Bristol and other local Men at Trafalgar, 1805.
Royal Navy (of Bristol unless otherwise stated)
John Alden, 20, Landsman, HMS Naiad, 1804
William Alden, 35, AB, HMS Thunderer, 1805
John Allen, 20, Landsman, Bath, HMS Euryalus, 1803, wages paid to mother
H.J. Anderden, Midshipman
George Anderson, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon
John Andrews, 27, Quartermaster, HMS Defiance
John Appleby, 27, AB, HMS Spartiate, 1804
John Armstrong, 30, AB, from Ulysses to HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Charles Arthur, Ord Seaman
William Atkins, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Temeraire, 1804-5. At Trafalgar. Died 22.10,1805, lost aboard Redoubtable, a prize.
Charles Baber, 21, Landsman, Bedminster, HMS Naiad
George Baker, 22, Carpenter’s Crew, Keynsham, Somerset, HMS Defiance, wages, 1803, to mother
John Baker, Ord Seaman
Francis Barnes, AB, 23, HMS Ajax, 1805, at Trafalgar
James Barnes, 21, Landsman, HMS Revenge, 1805
Peter Barrett, 23, AB, HMS Neptune
Samuel Bateman, 14, Boy, 2nd Class, volunteer, HMS Euryalus from Salvador, 22.2.1805. (NA states no place of birth given, AN states “Bath”)
Christopher Beaty, 33, Quarter gunner, HMS Bellerephon.
George Beck, 25, Captain’s Clerk aboard HMS Defiance. 1805, wages to mother
George Bedford, 23, AB, HMS Naiad
John Bell, Landsman, Bath
Abraham Bennett, 17, Boy 2nd Class, 1805, HMS Thunderer
John Bennett, 23, AB, 1805, HMS Orion from HMS Desiree
William Berry AB Bath
‘Thomas Blake, Ord Seaman
William Blake, Landsman, Marshfield, Glos
Walter Bond, 30, Quarter gunner, HMS Dreadnought
Richard Bowden, 21, AB, 1805, HMS Royal Sovereign
Robert Boyde, 35, AB, Downing (sic) Glos, HMS Conqueror, wages 1807 to mother, Sarah
Thomas Braine, 21, Ord Seaman. (history: 1800-4, Renown, boy; 1804-5, OS; Thunderer, 1805-8, OS; Sirius, 1808-10, OS; Diomede, 1810-11; Queen, 1811, “Captain of Mast.)
Joseph Briton (sic) Landsman
Philip Bretton, 18, Landsman, Bath, HMS Euryalus. Notes say he was baptised Lyncombe & Widcombe, 1785, and his sister Ann, in 1782/3. She became Ann Viner and in 1806 lived 12 Somerset St, Bath
Simon Gage Britton, Assistant Surgeon, 1804, HMS Pickle
William Broad, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Orion from Anson
William Broad, 30, Carpenter’s crew, HMS Britannia
John Brock,41, AB, HMS Sirius, 1804
William Brooks, 25, AB, St Garges, (sic) Glos, wages to mother Catherine
Joseph Brooks, 26, Landsman, 1804, ship’s paybook, HMS Polyphemus
James Brown, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror, 1804
John Brown, 31, AB, volunteer, HMS Belleisle, 1802-5, at Trafalgar.
John Brown, 22, AB, HMS Swiftsure from Ulysses, 1804
Samuel Brown, 28, Bath, AB, Quartermaster, HMS Swiftsure, 1804.
