rd regt Foot. At Bitton. Obit. 14.7.1794, Bath Chron..

  1. see Edmund Iles, 1812

Nat(haniel) see Fra Creswick, 1674; Nathaniel, tithing, Bitton, 1722, Ellacombe.

Nathaniel, hooper, Bitton, Electoral Roll, 1734; Nathaniel, d 13.10.1749 aged 61, MI Bitton, Bigland.

Nathaniel see John, 1750

Nathaniel, widower, cm, & Sarah Smallman, widow, mar by lic, Bitton, 6.9.1756

Nathaniel, Bitton, victualler, o21 & Hannah Embury, wid, o21, Mangots., BMLB 2.10.1770

Nathaniel:  marriage announcement, Mr Thomas Churchill, of Downend, butcher, & Miss Catherine House, dau of Mrs House of Kingswood Hill and granddaughter of Nathaniel Williams of that place. FFBJ 17.1.1818

Nathaniel see Wm Waters, 1825

Richard see John Wood, 1653

Richard, coal carrier, inhab of KW Chase 1684, Ellacombe

Richard to surrender cottage at Breachyate, arrears of rent. 9 Dec 1725.Ref BRO 14581/HA/D/221

Richard see Robt, 1739

Richard. Lt. – see Mrs Williams, 1794 above

Robert, see Thos, 1701, see Henry, 1723

Robert s.o. Richard & Elizabeth d Oct 1739 aged 30, Elizabeth their dau, d11.12.1730 aged 19, Richard, sen., d 11.3.1755 aged 72, Jane, his dau d 8.1.1748 aged 19, MI Bitton, Bigland.

Robert of Siston & Sarah Flower mar 31.3.1765. Pensford

Robert, 17, kcp ascending Mr Whittuck’s Wimsey Pit whilst on a rope with 2 others. James Ball also killed, the other man escaped. Inq 27.4.1810, Oldland, D250/GRO

Robert, 27, cm, Bitton, stealing qty of straw value one shilling from Wm Bevan, brown hair, great eyes, round visage, dark complex., 2 scars on left belly, bile marks on small of back, 5ft 9 and 1/2″ conduct orderly. 10 Jan 1837. G/Qc/5 1-5 GRO

Samuel see Edward 1755

Samuel, minor, bach, cm, KW, no father shown, & Jane Tanner, minor, shoe maker, d.o. Geo, quarryman, mar HTKW 3.1.1841

Samuel, 30, collier, & Jane, (25) with 5 children, 1841 cens Abson.

Sarah, see Wm Lines, 1735, see Henry Sweet, 1750, see Sarah Parsons, 1761, see Richard Ashley, 1799

Sarah, 76, aged, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897

Sarah, 31, & Blanch, 6, Oldland, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List; Sarah Ann, see Wm, 1825

Sophia, see Jonathan, 1841

Stephen Williams, Aaron Batman, John Harris, Charles Slater, drowned when the trow “George” belonging to Pickford & Company lost on Dunn Sands. Hawker & Withey saved nr same place, Hawker died a few days after. 7.2.1829 (Couch

Susan, Mangots, 1727, see E.J. p155

  1. see Fra Creswick, 1674

Theophilus, 20, collier, & Charlotte, 20, 1841 cens Warmley

Thomas, collier, Barton Regis/Easton, aged abt 20, suitable for service with calyver, Men & Armour, 1608

Thomas, s.o. Robt, agrico, to John Burges, mason, Bristol Apprents, 10.5.1701, BRO

Thomas, see John, 1750

Thomas, of St P & J, mar Elizabeth Hill, of Ashwick, at Kilmersdon, 10.2.1739

Thomas, s.o. Jenkin Edwards, outparish St P & J, tanner, apprent to Samuel Britton, brazier, Bristol Apprents, 3.9.1760, BRO

Thomas, kcp falling Castle & Co’s Pit, Inq 21.6.1820, Fishponds St George, D260/GRO

Thomas: “On Wednesday the 24th July 1844 Tom Williams, a lad 18 yrs of age thrown a stone at Henry Cox, s.o. William, aged 16, and gave him a severe blow on the head and on Monday August 5th he died. Williams committed to Gloucester by the Coroner August 8th. Bob Lear witness and instead of giving evidence against him gave him a good character and swore fauls (false) 3 mths imprisonment.” (Couch)

Thomas see Benjamin Hamblyn, 1867

Thomas, 18, injured Easton Pit Explosion, WDP 19,14 Feb & 1 Mar, 1886

Thomas, British Rail drayman, died aged 45, 1909, accident, see EP BT 24.9.2002

William see John Wood, 1653, see Nicholas Ellis, 1684.

William, Mangots, 1738, see E.J. p155; William, senior, d 23.2.1747 aged 60

William, St P & J 1748. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

William, see John Harrison, 1756

William, cm, & Sarah Rawlings, sp, mar Bitton, 21.8.1758

William, kcp & bur West., 21.1.1779

William, “hewer” “vereing boy” “carpenter & sawyer” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

William, cm, & Hester, Soundwell, their dau Sarah bp HTKW 1825

William, 25, collier & Hannah, 25, 1841 cens Siston Court



John, s.o. John, Barton Regis, apprenticed as grocer, Bristol Apprents, 1668-71, BRO



Agnes see Edmund, 1611; Ambrose, see Wm Powe, 1813

Ambrose, cm, 21, Bitton, appeared Glos QS 22.8.1817 with Francis Britton, sentenced 1 yr, Description: Dark hair, long face, sallow, irreg front teeth, scar on elbow, 5’7 and a half tall, able to read. (the charge was obstructing the constables), BG 14.8.1817

Ann, see Edmund, 1611, see Thos Churchill, 1702; Ann, 1721, MD

Ann, see Edmund, 1733, see Edward, 1735, see Robt Hall, 1758, see Thos 1817

Anna, see Henry Whitchurch 1714

Benjamin see Ric Livings, 1705; Benjamin, 1722, MD

David, see David Farmer 1908

Edmund, his dau, Ann, and Agnes & Thomas Willis,  see Ann Strange, 1611

Edmund,  cm, Mangots, will 9.4.1733, BRO, wife Ann, witnesses Thos Smith, Hannah Smith, Johanna Smith, Wm Owen.

