“What is the origin of copper wire?” Answer: “Two Dutchmen fighting over a penny.” (Joke, told to me by a Danish cousin.)
I have a particularly interest in the “Dutchmen” – who were recruited by Bristol Industrialists in the the early to mid-eighteenth century: I am descended from two of the families, FRAY (Varoy) and CRAYMER. They originated in the ‘low countries’ now parts of the Netherlands, Belgium & Germany. They were called locally ‘Dutchmen’ i.e. a corruption of Deutsch – German – but it is believed they spoke a variety of languages. I have included local workers in the index.
Sources & Abbreviations
Bp: baptised
BF=Brass founder
BM = Brass Mills
BM=Bristol Mercury
BRO = Bristol Records Office (now Bristol Archives)
Bur: Buried
BW =Brassworker
Day, Joan. See below
FFBJ=Felix Farley’s Bristol Journal
- Gloucester Journal
Intruders into Keynsham: a list held by K. Local History Society. They were people without legal settlement.
Mar: married
Naish: R.G. Naish ‘History of Twerton’ Bath Record Office
Obit: Obituary notice
St P & J. or PJ, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
SRO: Somerset Record Office
T= Twerton
Anyone interested in the subject should read the late Joan Day’s definitive work, ‘Bristol Brass, the Founding of the Industry.’
ALICE see Ollis
‘Mr Cornelius Aston, agent to Bristol Brass Co. in Bread St, Cheapside, in the prime of life.’ Obit, FFBJ 19.5.1810
BAKER see Stephen Ollis, 1776
Ann see Thomas Noah, 1769
BASIL (see also Bessell)
Jacob Basil of Bristol, brassworker bound over in the sum of £10 to answer for good behaviour of Ann, his wife. 27 Oct 1743. (Tolzey Court BRO 04435/4)
Elizabeth see George Buck, 1794
John, ‘a workman at the Mills, from Betty Baker’s’. Buried Twerton, 29 May 1771
BESSELL (see also Basil)
William son of Anthony & Mary, labourer at BM, bp St P & J, 1784
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870. (Day)
George – one of last two men to produce battery pans at Saltford Mills in 1908. See Bristol Brass, p 171.
Betty, wife of Samuel Broad, late of Twerton Mills, bur T 13 Oct 1772
John Brookman bound apprentice to William Chappell of K, brassworker, 1 Jan 1744. (Vestry Minutes)
- Naish, reading from the original Twerton register records the name as “Buik” which is highly probable: see Graft family. The apparent connection between Twerton & Keynsham is interesting. The Christian names Nicholas & Peter seem to be favoured amongst the ‘Dutchmen’. These were not common in England at the time, and perhaps reflect their European origins. )
Ann Buck mar John Swaish K 1744
Benedictus Buck & wife 1747 from Byfleet, Surrey, “intruders into Keynsham”
Mrs Buck wife of Benedictus, bur K 7.5.1753
Benedictus Buck, widower & Mary Berry mar K 7.7.1755
Mr Benedictus Buck the elder bur K 14.5.1762
Benedictus Buck & Hester Fawkes mar K 26.6.1774
George of Saltford, brother to John Buck, bur K 26.2.1775
George Buck & Elizabeth Batt, Saltford, 1794
Henry Buck & Jane Gregory botp mar Bathweston 5.2.1770, witnesses Richard x Gregory & Henry Buck
Henry Buck, bach & Mary Taylor sp (signed Talor), botp, mar Bathweston 27.12.1771. Witnesses James Mayo & William Taylor