William Brown, 27, Ord Seaman, HMS Neptune
William Buck, 25, Quartermaster, HMS Conqueror, 1804
William Buckley, 36, Yeoman of the Sheets, HMS Mars
Samuel Burgess, 20, volunteer, Landsman, HMS Leviathan, 1804
James Burton, master’s mate, Ratcliffe (sic)
Peter Bush, 18, Boy 2nd Class, Kingswood, Glos, HMS Prince, 1804
Joseph Buxton, 23, AB, Hanham, Glos, HMS Conqueror
George Cannon, Landsman, Bath
John Campbell, 36, Quarter gunner, HMS Orion, 1805
William Cantell, 20, Landsman, Whitechurch (sic) Somerset, HMS Spartiate, 1804
Jacob Cappell, Pte. Queen Charlton, Somerset, (TR “Victory”)
Hugh Carney, 32, Pte, Marine, St Michael, Bristol, (TR “Britannia”, 1805)
Robert Carr, Midshipman
Comm. John. Carslake. Born Colyton, Devon, 1785. Entered R.N. 1799. Midshipman
on “Victory” 1805. Promoted after the battle to Lieut. Retired Commander,
1852, N.G.S. Medal, two clasps. Died Clifton 1865. (TR)
Charles Cawly, 22, Landsman, HMS Naiad
John Chambers, 20, Landsman. HMS Dreadnought. (as Ord. Seaman ?TR “Dreadnought”. Martinique clasp)
James Cheek, Landsman
James Cherry, Landsman
Daniel Chilcott, Quarter gunner
Henry Child, AB, Bath
James Chivers, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Dreadnought
William Clements, Landsman, Bath
Thomas Cobley, 44, Ord Seaman “Pardoned convicts from Cyclops”, HMS Leviathan
Isaac Cole, 23, Ord Seaman, Hanham, Glos, HMS Ajax, 1805
Samuel Cole, 26, AB, Downing, (sic) Glos, HMS Prince, 1804
John Coleman, 32, Carpenter’s Crew, Bath, HMS Ajax, 1805
Michael Collins, 21, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Spartiate, 1804
Thomas Condon, 22, Ord Seaman, HMS Mars, 1805
John Cook, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Salvador, Volunteer, 1804
John Cooper, 24, Landsman, Cyson (sic) (Siston) Glos, HMS Defiance
John Cope, 24, AB. Originally a boy, “monkey gun brig” on HMS Diligence. Then 1803, HMS Utrecht, 1804-6, HMS Victory, at Trafalgar, 1806 HMS Gelykheid, 1806-9, HMS Ocean, 1809, HMS Salvador del Mondo. Progress from Ord Seaman to AB. 1809 HMS Jalouse, Quarter Gunner, 1809-12, Captain of the mast, served 1812-16
Samuel Cowles, 26, AB, Landsman, Downing (sic) (Downend) 1805
Charles Cox, 20, Landsman, Stapleton, Glos, HMS Leviathan, 1804
John Cramer, 23, Landsman, HMS Leviathan
Robert Cuddiford, Carpenter’s crew. (TR “Naiad.)
Benjamin Dagger, 26, Carpenter’s crew, Bath, HMD Thunderer, from Renown, 1805
William Davis, 20, Ord Seaman, 1804-5, HMS Mars
William Davis, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Agamemnon and HMS Foudroyant*. At Trafalgar
William Dawes, AB
Bartholomew George Smith Day, 21, Midshipman, from Royal William, late Amsterdam, HMS Revenge, at Trafalgar, TR Revenge. “Superiere” 10 Feb 1809
Thomas Day, 27, AB, HMS Bellerephon, 1804. Fro Royal William
James Dowling, Boy, 2nd Class
Thomas Downey, 14, Boy 2nd Class, Bath, HMS Leviathan
John Downs, Quarter Gunner
Jeremiah Dunn, 22, AB, HMS Spartiate, 1804
James Earle, Midshipman
Francis Eaves, 29, 1804-6, HMS Victory, at Trafalgar.Made his will 1805, naming Thomas Ansell, seaman aboard Victory. Survived. 1806-9, HMS Ocean, 1809-13, HMS Rhin, Yeoman of the Powder Room. Ran, 5.3.1813, Plymouth, from leave.
James Edwards, 21, AB, HMS Mars
Samuel Edwards, Landsman
William Edwards, Landsman
Walter Ellis, 25,Ord Seaman, HMS Orion from Anson, 1805
George Emblin, Coxswain
Henry Evans, Ord Seaman
Matthew Evans, 20, Landsman, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Thomas Evans, Ord Seaman
Thomas Evans, 30, Yeoman of the Sheets, HMS Swiftsure, 1804-5
William Fields, 21, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
Nicholas Fitzgerald, Carpenter’s Crew
Charles Fletcher, 23, AB, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805
Thomas Fletcher, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Thunderer, 1805
John Flooke, 16, Boy, 1st class, HMS Tonnant, 1805
George Floyd, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Tonnant, 1804
William Forrest, 37, AB, Keynsham, Som, HMS Belleisle, from Victory, 1804-5, was at Trafalgar.