Edward, cm, P & J, will 6.10.1735, wife Ann, witnesses Mathew Hardin, Margaret Smith, John Reed

Edward, & Ann Scull mar Bitton, 1738

Edward, see Wm, 1743

Elizabeth, see James Williams, 1719, see Thos. 1766

Elizabeth, (bur St Geo 26.8.1789) aged 81, will names daughter Betty & Betty’s children Thomas & Stephen Thurston, & William, Elizabeth & Daniel Woodward. (Betty married twice?) Admins: Wm Fry, malster & Wm Hooper, Malster, Large amount of property in St George, Crofts End, Blackswarth, Rose Green, etc., mentions tenants Abraham Alsop, Samuel Smith, Samuel Whitehead, Wm Chick, John Rawlins, Thos Nutt, Edward Thristle, Samuel Barnard. Witnesses Geo Rolph jun, Samuel Smith of Upper Easton, gardener & Sarah Alsop, (Mrs Willis’s servant).

Elizabeth bp 24.6.1810 d.o. James, schoolmaster & Jane of St Nicholas, Bristol, Whitefield Sch, KW

Elizabeth, see David Farmer 1908

Francis, see Thos, 1790

Francis: “1847 May 20 died Francis s.o. Saml and Mary Willis, aged 29, bur at Bitton Whitsunday May 23rd” (Couch)

George, of Bitton & Rebecca Humphris of Doynton mar Doynton 17 Feb 1714

George, mar Joan Dagg, Bitton, 1731

Gyles, cm, Barton Regis/Easton, abt 20, suitable as pyoner Men & Armour, 1608

Giles, inhab of KW Chase 1684, Ellacombe

Hannah, see Wm, 1743

Henry, abt 20, tall, suitable as pikeman, s.o. Thomas, Men & Armour, 1608

Henry: 2 pits in Newton’s First Liberty, 1684, see E.J.

Henry, & Martha Woodman of Hanham, mar Doynton 23 Oct 1711

Henry, 1724,1725, MD

Henry, mar Rachel Lovell, Bitton, 1738

Henry, Bitton, cm, BRO 04435/4 3.3.1739/40

Henry, see Wm, 1743,  see Thomas Caines, 1814

Henry, 27, Hanham, contused thigh, BRI Inpatients, 1789

Henry, see Wm Powe, 1813

Henry, charged with killing a bay mare, property of George Haskins, constable of Bitton & with having rescued Thos Pratten from custody of Charles Bull, BG 14.8.1817

Isaac, see Thos 1790; James, see Elizabeth 1810

Jane, see Francis Trubody 1684, see Elizabeth 1810

John, see Sir Jn Newton, 1674,

John, “was married to Ann Wastfield” Hanam (sic) Aug: 6 1699

John, see Thos, 1709; John, of Mangots, bur 26.2.1715/6, Puck.

John, P & J, cm, & Elizabeth Burgess, wid., BMLB 1723 no.80

John, hanged for housebreaking, houses of Matt. Davis staymaker & Wm Ellery, innholder of P &J, and stealing tankard, silver spoons etc. He was aged 23 and born of honest parents in the County of Glos, confessed to tankard, see GJ 23.8.1737

John:  John Willis who kept a huckster’s shop without Lawford’s Gate and Betty Darby indicted for murder of Edward or Stephen Finks of the brassworks, Baptist’s Mills. GJ 31.10.1738

John, adventurer in coalmines, Player’s Map, 1750

John, cm, 70, broke 2 ribs and received mortal bruises falling downstairs at home, Inq., 11.20.1799, Mangots. D260/GRO

Jonathan, see Nathaniel 1735

John, of Mangots, cm, wife Sarah. Witnesses Ann & Thos Llewellin & Samuel Gerrish. Will dated 30.9.1799, proved 11.6.1800.

Joseph, see Thos, 1709; Joseph, mar to (blank) 21 Oct 1713, Bitton

Joseph, mar Mary Martin, Bitton, 1731; Joseph, see Wm, 1743, see Timothy Bush, 1813

Joseph, 15, brown hair, blue eyes, dk complex., appeared at Glos QS 7.3.1838 with Thomas Hudd,

Joseph, cm, 40, Mary 35, & 5 ch, 1841 census Cadbury Heath, Bitton.

Lewis, keeper of “colehorses” in KW 1666, Ellacombe

Matilda, 32, wid, 3 ch,  KW North, outdoor poor 1897

Mary, see Thos, 1709, see Isaac Tippett 1720,see Wm Flook, 1782, see Joseph, 1841, see Francis, 1847, see Thos 1876

Nathaniel, keeper of “colehorses” in KW 1666, Ellacombe

Nathaniel, hanged Gloucester for 2 robberies, one on highway, other of Benjamin Stone, of £25 and running away with same, but returned £20 of it next day. His brother Jonathon hanged for stealing buckskin breeches & greatcoats. Bot under 30. Bodies delivered to friends, GJ 19 & 16 Aug 1735.