Hester Buck mar Samuel Harris, K, 1742
James Buck & Leah Ollis, banns, Saltford, 1778
John & Ann
Nicholas s.o. John, bw & Ann, bp K 3 Oct 1709
John, a Dutchman:
Jane d.o. John, a Dutchman, bur Twerton, 11. Jan, 1729
John & Martha,
Rachel, d.o. John bp K 1735
Ann d.o. John & Martha bp K 1736
John s.o. John & Martha bp K 1745 (bur K 1747)
Martha d.o. John & Martha bp K 1747
John s.o. John & Martha bp K 1750
A Child of John & Martha bur K 1738
A Child of John & Martha bur K 1740
John Buck, wife & child, 1747 “intruders into Keynsham”
John, bur K 13.7.1760
John Buck & Elizabeth Noah mar Kelston, 26 Apr 1752
Jane d.o. John & Elizabeth, bp Twerton, 12 Feb 1758
Sarah d.o John, bp Publow, 4 Feb 1759
John Buck of Saltford & Catherine Johnson of Walcot, banns called Saltford 1760
John, “battery wire maker” Keynsham: will 1829 SRO Ref 81/296
Nicholas & Sarah:
John s.o. Nicholas & Sarah bp K 1736
William s.o. Nicholas & Sarah bp K 1746 (bur 1765)
Mary d.o. Nicholas & Sarah bp K 1749
Sarah bur K 1764
Nicholas Buck, wife & child, 1747 “intruders into Keynsham”
Nicholas, batteryman, bur K 22 Oct 1765
Peter & Mary
Ann d.o. Peter bp K 1733
Frances d.o. Peter & Mary bp K 1738
A Child of Peter & Mary bur K 1740
Mrs Buck of the Wire Mills bur K 14 Apr 1743
Mrs Buck at the Wire Mills bur K 31 Oct 1747
Peter, bur K 6.6.1760
Peter Buck mar Grace Shellard K 25 Apr 1742:
Hester d.o. Peter & Grace bp K 1742 (bur K 1743)
Mary d.o. Peter & Grace bp K 1744
Hester d.o. Peter & Grace at the wire mill bp K 5 Sep 1746
Peter s.o. Peter & Grace bp K 1748 (bur K 1748)
Benedictus s.o. Peter & Grace bp K 1749
Mr Peter Buck from Byfleet, Surrey, “intruder into Keynsham” 1747
Grace, wife of Peter bur K 3.9.1770
Mr Peter of the Wire Mills, bur K 25 Mar 1772
Peter x Buck of Saltford & Ann x Buck otp, mar Bathweston, 4.2.1766, witnesses John Buck & James Stock. (Banns called at Saltford)
Rebecca of Weston Brass Mills & Mr Thos Thorne coach painter, marriage announced, Bath Chron 5.7.1792
Robert & Alice Buck (labourer in copper mills, Kelston), their children baptised Kelston:
Robert 11.9.1814
George Green 1818
William, bur Twerton 4 Dec 1762
BUCK in date order:
John s.o. John & Ann, brassworker bp K 26.1.1707
Nicholas s.o. John & Ann, bw, bp K 3.10.1709
John s.o. Peter & Mary bp K 23.5.1714
Jane d.o. John, a Dutchman, bur Twerton 11.1.1730
Ann d.o. Peter & Mary bp K 4.10.1733
Ann d.o. John & Martha bp K 15.8.1736
John s.o. Nicholas & Sarah bp K 26.9.1736
Frances d.o. Peter & Mary bp 26.12.1738
Child of John & Mary bur K 28.5.1740
Child of Peter & Mary bur K 30.5.1740
Child of Nicholas bur K 15.11.1741
Peter Buck & Grace Shellard mar K 25.4.1742
Hester d.o. Peter & Grace 6.2.1742/3
Mrs, of the wire mill, bur K 14.4.1743
Hester d.o. Peter & Grace bur K 10.8.1743
Mary d.o. Peter & Grace 3.11.1744
Hester d.o. Peter & Grace at the Wire Mills 5.9.1746
John child of John & Martha bur K 24.5.1747
Mrs, of the wire mills, bur K 31.10.1747
Peter d.o. Peter & Grace bur K 25.10.1748
Mary d.o. John & Martha bp K 30.1.1747/8
Peter s.o. Peter & Grace bp K 1.9.1748
Mary d.o. Nicholas & Sarah bp K. 25.5.1749
Benedictus s.o. Peter & Grace bp K 28.9.1749
John s.o. John & Martha bp K 3.12.1750.