James Fowler, 27, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon, was at Trafalgar
Thomas Francis, 25, Landsman, HMS Conqueror, was at Trafalgar
John French, AB, 33, HMS Neptune (?TR “Euralyus”)
Edward Fry, Landsman, 20 HMS Spartiate, 1804, (TR “Spartiate”)
John Fry, 21, Landsman, HMS Spartiate, 1803 “substitute for James Thompson, United Brothers, Resolve”
Thomas Fry, 24, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Ajax, 1805
Thomas Fry, 28, Landsman, Bath, HMS Ajax, 1805
Isaac Fudge, 34, Ord Seaman, Ordinary Seaman
James Fuller, Ord Seaman
John Gardner, 23, Landsman, HMS Prince, 1804
John/James Gardner, 20, Landsman, HMS Ajax, 1805
William Gardner, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon
Thomas Gascoyne, Ord Seaman
James Gerrard, AB, 26, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
George Gibbons, 24, AB, HMS Belleisle, from Victory, 1805, was at Trafalgar
Thomas Gibson, AB (?TR “Euralyus”)
William Giles, 24, AB, HMS Bellerephon
William Giles, 27, Landsman, “Gainson” i.e. Keynsham, Som, HMS Ajax, 1805
Nicholas Gooding, 17, Ord Seaman, HMS Dreadnought
William Goodman, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Minotaur, Killed in action, 21 Oct 1805
John Gordon, 28, AB, Bath, HMS Naiad
John Graham, Boy, 3rd Class
George Grant, AB
William Graves, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805, HMS Formidable, 21 Dec 1805 to 25 Dec 1805, discharged to Plymouth hospital, Dec 1805
Thomas Griffiths, 27, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
William Griffiths, 21, Landsman, HMS Salvador, volunteer, 1805
Charles Grimes, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Thunderer from Renown, 1805
Joseph Gullick, 23, Landsman, HMS Salvador, volunteer. 1805
James Hale, Ord Seaman
Thomas Hall, 19, Landsman, “Battern” i.e. Bitton, Glos, HMS Spartiate, Volunteer
Samuel Hammans, 23, Ord Seaman, Somerset, HMS Spartiate, Killed in Action, 21 Oct 1805
Thomas Handley, AB (TR “Bellerophon”
John Hannam, 44, Carpenter’s Crew, 1805, HMS Ajax, (TR as Hannan “Ajax”)
Joseph Hannam, Boy, 2nd Class
John Harding, 28, Ord Seaman, HMS Prince, 1804
Thomas Harding, 23, Landsman to Ord Seaman, HMS Ajax, 1805
Samuel Harris, 21, AB, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805
Thomas Harris, 25, AB, 1805, HMS Ajax. Wages to mother in Bristol. Discharged 1807 to HMS Glatton
John Hartland, 46, Ord Seaman, HMS Spartiate, 1804
James Harvey, 17, Ord Seaman, HMS Dreadnought, 1805
Samuel Hawkins, 33, AB, HMS Royal Sovereign. Made will 1804 in favour of his aunt,Eliz, living Devon, 1804. Was at Trafalgar, service details from 1796-1811
George Hayes, 26, AB, HMS Achille, 1805, was at Trafalgar
John Hazle, AB
James Helliar, 27, Ord Seaman, HMS Orion from Anson, 1805
William Hemmings, Landsman
William Henderson, Trumpeter
Edward Henley, 39, Landsman, HMS Defence. (Armourer’s Mate in AN)
Job Henley, 22, Landsman, volunteer, HMS Achille, was at Trafalgar, discharged to Plymouth hospital, Nov 1806
William Herbert, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Belleisle, 1802-6, was at Trafalgar
Augustus Thomas Hicks, 15, Volunteer 1st Class, Berkeley, HMS Defiance. (TR Defiance”, died 1857)
John Hilliar, Ord Seaman
John Hinds, 28, Quartermaster’s Mate, HMS Neptune
Thomas Christopher Holland, Midshipman, Bath
Charles Hopkins, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror from Salvador, Sirius, “prest”. was at Trafalgar, discharged to Cadiz hospital 26 Oct 1805
David Howell, Trumpeter, Bath
Henry Howell, Ord Seaman
John Howell, 28, Ord Seaman HMS Belleisle, 1803-5
William Howell, 21, Landsman, Manilsfield sic – (Mangotsfield), Glos, HMS Temeraire, was at Trafalgar, Killed in Action, 25 Oct 1805
William Hubber, 30, Ord Seaman, HMS Polyphemus, 1804. was at Trafalgar (TR “Polyphemus”)
Aaron Hubert, 16, Boy, 2nd Class, Cosham sic – (Cotham?), Bristol. aged 16. On “Victory” 1803-6, at Trafalgar. HMS Ocean 1806.
Abraham Hughes, 30, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
William Humphries, 28, Qtr. Gunner, Bath, HMS Mars, was at Trafalgar (TR “Mars”)
William Hutchinson, 29, landsman to Ord Seaman, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805
Thomas Hyde,22, Landsman, HMS Conqueror, was at Trafalgar(TR “Conqueror”)
James Jackson, 23, AB, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Richard Jackson, 36, Landsman, HMS Defence
James James, 23, Landsman, HMS Achille, from Kite (sloop) 1805, was at Trafalgar
John James, Ord Seaman
Stephen Watts Jeffries, 29, Ord Seaman, Mangotsfield, Glos, HMS Spartiate
James Jenkins, 46, Ord Seaman, HMS Dreadnought, 1805
John Jenkins, 29, AB, HMS Dreadnought,
John Jennings, Ord Seaman
George Johnson, 19, Bath, HMS Thunderer, 1805.