Nicholas, took part in riot of 1670, Ellacombe

Nic(holas), see Fra Creswick, 1674, see Jn Jeffrys, 1684, see Thos Jones, 1684

Nicholas, senior, coal carrier, inhab of KW Chase 1684

Nicholas Willis & Wm Williams, colliers, lived in same house, KW Chase 1684, Ellacombe

Rachel, see Thos,1790, see Thos 1876; Rebecca, see Wm, 1743, see Thos, 1790

Richard, collyer, Barton Regis/Easton, abt 40, suitable as a musketeer, Men & Armour, 1608

Richard, see Fra Creswick, 1674; Robert, see Thos Webb, 1752

Robert, of Hanham, “unable to attend the Jury without injury to himself” Doctors Note 1795, see Loc Govt in Glos 1775-1800, Mair, p92

Robert, see Thos Water, 1796,

Robert, born Hanham, served 52nd Foot, 1804-17, discaheged aged 40, TNA

Robert see Thos, 1876

Samuel, see Amos Bryant, 1834; Samuel see Francis 1847

Sarah, wid, 1729, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Sarah, see Wm, 1743, see William, 1799, see John, 1800

Thomas, cm, Hanham/Bitton, abt 40, tall, suitable as a pikeman, Men & Armour, 1608

Thomas see Edmund, 1611

Thomas & Elizabeth Colston, both of Stapleton, mar St Werberghs, Bristol, 26.11.1666

Thomas, took part in KW riot 1670, Ellacombe

Thomas, see J. Greenway, Sir John Newton, Fra Creswick, all 1674

Thomas, cm, inhab KW Chase 1684, Ellacombe

Thomas, cm of Barton Regis, will 17.3.1709, son Thos, house & garden where Widow Flay dwells, son William, ditto where Richard Phips dwells, sons Joseph ditto where John Milsom dwells, son John house where my “mother in law Mary Willis dwells” (i.e. his stepmother) brother John, maid Mary Legg. James Fox, the elder, John Elliott, witnesses Anthony Godsell, Rebecca Clements, John Parsons.

Thomas, see Wm, 1743, see John Harrison, 1756

Thomas, of parish of St George, will, 30.4.1766, estate to granddaughter Elizabeth Punter, wife Elizabeth & Mr Fry & Mr (Richard) Hart, vicar, to be trustees until she comes of age. BRO PStG/CHW/1, pasted inside churchwardens book.

Thomas, of St Geo, cm, intestate, dau Mary wife of John Morgan, St George, wheelwright, to administer, bondsman John Lewis, collarmaker, St P & J. 10.6.1769

Thomas, cm, St Geo., will 8.5.1790, BRO, wife Rebecca, ch Thomas, Rachel, Francis, William, Isaac; wife & Joseph Jarrett, cm of Lower Easton to be executors.

Thomas, son of Thomas & Ann Willis of St George, 33, after a residence of 20 years in London came down utterly ignorant of the fear of God and unacquainted with his state as a sinner but was happily awakened to guilt of his sinful life and to apply to Christ as his only hope and a short while before his death……..when he could only lift up his hand as a token was baptised 7 Apr 1819 by me, G. Dermott. (Kingswood School)

Thomas, see Aaron Bush, 1824

Thomas, of Hanham, d25.4.1876, stonecutter, to wife Rachel for life then to son Robt and nephew William, Thomas Willis, tailor of St George, in trust to divide proceeds equally between children Rachel, Mary, Robert & Thomas. (Will)

William, “keeper of colehorses”, KW 1666, Ellacombe

William, coal carrier, & William, collier, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

William, “being executed at Mial Hill” (this was St Michael’s Hill in ) was buried 27.9.1695, see John Jacobs, 1695

William, see Thos, 1709; William & Isabel Palmer mar Bitton, 1731

William, Oldland, wife Sarah, sons Henry & Thos, dau Mary Tippott, wife of Isaac, Sarah Williams, wife of Francis, sons and dau of his son William, deceased, viz Edward, Joseph, Wm & Hannah, and his dau in law Rebecca Willis.  Will, Proved Gloucester, 1743, GRO

William, house on Player’s Map, 1750.

William, yeo, St Werberghs, o21 & Mary Fisher of Stapleton, o21, BMLB 2.8.1757

William, see Thos, 1790

William, cm, Mangots, four daughters Hannah Demery, Sarah Amsbury, Dinah Rawbones & Ann Amsbury. Witnesses Benjamin Owen & Samuel Llewellin. Will, 1793 BRO

William: “John Amor of Dorchester, pawnbroker & Robt Ware of Fordington, lab, committed to Dorchester Castle charged on oath of G. Saunders (an accomplice) & Sarah Winzar with having stolen several sides of bacon & 2 tubs if butter from a cart belonging to William Willis of Kingswood, nr Bristol whilst standing in the open street at Dorchester. FFBJ 11.2.1809

William Thos, see Thos, 1876.



Mr H.O., Redcliff Hill, see Andrew Pope, re donations etc to Cock Rd School, FFBJ 21.8.1813

Thos, see Stephen Flook, 1770



Ann & Betty of Bitton, committed to Ilchester, counterfeiting. See BMerc 29.9.1817

Ann see Wm, 1841, see Robt 1841; Anne see William Wilcox Flower, 1838

Betty, see Thomas Caines, 1791, see Ann, 1817

Caleb, s.o. Edward, of Bitton, bp Mangots, 8.10.1721

Charles Wilmot & Susanna Jay, both of Bitton, mar Yate 30.6.1717

Charles, dec’d by 1747, Isaac Wilmot, son, yeoman of Bitton,  & admin. of his estate, and bondsman with Henry Pearce of W & A, blacksmith and John Doe. (As only Wilmot & Pearce signed, I assume Doe was nobody; The name “John Doe” is given to this day to unidentified corpses in the USA!) (GRO)

Charles see Isaac 1841; Christopher see Thos Pearsall, 1804

Clifford Willmott, Pettygrove Rd, Kingswood, leading gunner, killed in action, worked at KW Post Office. Obit BO 19.1.1918

Constant see Samuel Haynes, 1762

Edward see Caleb, 1721, see Abraham Brain, 1722, see Thos Nash, 1735

Edward mar Jane Edney, Doynton, 24.1.1714

Edward, cm, Siston, will dated 12.5.1755, son Samuel, property at Goose Gout, Oldland, in occupation of same Sam Wilmot & Stephen Morgan. Also land at Oldland formerly belonging to William Neal but now property of Cornelius Hancock; daughter Sarah, wife of John Summerell, a clock and house where testator lives, dau Mary Trotman, mortgage of Sarah Bennett’s house in Mangots., friends Jonathon Jefferis and William Stone, the younger, both of Siston, 2/6d each as a token of love and to buy them gloves, to be trustees. Witnesses Thos Clark, George Jefferis, Sam. Tippott. Will proved 14.10.1755.