Child of Peter bur K 1751
2 children of Nicholas bur K 1752
child of Nicholas bur K 1753
Mrs Buck, wife of Benedictus bur K 7.5.1753
Benedictus Buck, widower & Mary Berry mar K 7.7.1755
Thomas Needs & Ann Buck mar K 11.9.1757
Mrs Buck bur K 5.11.1757
Jane d.o. John & Elizabeth bp Twerton 12.2.1758
Peter, bur K 6.6.1760
John, bur K 13.7.1760
Mr Benedictus Buck the elder bur K 14.5.1762
William bur Twerton 4.12.1762
Sarah bur K 1764
William s.o. Nicholas bur K 1765
Nicholas, batteryman, bur K 22.10.1765
Grace, wife of Peter bur K 3.9.1770
Ann d.o. Peter bur K 1771
Mary from Saltford, bur K 1771
Mr Peter Buck from the Wire Mills, bur 25.3.1772
Samuel Eastcott & Leah Buck mar K 1772
Benedictus Buck & Hester Fawkes mar K 26.6.1774
George of Saltford, brother to John Buck, bur K 26.2.1775
Married Mr Peter Buck of Weston to Miss Lewin of Fountain Buildings in this City (Bath Chron 21.1.1790)
BUIK – see BUCK etc
James, crushed to death while repairing Brass Mill at Keynsham, his sleeve caught in movement. Left a wife and 3 ch. Bath Chron. 19.10.1783
Richard s.o. Richard & Mary, bw, “of the Plain” bp P & J, 1786
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870, Day.
Thomas. Deed referring to one quarter acre waste adjoining pound with messuage at Keynsham, between (1) Hon Sir Thomas Whitmore of Apley, Salop &
(2) Thomas Carpenter of Keynsham, wiredrawer
Consideration £4. Annual Rent 1 shilling. Herriott payable on the death of Elizabeth, wife of William Carpenter. 10 Apr 1750. BRO 24151 1a. (He presumably died pre 25 Mar 1766 as 24151 1b refers to Elizabeth, his widow.)
Sarah see John Ollis, 1760
CHAPPLE (also Chappell)
John Chapple, senior, “Clerk to the Mills”, bur K 18 Jul 1772
Timothy – see Thomas Ford, 1757
William Chapple of Compton Dundon, Brassmillman & Elizabeth Light of same, mar Bedminster by licence 2 Dec 1711
William, brassman, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List, Keynsham Local History Society)
William Chappell – see John Brookman, 1772
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870. Day
George s.o. John & Elizabeth, a Dutchman, bp Twerton, 18 Jun 1724
Edith see William Noah 1752
Thomas Colby, Quaker & a considerable proprietor in the Brassworks at Warmley. Obituary 9 Mar 1765 (FFBJ)
Mr H, “Mar 30, Meridian Place, Clifton, Mr H. Collins, accountant, many years in employ of Bristol Brass & Copper Co. (obit BM 13.4.1839)
John, brassman, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Peter, spelterman, Warmley: his dau Ann mar Henry Gerrish at HTKW 24.9.1843.Bitton,
Mary (x) Cooper, servt, sp, Oldland Common, father James Cooper, brassworker &
Charles (x) Bawn, bach, collier, Cadbury Heath, father, John, collier, mar Bitton, 1 Apr 1855
CRAYMER (Craimer, Cramer, Craymore, Craymour etc.)