John Johnson, 24, Landsman, HMS Britannia
John Johnston, 33, Ord Seaman, HMS Spartiate, volunteer, 1805
Francis Jones, 21, Landsman, Bath, HMS Bellerephon, volunteer
George Jones, 24, Landsman, HMS Britannia
Isaac Jones, 22, Ord Seaman, HMS Royal Sovereign
Richard Jones, 20, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
William Jones, 26, AB, HMS Ajax, 1805
Thomas King, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Thunderer, 1805
William King, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Thunderer, 1805
Edward Kingston, 19, Ord Seaman, HMS Dreadnought, “late Plymouth Hospital”, was at Trafalgar, (TR “Dreadnought”)
George Lacey, 24, AB, HMS Neptune
Samuel Lacey, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Polyphemus
Solomon Leonard, 40, Ord Seaman, HMS Colossus
John Lisle, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Prince, 1804
William Lloyd, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Polyphemus, 1804
George Long, 20, Landsman, HMS Neptune
William Long, 20, Ord Seaman, HMS Tonnant, 1804-5
William Loveless, 24, Landsman, Winterbourne, Glos, HMS Africa, Volunteer from HMS Sussex, hospital ship. Details 1805-1811
Robert Luton, 32, Ord Seaman, HMS Britannia
William Maggs, 21, Landsman, Bath, HMS Prince
George Manning, 18, AB, Bath, HMS Swiftsure (?TR as Ord. Seaman “Victory”, and Basque Roads)
Thomas Mansfield, 46, HMS Dreadnought, yeoman of the Powder Room
John Marks, Ord Seaman, Bath
James Marshall, 24, AB, Ord Seaman, HMS Neptune, 1805, discharged to Plymouth Hospital
James Marshall, 28, Landsman, HMS Prince Frederick, from hospital, 1805
William Marshall, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Temeraire, 1804
John Martin, 35, AB, HMS Minotaur
William Matthews, Ship’s Corporal, Bath
Thomas Mason, 30, AB, HMS Dreadnought
George May, 15, Boy, 2nd Class, Bath, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Mark McMullen, 18, Landsman, Camerton, Som. HMS Naiad, 1805
William Mearn, Ord Seaman
Henry Merchant, 42, Ord Seaman, discharged from HMS Bellerephon to HMS Bedford 1807 and wages paid to wife Ann.
Thomas Merchant, 21, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Euralyus, was at Trafalgar
John Miller, 19, Ord Seaman, HMS Temeraire, from HMS Salvador, late Lousia, 1805, “Prest”
Charles Mills, AB
Simeon Moon, 25, volunteer, AB, 1803, HMS Utrecht, 1803-6, HMS “Victory”. Wounded at Trafalgar. Discharged 31.1.1806, “unserviceable”.
John Mooney, 12, Boy 3rd Class, HMS Dreadnought
Joseph Henry Moore, Boy 2nd Class, Bath
Thomas Moore, Landsman, Bath
James Morris, Ord Seaman/AB, HMS Temeraire, 1804-5
William Mountain, 30, Landsman, HMS Defence
Samuel Moxom, Landsman
Thomas Murphy, 57, Quarter Gunner, MS Ajax, 1805
Richard Musto, 20, Bosun’s mate, HMS Agamemnon. service listed 1805-1808, when Captain of afterguard incl hospital stay, Deal, Kent, and payment of wages to wife Elizabeth, 1807, at Portsmouth.
George Nash, 47, Quartergunner, HMS Spartiate, 1804
Thomas Nash, 22, Quartergunner, HMS Spartiate, 1804
Thomas Neal, 22, AB, HMS Prince, 1804, was at Trafalgar, TR “Prince”
Thomas Neal, 34, Ord Seaman, HMS Minotaur
Richard Newman, 26, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
Thomas Norman, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Naiad
John Norton, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Ajax, 1805
John Oliver, Landsman
Thomas Owens, 20, Landsman, Bath, HMS Britannia (NB appears AN as “Ovens”)
William Owen(s), 23, AB, HMS Orion, 1805
John Palmer, Armourer
Charles Parker, Landsman, Bath
Giles Parker, 14, Boy, 3rd class, Wootton under Edge, HMS Achilles, volunteer, 1810
Joseph Parker, 22, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon
Job Parsons, 27, Landsman, HMS Thunderer, 1805
Thomas Partridge, 35, AB, Bath, HMS Swiftsure
John Patterson, 35, AB, HMS Dreadnought, “from American gun vessel” (see my blog on he war of 1812 – perhaps a naturalised American?)