Edward, cm, Siston, will proved 30.7.1757, son John, land held under Mrs Archer, beloved wife Jane, annuity as long as she remain a widow, son Edward, late brother John Willmott, friends Sam Edwards & Aaron Brian of Bitton, as trustees, dau Abigail Newman, wife of John Newman, children of Abigail by her late husband Samuel Jones, dau Frances, wife of Thomas Whippy, lands in possession of Joseph Palmer, dau Elizabeth wife of Arthur Williams, dau Mary wife of Thomas Hendy, lands in possession of Thomas Long.

Edward see Geo, 1777

Edward, 64, of Siston, murdered Samuel Fussell by shooting. Fussell was attempting to collect tithes. Wilmot hanged at Gloucester. See BMBJ 26.7.1800.

Eliza Wilmot’s daughter. Inhabs of KW Chase 1684, Ellacombe Mss.

Elizabeth see Isaac, 1841

George see Samuel Haynes, 1762. Also 17.4.1762, George Wilmot to take his apprentice to physician at Bath at Parish expense on account of his lameness, BittonVestry Order Book.

George, Bitton, carpenter, will dated 6.5.1777, dau Nancy, house etc, late Samuel Battman’s, now Joseph Prewett at Oldland. If she should die before 21, then to his sons Samuel & George. Beloved wife Susannah (she was Nancy’s mother-in-law – ie stepmother). Brother Isaac Willmott & neighbour Mark Tanner as trustees. Witnesses Robt Long, Joseph Painter & Thomas Proctor. Proved 15.10.1777 by Susannah, the relict.

George, d 17.5.1777 aged 69,Edward, d 18.3.1758 aged 70, Jane his wife, d 27.12.1771, aged 70, MI Bitton, Bigland,

Giles, 20, Hanham. Theft of watch from Arthur Roberts of Bitton, dark grey eyes, scarred knees and elbows, 5’3″ can read a little, conduct indifferent, not guilty, discharged 16/8/1817, GRO G/Qc/5 1-5

Hannah see Edward Peacock, born 1697, see Thos Bryant, 1817, see Wm, 1841

Henry, “accomplice in the robbery”, 1817, See “Benjamin Caines’ Trial”, Barbara Mottershead, BAFH47, p26.

Isaac Wilmot of Bitton, & Elizabeth Pearce of W & A mar Puck., 25.8.1745

Isaac see Geo, 1777

Isaac, collier, 45, Sarah, 45, William, 20, Charles, 20, Elizabeth 15, James, 15. 1841 cens Bitton Cadbury Heath

James Willmott’s widow Margaret. Inhabs KW Chase 1683, Ellacombe Mss

James, Bristol, labourer, see John Pugh, 1778; James, see Wm, 1841, see Isaac 1841

Jane see Abraham Brain, 1722, see Edward 1757, see Geo, 1777

Job see Thos Burgess 1799

John, cm, Bitton/ Hester Smith of Castle Precincts. Daniel Cox, victualler, bondsman, at St Augustine’s, BRO BMLB 1.2.1715

John of Bitton & Hester Sweet of Castle Precincts, mar St Augustines, 2.2.1715/6 (See above re wife’s name.)

John of Bitton, bur Westerleigh, 1.7.1716

John, named on Player’s Map, 1750, also John, adventurer in coalmines, no.2 Liberty, same map.

John cm of Bitton, dec’d see Elizabeth Nott, 1754

John see Edward 1757,see Abraham Cook, 1882

Margaret see James, 1684; Nancy see Geo, 1777

Nicholas, took part in KW riot, 1670, see Ellacombe

Robert, 25, collier, Ann, 25, 1841 cens Bitton Cadbury Heath

Samuel, one of leaders of October 1738 riot. See GJ 14.11.1738 & AKW

Samuel see Edward 1755, see Geo, 1777

Samuel, 20, rheumatism, BRI Inpatients, 1791, BRO

Samuel, 40, Bitton, theft of blankets and sheets, scars on back, legs and hand; dark hair & eyes, sallow complexion, broad flat face, conduct: well behaved, discharged by proclamation, 9.4.1817, GRO Q Gc/5 1-5

Sarah see John Summerill, 1744, see Wm, 1841, see Isaac 1841

Susannah see Geo, 1777

Thomas, see Timothy Bush, 1813

William, collier, 40, Sarah, 35, Ann, 15, James, 14, Hannah, 8, 1841 cens Bitton Cadbury Heath.

William see Isaac 1841


see Fra Creswick 1674; John see John Wood, 1653



Jane see John Phillips, 1770

Joseph, of Bitton, wid, & Harriet England mar Kelston 5.2.1826

Rebecca, see Benjamin Burgess, 1666; Richard d 6.6.1768 aged 56, MI Bitton, Bigland



Alderman A; founder of firm of F. Wiltshire, 1904, See “From Colliers to Clickers” S. Fryer.  

Abraham Willshire, cm, mentioned at Inq. On Thos Brain & Joseph Iles, Feb 1862

Alice Wiltshire, see Wm Wocok, 1686

Benjamin Wiltshire see Joseph Garland, 1845

Benjamin Wiltshire, 9, cm at KW Lodge Colliery, 1841, Waring.