Anthony & Mary:
Jane d.o. Anthony & Mary bp K 8 Apr 1711 (Jane bur K 21 May 1727)
William s.o. Anthony & Mary bp K 20 Nov 1720
“a child of Anthony”, bur K 1726
Catherine d.o. Anthony bur K 1729
Catherine bur K 1732
Anthony Cramer, wife & children, “Intruders into Keynsham” 1747 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Anthony senior, bur K 23 Feb 1765
Mary, “aged”, bur K 13 Jul 1769
(Jane Craymore is probably a daughter of Anthony senior, named as replacement for Jane who died in 1727. Though no baptism has yet been found, it is probable that Jane was born about 1730. Jane Craymore & John Fray were married at Keynsham 8 Feb 1753)
Anthony & Sarah:
Hester d.o. Anthony & Sarah, “no parishioner” bp K 16 Sep 1740
Sarah d.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 17 Oct 1742
Anne d.o. Anthony, jun & Sarah bp K 30 Sep 1744
Joseph s.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 23 Mar 1745/6 (bur K 1747)
Joseph s.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 2 Apr 1749 (a Child of Anthony & Sarah bur K 1749)
Jane d.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1751
Anthony s.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1755
Hannah d.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1757
James s.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1760
Joseph s.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1763
A child of Anthony bur K 22 Jul 1763
Leah d.o. Anthony & Sarah bp K 1766)
Anthony Cramer, junior, with certificate, “Intruder into Keynsham” 1747. (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Anthony Craymer buried Newington St Mary, Surrey (Greater London Burial index) 20.10.1782
(Sarah Craymore mar James Perryman K 10 Dec 1764
Jane Craymore mar Henry Heddington K 14 Jul 1771
Anthony junior bur K 19 Sep 1777
Sarah (82) bur K 30 Aug 1799
Anthony see Thomas Ford, 1757
Anthony bur K 20 Jul 1789
John & Hester:
Anthony s.o. John & Hester bp K 21 Aug 1743
Hester d.o. John & Hester, bp K 2 Aug 1746
Robert s.o. John & Hester bur K 1749
Rachel d.o. John & Hester bp K 1750
John bur K 1749
Hester Craymore mar Thos Cook K 20 Jan 1761
The wife of Neece bur K 1732
Neece? (probably Nick or Nicholas) bur K 1736
(This is transcribed by Rev. Shickle (Bath R.O. as Reece, but I think it is Neece – St Nicholas (Santa Claus!) being a popular European Saint.)
William & Martha:
William Craymour & Martha Pagett, mar K 5 Nov 1742
“Mem. Jane the d.o. William & Martha Craymouer was bp 19th day of Sept Anno 1743.” K
Martha d.o. William & Martha bp K 11 May 1746
William s.o. William & Martha bp K 30 Oct 1748
Joannah d.o. William & Martha bp K 1750
John s.o. William & Martha bp K 1754
A child of William bur K 9 Mar 1755
William Cramer, with certificate, “Intruder into Keynsham” 1747, (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Martha bur K 4 Feb 1755
Martha Craymore & William Ollis (qv) mar 25 Dec 1765
William senior, bur K 7 Nov 1789
Jane Craymore mar Peter Johnson K 27 Jul 1767 (wit Wm Craymer, John Buck)
William & Elizabeth:
William Craymer mar Elizabeth Saunders at K, 11 Apr 1770
Martha d.o. William & Eliz: bp K 1771 (“Martha d.o. Wm, jun, bur K 19 Jan 1775”)
Nat s.o. William & Betty bp K 1777
Charles s.o. William & Eliz: bp K 1779 (bur K 12 Apr 1780)
Charles s.o. William & Eliz: bp K 1781
Samuel s.o. William & Elizabeth bp K 1783
Betty d.o Wm & Eliz bp K 1786
George s.o. William bur K 9 Jun 1787
William & Hester:
Harriett d.o. William & Hester bp K 1797
Charles s.o. Wm & Hester bp K 1799
Henry, inf, bur K 6 Oct 1801
Henry Robins s.o. William & Hester bp K 1803
Joseph & Leah
Joseph s.o. Joseph & Leah bp K 1786
(Leah bur K 8 Mar 1791)
Joseph Craymer, wid & Hester Cantle. Mar Lic, Somerset, 1792
Joseph bur K 16 Aug 1797
Joseph, bur K 22 Sep 1803
Ruth, inf, of small pox, bur K 17 Dec 1800
Samuel bur K 1 Aug 1790
William. Keynsham, yeoman, will, 1828, Ref SRO 74/595
CREATES (Crates, Creats, Crayts)
Betty d.o. John & Ann bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1779
Betty d.o. John & Ann bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
Eve d.o. John & Ann Creats brass melter Baptists Mills bp PJ 1781
John s.o. Ant & Mary melter Baptists Mills bp PJ 1785
John s.o. John & Ann Baptists Mills, bw bp PJ 1786
Mary d.o. Anthony & Mary Crates bf bp PJ 1779 Baptists Mills
Mary d.o. Ant & Elizabeth brassmelter Baptists Mills bp PJ 1785
Noce Crayts, brassworker of PJ, bondsman, mar lic John Harding/Mary Shortman, 19.5.1753, Bristol Mar Lics.