George Pearson, 13, Volunteer 1st Class, Som, HMS Bellerephon
*John Peart, 27, HMS Africa, see letters, a Portsmouth Man, was at Trafalgar
Erasmus Peeps, 26, Midshipman/Quartermaster’s Mate, Pill, Somerset, HMS Leviathan, 1805
William Peirce, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Polyphemus, 1804
Anthony Perks, 43, Ord Seaman, HMS Temeraire, 1804
William Perry, 23, Landsman, HMS Polyphemus, 1804
Comm. John Phepoe. Born Dublin, 1776, entered RN, 1801. Midshipman “Ajax” at ‘Trafalgar. Ret’d Commander, 1848, N.G.S. medal with clasp. Died Clifton 1862, buried Clifton St Andrews. (TR)
James Phillips: according to his obituary in Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal of 14 March 1818, he was Lord Nelson’s boatswain on board the “Victory” at the Battle of Trafalgar, “having proved his attachment to his brave Admiral by numerous wounds, viz. four large sabre wounds on his head, many gun shot wounds on his body and three balls in his right thigh and leg, his knee being then shattered. He obtained an honourable discharge and a liberal pension from his King and Country. He was boarded however by the grim tyrant of death in North Street, Bedminster on Monday last, having just attained his 47th year, the age of his beloved Commander and he will be lowered to his last berth in Redcliff Church tomorrow at o’clock.” His name does not appear on the Age of Nelson website. Another report in the Bristol Observer of 25 March 1994, says his name was “Slasher” Brown! HE IS NOW BELIEVED TO BE AN IMPOSTOR!
William Phillips, AB, 38, “Prest” HMS Achille, etc, service listed 1805-1813, allotment from wages made to wife Elizabeth, 1805, paid Bristol. Discharged 1814 “unserviceable” to HMS Gladiator.
John Phipps, AB
Colston Pierce, 30, Ord Seaman, HMS Spartiate, 1804
George (or David) Pitt, 19, Ord Seaman, HMS “Victory”. Wounded at Trafalgar. 1804, 1803, “Puissant”, 15 January 1806, “Ocean” (TR “Victory”)
George Pontin, 20, Ord Seaman, HMS Naiad
Robert Pordie, Yeoman, Bosun’s Store room
John Powell, 18, Boy, 2nd class, HMS Thunderer
John Powell, 22, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Conqueror, (?TR as “AB” “Conqueror”)
William Powers, 27, AB, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805
Charles Price, 28, Frampton, Glos, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror
James Price, 21, Landsman, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805 (TR “Tennant”)
Thomas Prior, 21, Ord Seaman, HMS Temeraire, 1804
Francis Pritchard, 23, Landsman, HMS Bellerephon, allotted wages paid to his mother, Joan, discharged from Temeraire to HMS Bedford, 1807
Thomas Pullen, gunsmith, Downing
Samuel Randall, 23, AB, Bath, HMS Ajax: at Trafalgar. Discharged 25 Oct 1805 Sent in the launch to assist the St Augustine Spanish Prize the boat broke a drift from the ship in a very boisterous night and the men were either lost or made prisoners probably the former.
William Read, 25, Yeoman of the Sheets, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Thomas Rees, 28, AB, HMS Africa, 1805, was at Trafalgar, from Ceres, substitute, 1808-9, rank: cooper,died 9 Jan 1809. Argonaut, hospital ship.
William Reeves, AB, 29, HMS Ajax, 1805, was at Trafalgar. 26 October 1805
Comments: Discharged 26 Oct 1805 Sent in the launch to assist the St Augustine Spanish Prize the boat broke a drift from the ship in a very boisterous night and the men were either lost or made Prisoners. Probably the former.
James Reynolds, 11, Boy, 3rd Class, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805, “from Marine Society”
John Reynolds, 31, Ord Seaman, Bath, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Francis Rice, 23, Landsman, HMS Conqueror, career listed 1803-1814, (AB) was at Trafalgar, muster for HMS Barham stated he was born in Abergavenny.
John Rice, 22, Landsman, HMS Conqueror
Daniel Rich, 23, Landsman, HMS Conqueror, career listed 1803-14, Ord Seaman, was at Trafalgar
Joseph (?) Richardson, 22, AB, Bath, HMS Phoebe, 1802
Arthur Roberts, 34, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon, wages paid to wife Sarah, Portsmouth, discharged to HMS Bedford, 1807
James Roberts, 24, Ord Seaman, HMS Naiad
William Roberts, 26, AB, HMS Leviathan
William Roberts, 19, Landsman, HMS Conqueror
Daniel Rogers, 28, Ord Seaman, Bedminster, Bristol, HMS Britannia
Richard Rogers, 22, AB, HMS Polyphemus, 1804
William Romney, 33, Landsman/AB, HMS Leviathan, 1804
John Rudge, 20, Landsman, HMS Spartiate, 1804, (TR “Spartiate”)
Thomas Rumney, AB, Pill
James Sanders, 26, AB, Bath, HMS Royal Sovereign
John Saunders, 21, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror, 1804. Allotment of wages to wife Mary in 1806
Richard Searle, 30, AB, Bath, HMS Victory, 1803-6, was at Trafalgar, 1806 at Haslar Hospital
Samuel Sensbury, (Sainsbury?) 40, Gunner’s mate, HMS Swiftsure, 1804
Comm. Joseph Seymour. Master RN, 1796, Master of “Conqueror” 1804, at Trafalgar. Ret’d Commander 1846. NGS Medal with two clasps. Died Bristol 1862, buried Arnos Vale. (TR)
Elias Shaddock, 30, Quarter Gunner, HMS Royal Sovereign, 1805
Benjamin Shepherd, 42, Ord Seaman, HMS Orion from Anson, 1805
John Shepherd, 28, Ord Seaman/AB, HMS Polyphemus, 1804
James Sherbourne, 22, Landsman, HMS Thunderer, from Salvador, 1805, “Prest”.