Benjamin Wiltshire, 33, kcp Soundwell, 1845, left a wife & 3 ch., see BM 1,7,11, Nov 1845, see Wm Harris, 1845

Benjamin Willshire, over 21, miner, s.o. Benjamin, miner & Sarah Britton, u21, sp, cordwainer, d.o. Joseph, plasterer, mar HTKW 11.2.1849

Caroline, 70, aged, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897; Mrs D.M, see Lottie Britton.

Elizabeth, 1857, BAFHS 74, p37; Emily see Edwin Saunders, 1904

Fred Willshire see George, 1917

George Wiltshire, gave evidence at Inq, after multiple accident at Soundwell, see BM 1,7,11, Nov, 1845

George Willshire, Private, Killed in Action in France, 23, s.o. Fred of Soundwell, Obit BM 31.3.1917

Isaac Wiltshire, fund hanging in a bakehouse at White Lion Yate, due to excessive drinking, see FFBJ 16.10.1813

Isaac Wiltshire, u21, miner, KW, s.o. Joseph, miner, & Caroline Hopes, u21, d.o.Wm, blacksmith, mar HTKW 19.7.1848

James Willsher, see Thos, 1849, see Mary Bawn, 1849

Job Wiltshire  collier, 35, Sarah & 5 ch, 1841 cens Westerleigh

John Wiltshire, see Walter, 1700

Joseph Willshire, 20, St Geo, charged by Robt Harford of Stapleton, with assault and theft of 10/- in silver. Dark Brown hair, dark brown eyes, brown complex, oval face, large nose, 3 small moles on rt cheek. Lab; 5’2 & 3/4″ tall, Lent Assizes 1.4.1818, condemned & reprieved, sent penitentiary 8.6.1818. Well behaved. GRO Q Gc/5 1-15

Joseph Wiltshire, 12, cm at Shortwood, 1841, see Waring

Joseph Wiltshire, see Isaac 1848

Nicholas Wiltshire, collier, W & A, abt 40, suitable as musketeer, 1608, Men & Armour

Nicholas Wiltshire, the younger, aged abt 20, suitable as a calyver, W & A, 1608, Men & Armour

Samuel Wiltshire, see Wm Johnson, 1839

Samuel Wiltshire, gave evidence at inquest on Thos Brain & Joseph Iles, 1862

Sarah Wiltshire, see Chris Skinner 1788, see Job, 1841

Thomas Wiltshire, see Samuel Flook, 1779-84; Thomas Willsher see Mary Bawn, 1849

Thomas Willsher, o21, bach, lab, s.o. James, hatter & Mary Baun, o21 sp, works in fields, Mounthill, d.o. John, cm, mar HTKW 2.4.1849

Thomas Wiltshire,45, mar, 39 Old Queen St, KW, injured Deep pit, Nov 1910, see WDP

Walter Wiltshire, s.o. John, Doynton, agrico, to Nat Rooly, mason, 22.10.1700, Bristol Apprents, BRO

Widow Wilshere, see James Charmbury, 1640

William Wiltshire, injured Deep Pit, St Geo., see BM 6.9.1851

William Wiltshire, “wrought at Soundwell Pit” c1859, E.J, p229.



Richard see Wm Hook, 1762



Elizabeth, see Wm Flower, 1751; Francis see George Groves, 1810


See “The Bullock/Strange/Wimboll/Clark Network” in the Simple of the Poor. 1586-1640



Derby see Henry Batt, 1866



Richard, 17, Puck., charged theft of leather breeches from Chas Cordy of same parish, black hair, sunken eyes, overhanging forehead, right hand contracted, very bad front teeth, cannot read. Guilty, 1 mth penitentiary, 22.7.1817, G/Qc/5 1-5, GRO



Ann see John, 1826; Elizabeth see John 1826

John & Ann Windows, Soundwell, cm, their children Elizabeth, Martha, John, bp HTKW 1826

John see Geo Taylor, 1839; Martha see John, 1826



Ernest, 10 years clerk to A Lovell & Co, Boot Manufrs, reference 21.10.1933, from the firm when they closed down. See “From Colliers to Clickers” S. Fryer.

Widow Windle, 1743, Mangots, see E.J. p195



Mrs, aged 81, at Stapleton, the d.o. late Henry Hand, esq., of Worcester & niece of Dr Gastrill, late Bishop of Exeter. FFBJ 31.7.1813



Edward, lab, KW, 24, brown hair, complexion pitted with smallpox, illiterate, assault on Thos Burchill, Bitton, bargeman, stole 1 silver watch, 3 sovereigns, & 2 guineas, and pit him in fear of his life. Conduct indifferent, Tsp (life?) 29.4.1834, G/Qc/5 1-5  GRO



Mary, 3, nr Whites Hill, died of cholera,5.1.1833, St Geo.



Sarah, see John Smith, 1754



—, Mangots, 1743, see E.J. p196

Miss A.F. Winstone see John Adet Curtis, 1799

Florence Emily, wife “old Yorky” Nash, cm at Speedwell, see Stanley Nash

Francis, s.o. John, F.C., yeo. To Arthur Emblin, blacksmith, Bristol Apprents, 22.10.1700, BRO

George, d 1824. MI Mangots, E.J., p58; George, 50, spinal disease, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897

John see Francis, 1700; Joseph see Nathan Walter, 1757

Mary, 41, heart disease, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897; Mr, 1720, MD

Ruth, d 1844, aged 94 MI Mangots, E.J., p58; W.H., see Geo Poole, 1792

William, d 1830 aged 81, MI Mangots, E.J., p58

William Hayward: Estates in Stapleton, Mangotsfield, Bitton etc, advertised for sale. Bath Chron 18.1.1798, see also John Adey Curtis, 1799



