The Linden Tree – The Lindegaard Family History

Norman and Doreen Lindegaard smiling

I wrote this a long time ago and refer to it as “my juvenelia”! I need to revisit it and improve it. It charts the story of how my husband’s family (by the name of Lindegaard) came to Bristol by way of Denmark, County Kerry and Southampton.  It’s a good yarn! Problem is that it was written back in the 1990’s on my old Amstrad word processor so I would need my lovely son (he knows who he is) to scan it in as a pdf, use optical character recognition so it can be turned into an editable file and then I would need to find the inspiration to update it after all this time. It’s on the to do list!

Blog Comments

I’m writing to send you a link to the website I started today about our common Lindegaard ancestry. It is in the very beginning stages but basically it’s just a way to post online the various write-ups I did that you have already seen, and a few others that I’m still working on. Its purpose is not to broadcast them to the world but to have them in a convenient place for any descendants who might be interested. You won’t find it by googling for it, as it is not likely to gain any visibility (boring and dry details that don’t interest anyone). I wanted to know if there is anything in the write-ups that you would rather not be posted online. I did include your name as Doreen Pillinger Lindegaard as a source for the write-up on Henrik Peter and as Doreen Lindegaard for the write-up on Erin. I’m not actually sure how you prefer to be named, please let me know your preference.
The link to the website is below, you’ll see that it is very basic and still in the very beginning stages. It is a free website like the one on Henri Lindegaard.

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