William Simmonds, 20, AB, HMS Leviathan, from Union – merchant ship
Benjamin Simmons, 38, Carpenter’s Crew, HMS Thunderer, from Renown, 1805. (TR “Thunderer”)
William Simmons, 28, Ord Seaman, Bath HMS Neptune
William Smart, 21, AB, Bath, HMS Leviathan, from Portsmouth, volunteer
Joseph Smith, Landsman
Lionel Smith, Armourer’s mate, Bathford, Som
Thomas Smith, 19, Landsman, HMS Sirius, 1804
Thomas Smith, 21, AB, HMS Thunderer, 1805, volunteer
Thomas Smith, 27, Ord Seaman/AB, Bath, HMS Royal Sovereign, career listed 1803-7, was a Trafalgar
William Smith, 23, Landsman, HMS Mars
William Smith, 29, Ord Seaman, HMS Spartiate 1804
Christopher Spring, Ord Seaman
John Steager, Landsman, Keynsham, Somerset
Joseph Stokes, 23, Ord Seaman, HMS Bellerephon
James Stone, 20, Midshipman, Bath, HMS Leviathan
Thomas Stone, 21, Landsman, HMS Polyphemus, 1805
William Stone, 27, AB, HMS Royal Sovereign, career 1803-5, joined as a volunteer from HMS Braave
Charles Stowe, Landsman
William Strong, 22, Ord Seaman, HMS Leviathan, 1803, from merchant ship Zephyr, “prest”
William Symonds, 23, Landsman, HMS Temeraire, 1804
William Symonds, 33, Landsman, HMS Temeraire
Francis Taylor, Boy, 3rd class
Hugh Taylor, 23, AB, HMS Dreadnought
William Taylor, 29, Armourer’s Mate, HMS Conqueror, wages to mother, 1803 & 1807, paid from Bristol
John Thomas, 19, Ord Seaman, HMS Tonnant, 1804-5, (TR “Tennant”)
John Morris Thompson, 32, HMS Conqueror, Master’s mate. Quartermaster 1805, wages paid to wife Mary, 1807, Plymouth,
Joseph Thompson, 20, Landsman, HMS Naiad
William Thompson, 28, Ord Seaman, HMS Naiad (TR “Victory”)
Joseph Thorn, AB, Ratclift (sic)
Nathaniel Thorne, 21, Landsman, HMS Thunderer, volunteer from Salvador
Bowham Tomkyns, 14, volunteer, 1st class, HMS Tonnant, at Trafalgar
Thomas Tripp, 20, Seaman, HMS Leviathan, from Pegasus, active cutter
James Tucker, 39, Carpenter’s Crew, Bath, HMS Dreadnought
John Tucker, 37, Ord Seaman, HMS Leviathan, 1804-5
William Turner, 22, Landsman, HMS Dreadnought
Jeremiah Vincent, 21, Landsman, Bath, HMS prince, 1804
* John Viner, 25, Landsman, HMS Spartiate, 1804, See letters.
George Warren, 26, AB, Bath, HMS Ajax, 1805
John Webb, 38, Quartermaster’s mate, Alveston, Glos, HMS Achille, 1804-14. died HMS Achille at Rio de Janeiro, 20 Sept 1814.