Joseph, St Geo., public house, allowing disorderly conduct through drunkenness therein, convicted Lawford’s Gate Petty Sessions, 13.5.1848, Vol 22, W.O.T, p94-145, BRO



William, lab, 50, killed by cart going over his body, Inq Mangots., 23.4.1793, D260/GRO



John, workman in employ of John & Thomas Winwood, iron manufacturers of West St., sent to L.G. Bridewell for 1 mth for being absent from & neglecting his work, SFBJ 13.10.1798



Mrs, aged abt 80, 1722, MD



John, common law husband of Shuke Milledge (qv) transported from Bristol, and appears in “The Playmaker” by Thomas Kenneally.  See also “The Bristol Sheilas” by D.P. Lindegaard



Elizabeth Wychill, 1611, wid, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Hannah d.o. Henry, cm & Wm J. Hoggett, mar West., 22.3.1879

Henry see Hannah, 1879; John, see Elizabeth Nott, 1754

Joane, wid, 1676, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28

Job, born Westerleigh, served 40th Foot, 1807-19, discharged aged 36. TNA

Joseph cm, s.o. Samuel, cm, & Harriet Green d.o. George, Coalpit Heath, mar West, 1.5.1847

Joseph see Joseph Samuel, 1864

Joseph Samuel, 12, s.o. Joseph, cm, put to Edward Leonard, 7 yrs, 6.12.1864, West Apprents, BRO

Richard, yeo, 1674, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28; Richard, see Thos Burnell, 1630

Samuel see Joseph 1847

Samuel, jun, 17, s.o. Samuel, cm, put to John Hollister, Clifton, carpenter & builder, until 21, 24.12.1853, West Apprents, BRO



Obadiah, & wife, inhab of Siston, 1674, Vicar’s perambulation.

Obadiah, see Wm Ford, 1687



Alexander, at Fishponds, obit, FFBJ 27.3.1824

Wm, horsedealer St Geo, 1827, BAFHS 74, p36



George, Castle St., see Andrew Pope, re donations etc to Cock Rd School, FFBJ 21.8.1813

—– see Stephen Williams, 1829



William, abt 13, kcp at Lower Easton, inquest 27.10.1793, St Geo, D260/GRO



Mary see Jonathon Lennett, 1687/8



William of Bitton, & Alice Evans, als Wiltshire, mar Blagdon, Som, 1686



Benjamin & Thomas, “carpenters & sawyers” 16.7.1789, BRO AC/AS/97 8b

Dinah, 32, asthma, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897

Samuel, 50, wid., Mangots, s.o. Thomas, cm, & Caroline Shepherd, 32, sp, d.o. Wm, lab, mar 21.1.1894, Mangots.

Thomas see Benj, 1789, see Samuel 1894

William, 37, asthma, Mangots outdoor poor, 1897



Henry, see James Charmbury, 1640

John, alias Burges: “people returned in a Survey of KW Chase 1653”: John Rod’s gate, Henry Smith, Wm Coxe, John Coxe, Thos Roach, Wm Stone, Thos Maynard, Henry Silcox, Wm Long, Wm Goldinge, Nich: Milsom, John Honde, John Nation, Mr Wyatt’s Quarry, William Wolley’s mill, Wm Hill, John Ponge, Walter Houbin, Thos Golding, “his little cottage”, Thos Eshar, Wm Wolleys, John Bampton, Henry Sandys, Roger Phipps, Thos Wickwick, Thos Lovell, Ellen Smyth, Richard Clement, Wm Midford, Wm Harding, Mr Woodward, Jn Harris, Widow Marks, Wid Ford, One Weekes, Capt Sheriffe, Thos Lewis, Hy Stone, Bussie & Barrott, Jn Lester, John Wilson, Wm Williams, Mr Hayes, Wm Carroll, John Jarvis, Richd Williams.  See Ellacombe “History of Bitton”, pp189-93, BRL

John, of Wickwick, F.C., 1693, 1704, see E.J. p145

John see Widow Haynes, 1760, see Sam Haynes, 1762

John, 81, Siston, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

Mary of Bitton, & Michael Lyonce of Stowel (Stowey?), 1682, BMLB

Thomas see Edward Jefferies, 1683, see William, 1701

William, s.o. Thomas, Hanham Bitton, blacksmith put to Will Clark, glassmaker, 3.8.1701, Bristol Apprents, BRO

William see AKW 1774



Mary see James Weston, 1720



Eleanor, see Joseph Priske, 1675



Ann see Samuel Fuse, ca1841; Elizabeth see Samuel 1825

Florence, 33, & Eunice, 1, Siston, in workhouse, 1897, Poor List

George, cm, Bitton, kcp falling down a pit nr Soundwell, owing to rope breaking. Inq. Soundwell 28.8.1795, D260/GRO

George, 7 and a half, worked with his father at Easton Pit, had worked for one year” see Waring, 1841

George, 25, collier, 1841 cens Siston; Hannah see Thos, 1841

Jane Woodington otp & Abraham Barnes of Bitton, mar Twerton lic 5.5.1780

Jane, 73, inquest at Warmley, found dead, supposed by ill treatment, but jury found died by apoplexy, not violence. FFBJ 22.8.1812

John of Siston & Martha Hale, Mangots, mar Doynton, 24.10.1686

Joseph, 60, collier, Susannah, 60, Joseph, 20, collier, 1841 cens Warmley

Mary see Samuel 1826; Moses see Moses Bryant 1813

Samuel, collier, Soundwell, wife Mary, their dau Elizabeth bp HTKW 1825, and “of KW Hill” 1826 when their dau Sarah bp there.