William Webb, 45, AB, HMS Prince, 1804
George White, 27, AB, HMS Defiance. Killed in Action at Trafalgar, 21 Oct 1805
John White, 28, AB, volunteer, Bitton, Glos, HMS Achille, killed in Action at Trafalgar, 21 Oct 1805
Thomas White, 44, Master at Arms, Som, HMS Britannia
Thomas White, 28, AB, Som, HMS Neptune
James Whiting, Ord Seaman, Bath
James Whittington, 32, AB, HMS Britannia
Richard Whittington,20, Landsman, Kingswood, (nr Wootton-under-Edge) JMS Leviathan (TR “Leviathan”)
Richard Wildgoose, AB
George Wilkins, Ord Seaman, 25, On “Victory” at Trafalgar. 11 May 1803, Utrecht, 15 January 1806, “Ocean”
Henry Wilkins, 25, Ord Seaman, HMS Victory. Died accident at sea 6 Feb 1810
John Wilkins, 28, Ord Seaman, HMS Prince, 1804
John Wilkins, AB, 28, Churchill, Somerset, HMS Neptune
Thomas Wilkins, AB, Keynsham, Somerset
James Williams, 20, Landsman, HMS Conqueror
James Williams, 40, Landsman, HMS Achille, 1805-9, was at Trafalgar, discharged April 1809, unserviceable
John Williams, 21, Ord Seaman, HMS Conqueror (?TR “Defiance” or “Britannia”)
John Williams, 23, AB, HMS Naiad
Stephen Williams AB, 25, HMS Revenge, (TR Revenge”)
Thomas Williams, 44, Ord Seaman, HMS Spartiate
Francis Willis, 52, AB, HMS Polythemus, 1804 from Stately
George Wilson, 17, Boy, 2nd Class, HMS “Victory”. Killed in action at Trafalgar 21 Oct 1805. Joined 27 April 1803. Buried at Sea, 21 October 1805
Samuel Wilson, Ord Seaman, Bath
Thomas Wiltshire, 20, Armourer’s Mate, Cainsan (sic) (Keynsham) HMS Agamemnon, 1804-9, was at Trafalgar. Wages paid, 1807, to mother, Elizabeth, Bristol. (TR “Agamemnon”, and St Domingo, Malaga.)
Andrew Winter, 21, Landsman, HMS Thunderer, volunteer from Salvador, 1805
James Wolfe, 34, Ord Seaman, HMS Naiad, 1804
John Wood, 25, AB, HMS Belleisle, 1802-5, was at Trafalgar, wages paid to wife 1803, Plymouth
John Woodman, 20, Landsman, HMS Tonnant, 1804
Jacob Wookey, 32, Ord Seaman, Somerset, HMS Spartiate, volunteer from United Brothers
John Wright, 24, Armourer’s mate, HMS Naiad
William Wyatt, 34, AB, HMS Achille, 1805-10, was at Trafalgar
Thomas York, 23, Landsman, HMS Thunderer, substitute from Salvador
John Young, Midshipman
Royal Marines:
William Abbot, Pte, Marshfield, Glos. (TR “Leviathan”)
John Adams, 23, Pte. HMS Britannia, 1805
William Adams, Pte, St George’s, Bristol
Matthew Amos, Pte, “Rackley” sic. (Redcliffe?) Nr Bristol
James Applegate, Pte, Berkeley, Glos, (TR “Naiad”)
William Bailey, Pte, Winford, Som
John Ball, Pte, Marshfield, Glos
William Bartlett, Pte, Walcot, Bath
John Brookes, Pte. 30, HMS Victory” at Trafalgar. 14 April 1803, Zealand, 15 January 1806 at Chatham HQ. On TR.
John Buckley, Pte, St James, Bristol
John Cantle, Pte, Bedminster
Jacob Capell, Pte, 27, Queen Charlton, Som, HMS Victory, 1803-6, at Trafalgar, paid off Chatham, 1806, (TR “Victory”)
Hugh Carney, Pte, 32, St Michael, Bristol , HMS Britannia, at Trafalgar, (TR “Britannia”)
Isaac Chandler, Pte, Melksham, Wilts. HMS Euralyus, allotment made to wife, from wages, from Wootton under edge, wife have already died.
Charles Chappell, Pte, 26, Thornbury, HMS Victory, at Trafalgar, paid off Chatham 1806
Richard Chinnock, Pte, 20, Lye (sic) on Mendip, HMS Britannia, at Trafalgar, (TR “Britannia”)
Charles F. Clear, Boy, RM, HMS Achille, at Trafalgar, died Plymouth Hospital, 1806
Jeremiah Coke, Clutton, Bath
Thomas Coles, Pte, St Philips, Glos
John Cook, Sergeant, from St Mary Redcliffe
William Cook, Pte, Hawkesbury, Glos
Captain James Cottell/Cottle, 2nd Lieut, RM, 1798, 1st Lieut, 1804. HMS Tonnant, at Trafalgar. Retired Half pay, 1835, died Bedminster 1842.