Samuel see Geo Harding 1897

Sarah see Samuel 1825/6; Susannah see Joseph 1841

Thomas, 15, cm, Thomas, sawyer & Hannah, 1841 cens Webbs Heath

Thomas, aged 20, Siston, coalminer, accidental death Brandy Bottom Pit. 29.1.1868, GRO CO1/N/14/A/38. 4.2.1868

William, KW, landsman on ship “William Brown” Africa-Jamaica, 23.10.1753 to 17,6,1754, 7 mths 3 days, MV Muster Rolls



Grace, d 1843, MI Mangots, E.J., p58

James, 22, killing rabbits, LG 1820, p31, BAFHS Journal, 61



Herbert, Brook Rd, St Geo, Injured Deep Pit, Nov 1910, see WDP

Martha, see Henry Willis, 1714; William see Wm Ettle, 1908



James, of St P & J, 1742. “Bonded Passengers to America, 1663-1775”, Wilson-Coldham, Vols V-IX .

James & Sarah see Wm Crew, 1840



Jane, vagrant, pregnant, wife of Thomas, now in General Kingsley’s Regiment of Foot, removed from Compton Bishop to St P & J. 6.5.1758. SRO Q/SR/326/3

Thomas, see Jane, 1758



—– keeper of coal horses, KW, 1666, see Ellacombe

—– “Woodward sons” see Madam Sellick, 1722.

Benjamin, s.o. Daniel, “did live as a covenant servant with Mr Arthurs of KW Lodge for 2 yrs at yearly wages of £4 per year.” Bitton Vestry Minutes, 8.5.1767

Captain, see Henry Watts, 1788

Daniel see Benjamin, 1767, see Elizabeth Willis, 1789

Dorothy, wife of Francis, ygst d.o. of Sir John Newton, Bart, d.16.10.1712, who had issue 8 sons & 3 daus. Also Francis Woodward, gent, d. 12.12. 1730 aged 60, also John, s.o. John & Elizabeth, g/son of Fra & Dorothy, d. 29.5.1741 aged 11. John s.o. John Woodward, gent, d. 29.5.1741 aged 8, also Anne wife of Newton Woodward, gent, d. 28.6.1743 aged 50, also 5 ch of Newton by Anne, his 2nd wife, Francis-Berkeley, 25.3.1750, 12 mths, Ann, 20.5.1750, 6 yrs, Mary, 31.5.1754, 3 mths, Thomas, 21.3.1758 aged 18 mths, Francis, 16.7.1764, aged 12, Dorothy, their dau, d. 15.7.1775 aged 15. Also Newton Woodward, gent, d.9.12.1778. Bitton, Bigland .

Elizabeth, see George Lovell, 1686, see Elizabeth Willis, 1789

Elizabeth of W & A, bur Langridge, Som, 10.3.1780

Francis see Roger Langesford, 1565

Francis, gent., Oldland, Herald’s Visitation, 1682/3 see Bigland

Francis Woodward, John Blazley, Everett Hall & John Meredith, seen hunting in the Chase, 2.8.1683, see Ellacombe Mss, see Fra Creswick, 1684

Francis, s.o. Francis & Dorothy, gent, g/son of Sir John Newton, d. 7.9.1701 Bitton, Bigland

Francis, gent, Bitton, & Elizabeth Bird, St Thomas, (Francis Tucker, Siston, yeo) BMLB 29.4.1717

Francis see Elizabeth Tucker, 1771

Gerves, s.o. Francis & Dorothy, d.6.9.1702, Bitton, Bigland

John, 1719, “now of age & going out master of a ship” and Mr: 1713, MD

Mr John, of Mangots, bur West., 6.6.1733

John, house at LG, named in connection with benefactor to Bitton, see Bigland

John, memo of agreement for lease from John Woodward to Richard Haynes, Isaac Jefferis, Samuel Jefferis, for coalmining on 4 closes called Marygold Lease, Rush, Coldbailys, The Grove & Culbrooks, 28.7.1792, Haynes Estate papers, BRO

Mr: his house near Grimsbury mentioned in a Government Survey of 1652

Mr: see John Wood, 1653

Mr: at Grimsbury: Mr Woodward’s Pit mentioned Case of Crown v. Edward Stone, for riot, poss 1738, see Ellacombe Mss

Philip Woodward & Brice Seede, W & A, Mary his wife, mother of P.W. and dau of Philip Gibbes, woollen draper, 10.10.1660, BRO P/Xch/D/28g

Philip, brewer, s.o. Samuel, of W & A, and Brice Seede of same, 16.10.1662, BRO P/Xch/D/28f

Richard, s.o. Francis & Dorothy, d.11.11.1703, Frances, d.o. Francis & Dorothy, d.18.8.1705 Bitton, Bigland

Richard, manor of Gee Moor, 1794, Samuel Batchelor purchased, son rev Ed Batchelor sold it in lots, 1862, see Braine p131

Robert, lab, inhab of KW Chase 1684, see Ellacombe

Samuel see Philip, 1662

Thomas, grandson of Mr Thomas Woodward d 26.10.1728 aged 50, MI Bitton, Bigland

William, Upyate, tithing of Bitton, tithingman & juryman, 1722, Ellacombe.

William, committed to Newgate after coalminers’ march on Bristol, see FFBJ 26.5.1753 & AKW

William, 17, Mangots, abscess right thigh, cured, BRI Inpatients, 1788

William, see Elizabeth Willis, 1789



George Woodey, bootmaker, London Rd, KW, sued Samuel Smith retired publican for the death of 7 homing pigeons killed by defendants cat. BO 20.3.1920

John, als Wordy, £100 reward on his head after 1753 colliers’ march on Bristol, see FFBJ 4.8.1753 & AKW

John see Mary Ann Britton, 1848



Cicely Wooly, wid, 1633, Mangots BAFHS 3, p24 & 36, p28

Edmund Wolley, 1632, Mangots BAFHS 3, p24 & 36, p28

Edmund, Mangots, 1668 see E.J. p157

Edward Woolie, Wm Gregory, 60, & Richard Haynes, all spoke for Crown v. Newton, Player, &c, 1629, see Ellacombe “History of Bitton” & Braine

Nicholas of Stapleton, cm & Eleanor Grigorie, wid, BMLB 1.8.1662

Thomas, 1671, see E.J. p154

William, his mill, see John Wood, 1653

William, Mangots, 1668 see E.J. p157 & 158: mar Mary d.o. Sir James Tillie, 1687


JOHN WORDY see John WOODY, 1753





Mary see Wm Horrell, 1684

Mary wife of Nicholas, yeo, bur Feb —1699, aged 61, Nicholas Wornell, d.19.6.172, aged 67, Bitton, Bigland

Mrs: 1713, MD (Mary Warner died May 1721, (MD) – also as “Mrs Warne, 1721 & 1722 – seems to be same person )

Mrs Mary, Hanham, d. 17.5. 1721 aged 60, and Elizabeth Batt, her sister, d. 17.3.1733, aged 81, Bitton, Bigland

Nic: see Fran Creswick 1674

Nicholas Wornell & Poynz Smith, 2 pits open, inhabs of KW Chase, 1684, Ellacombe

Nicholas, collier tenant of Sir John Newton, who was the agent who tempted William Hawkins & —–Monke with £10 apiece in respect of Francis Creswick’s supposed involvement with Monmouth, 1685, see Ellacombe History of Bitton.

Nicholas see Wm Braine, 1686,  see Mary, 1699



Thomas, 1657, Mangots, see E.J. p145



Thomas Woullter (Walter?), 1704, Mangots BAFHS 36, p28



John, took part in KW Riot, 1670, see Ellacombe

Mary of Bitton & Thomas Rogers of Castle, cordwainer, 1665, BMLB

Richard, took part in KW Riot, 1670, see Ellacombe

Tobias, see James Charmbury, 1640



Rev John, Rural Dean for Stapleton, 1889-1905, see BAFHS Journal 101, p18



Ann, see James Bawn 1764

Charles see Thos Pearsall, 1804



Daniel, 22, stealing turnips, LG 1820, p31, BAFHS Journal, 61

Edward, see Thomas Davis, 1787

John, see AKW 1762 & 1767

John: Betty Pegler pregnant of John, West., 13.10.1786, Westerleigh PR, BRO

John – see Philip James, 1789

Louisa, 42, wid, 4 ch, KW North, outdoor poor 1897

Thomas, bp 1694, & family, see “Wanderings from Westerleigh”, BAFHS Journal 74, p21

Thomas, Puck, wills at GRO,1729

Thomas, West, wills at GRO, 1729

Thomas cm, bur West., 27.6.1769

William, steward to Sir John Newton, 7.8.1740, see Annals of KW.



James, Stapleton, Inventory, 1734, see BAFHS June 1993



William, vicar of Mangots, 1720. See E.J. p61



Joseph of W & A, robbed by “new Hanham Cock Road Gang”, Joseph Britton & others tsp. See FFBJ 6.4.1850

Mr: his quarry, see John Wood, 1653



Andrew see Mary Gregson, 1667



Philip Thomas, esquire, of Thame Park, Oxon, fellow of All Souls & Hester Louisa Trotman, d.o. Fiennes Trotman, esq., Siston Court, mar FFBJ 24.8.1805,



Thomas, keeper of coal horse, KW Chase, 1666, see Ellacombe



James, aged abt 20, cm, Easton/Barton Regis, 1608, see Men & Armour



Charles, 69, aged, Siston outdoor poor, 1897

Harriet Wyne, wid, 28, 2 ch, Bitton outdoor poor, 1897



Thomas. See Miss S. Bush, Bitton, 1799



Ann see Thos Wilcox, 1696



Elizabeth Ann see Amelia Kelson, 1796



Mary Yate, widow, 1672, BAFHS 52, p36

Mary see Thomas, 1789

Thomas, s.o. Thomas & Mary Yates, bur W & A, 10.5.1789, “found drowned at Lower ironwork, formerly coalworks”. Thomas Yates was an accountant. He would also die by accident, falling from his horse, bur W & A, 22.10.1798



Mr see John Jeffrys, 1684



Francis: beer offence. L.G. Petty Sessions, St P & J, 7.2.1828, see Vol 22, WOT, p54, BRO



Christopher, see Stephen Stout, 1741

Edward, see Hester Wilmot, 1754

Jacob, see Stephen Stout, 1741

James, 11, supposed killed by father, William Young, mason, Inquest found natural causes, FFBJ 8.11.1806

John, 9, Warmley, contused head, cured, BRI inpatients, 1790, BRO

Robert see Thos Pearsall, 1804

Sarah, the mother of Thomas Chatterton, born Stapleton, see BAFHS Journal no 101, p17, Summer 2000

Susan see Ann Strange, 1611

William, committed to Newgate after miners’ march on Bristol, see FFBJ 26.5.1753, convicted 2 years imprisonment. 5.9.1753.

William see James 1806



Susanna wife of Will, d.o. Joseph Rosewell, d. Feb 5 —- see Wm Barton, 1759



Joseph Adolf, left Germany 1870, apprenticed to watch trade at Wootton under Edge, took lock up shop in KW, Regent Street, just a few yards from present shop. Married local woman, Thirza Denning, (registered Bristol, March Qtr, 1899) and had seven surviving children. Joseph does not appear in the 1891 census, but is probably connected to John B. Zahringer, 26, born Germany, wife Norah, 24, and son William (0), living at Barton Regis in 1891.  The family jewellers still run by the Zahringer family celebrated its centenary in 1990, see story BO 6.4.1990, with photograph of Reginald & Audrey Zahringer, with sons Paul, John, Tim & Mark.



John, bur Stapleton, 5 May 1700