Moses Dagger, Pte, St Philip & St Jacob, Glos, HMS Dreadnought
James Davis, Boy, Ratcliffe (sic) Bristol
William Day, Pte, HMS Spartiate
David Drew, Pte, Croomdell (sic) (Cromhall?) Glos, HMS Mars
Samuel Eyles, Pte, Stapleton, Glos, HMS Naiaid
James Fisher, Pte, Marshfield, Glos, HMS Swiftsure
William Ford, Pte, 26 St Stephen’s, Bristol, HMS Victory at Trafalgar. 18 April 1803, Winchelsea, 15 January 1806, Chatham HQ
John Grimes, Pte, St Michael’s Bristol, HMS Royal Sovereign
Thomas Harding, Boy, marine
Thomas Harding, Pte, marine
Samuel Harris, Pte, Winterbourne, Glos, HMS Prince
John Hayward, Boy, RM, Milksham (sic) Wilts, HMS Belleisle
Francis Hicks, Pte, 23, Bitten, (sic: Bitton) Glos, HMS Orion
John Hicks, Pte, Bath, HMS Achille, service 1805-1812, was at Trafalgar, allotment from wages 1807 to mother Hannah, paid Bath, discharged 1815 Plymouth
George Hodges, Pte, C40, St Georges, (sic) Bristol. Age 26. HS Victory, at Trafalgar”. 17 April 1803 and 15 January 1806, at Chatham HQ.
Edward Hore, Pte, Chew Magney (sic)
Robert House, Pte, Camerton, Som, HMS Prince
James Hughes, Pte. St Philips, Bristol, HMS Neptune
Thomas Hurle, Pte. Berkeley, Glos , HMS Temeraire
George Jeffries, Pte, Siston, Glos, HMS Sirius
James Jones, Pte, Milksham (sic) Wilts, (TR “Tonnant”)
Thomas Lansdown, Pte, Olveston, Glos, HMS Conqueror
Moses Llewellyn, Pte, Mangotsfield, Glos, HMS Achille, 1805-1812, at Trafalgar, discharged Portsmouth, 1813
Isaac May, Pte, Avening, Glos, HMS Sirius
George Moseley, Pte, 24, Frampton Cotterell, HMS Defiance
Cornelius Organ, Pte. North Nibley, HMS Spartiate
John Parfitt, Pte, Strait, Somerset
Charles Parsons, Pte, Yeaton, (sic Yatton) Somerset, HMS Neptune
John Phillips, Pte, Temple, Bristol, HMS Neptune
Charles Pinker, Pte, Temple, Som (Temple Cloud rather than Temple Bristol?), HMS Temeraire
Amos Poulson, Pte, Melksham
Benjamin Powell, Pte, Timsbury
David Powell, Pte, 24, HMS Victory, at Trafalgar, 1803-6, paid off 1806
Henry Powell, Pte, P18, aged 22, On “Victory” at Trafalgar. 21 May 1803, Zealand, 15 January 1806, Chatham HQ
John Skinner, Pte, 20, Bath. HMS Britannia
George Skidmore, Pte, Iron Acton, Glos, HMS Mars, killed in Action, Trafalgar, 21 Oct 1805
*? Isaac Smith, Pte, Trowbridge. (see letters) HMS Swiftsure
*John Summers, Pte (see letters) HMS Ajax
John Thorn, Pte, Barclay, Som, (sic)
Daniel Webb, Boy, RM, Melksham, Wilts, HMS Bellerephon
*? Joseph Webb, Pte, Melksham, Wilts (see letters) HMS Prince
Joseph White, Pte, Mangotsfield, Glos, HMS Defence
John Whiting, Pte, 19, Shepton Mallet, HMS Britannia, allotment from wages made to mother, 1804-5, at Trafalgar (TR)
Mark Williams, Pte, Westbury, Glos , HMS Naiad
Bibliography, abbreviations and sources
Trafalgar Roll (TR)
“Men who served with Nelson” BAFHS Journal, No. 71, March 1993
Age of Nelson website (AN)
National Archives – data base, Trafalgar Ancestors
Appellation “see letters” = further information in my possession to be added to blog in due course.
“A British Tar. Examination before a Court Martial of Serving officers of His Majesty’s late Ship Java, Jones Humble, boatswain, deposed ‘About an hour after the action commenced, I was wounded; I went down and stopped near an hour; and when I got my arm put a little to rights by a tourniquet put on it, nothing else, (my hand was carried away, my arm wounded about the elbow) I put my arm into the bosom of my shirt and went up again and when I saw the enemy ahead of us repairing his damages, I had my orders from Lieutenant Chads before the action began to cheer up the boarders with my pipe that they might make a clean spring of the boarding.’ This is a fine and truly characteristic specimen of the British seaman.” (FFBJ 5.6.1813)
A sailor at Trafalgar aboard “Britannia” had his leg shot off a little below the knee and said to the officer ordering him to be conveyed to the cockpit “That’s but a shilling touch, Your Honour, an inch higher and I should have had my eighteenpence.” (ie. pension according to severity.)
The same fellow said to one of his friends, “I say Bob, take a look for my leg, and give me the silver buckle out of my shoe. I’ll do as much for you another time.” (both anecdotes reported FFBJ 16.11.1822)
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