Thomas s.o. Anthony & Mary brass melter Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
Article by John Crates, “Bitton Families” website: his email is chresource@aol.com
“In Britain, most persons named CRATES whose birth, marriage or death is registered after 1800 or who appears in censuses from 1841 can be traced back to residents around Bristol in the 1700s. Although there are various earlier mostly unconnected CRATES registrations in England (e.g. Alice CRATES d. of Robt CRATES, chr 1545 Broadwell, Glos), the proliferation of registrations (with various spellings: CRETS, CREATS, etc.) after 1700 around Bristol with occupations mainly as brassworkers and with first names like Hooppart and Eneas, lead us to assume that they may have immigrated from Netherlands with Abraham Darby’s recruits to start the brass industry in Bristol around 1700, but no definitive evidence of this migration has yet been found.
So far most UK CRATES can be attributed to some dozen family groups with origins in Bristol (one in Birmingham) before 1800, and it is likely that they stem originally from only one or two families in 1700 and any pointers, links or relationships are invited which would assist in proving relationships between these groups.
The earliest registration is the baptism of Eneas CRATS in the parish of St Philip & Jacob in 1723 where are later recorded the baptisms of five children 1745-57 attributed to Anthony CRATES, John CRATES marriage to Ann MOOR in 1750, Eneas CRATES marriage to Rachel HARDING in 1751 with baptism of three children attributed to them 1752-59, Hooppart CREETS marriage to Sarah HARDING in 1750 with six children baptized 1750-66. A John CRATES was baptized there in 1751 and there is a marriage of a John CRATES to Ann HARPER in 1773. Another John CRATES marries Ann FRY in St George in 1778, and numerous baptisms are attributed to John/Ann parents. From 1800 registrations become frequent in Siston and, after national registration in 1837, Keynsham becomes a habitual district for events. One family was raised in Saul, Glos between 1775-1800 before returning to St George. Censuses from 1851 show a migration of family members to South Wales, Shropshire, Birmingham, London and Kent and all CRATES later found living in the Colonies can be traced back to these groups.
Although a few CRATES found their way from Britain to USA, and can still be identified there, most CRATES in USA derive from immigrants from mainland Europe, usually Germany, and can be seen to have changed their name rather deliberately from names like KRATZ or GRAT.
I have been researching all CRATES since the 1970s and, like nearly all Crates, I trace my family back to its base around Bristol in the 1700s, and I am still trying to find evidence of links before then, whether they be in Netherlands or any other part of Europe which different family folklores suggest.
My great grandfather moved from Bristol to Kent in the 1860s before he was 16, with his uncle to whom he was apprenticed as a plumber and he later became a founder member of the Institute of Plumbers, and established his own building business employing over 200 men.
In order to satisfy myself who is and who is not related directly to me, I have built a database of all BMD registrations I can identify, and maintain trees and histories (with photographs and illustrations where appropriate) covering every individual who can be allocated, and I maintain a hunt to try to resolve any unallocated individual registrations. So far I have a dozen main British families which I am sure can be merged if more was known of their earlier relationships. I also maintain records of CRATES worldwide and have a network of fellow researchers all with an interest in, or connection with, the CRATES name. I regularly help persons who find they have links to CRATES in the past as well as any persons still bearing the CRATES name. “
Anthony s.o. Benjamin & Mary bf Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1788
CRINKS (also Crink, Krinks, Krintz)
Charles s.o. Jacob & Ann Crink bw bp PJ 1779
Jacob Crinks & Mary Parker mar St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, 18 Jun 1737
Nancy d.o. William & Hannah bf Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1781
Richard, Brass Melter, Baptists Mills, Freeman, 1841 Poll Book
Robert s.o. Jacob & Ann Krinks bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1782
William s.o. Jacob & Mary Krinks bp Siston, 9 Sep 1750
William s.o. William & Hannah Crimps (sic) bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1782
William, brassmelter, Baptists Mills, Freeman 1841 Poll Book
Mary see Moses Frankham (1768)
Jeremiah, awarded £4 in 1854 for 54 years service. He was still at work 1859-60. See “Bristol Brass” p 173
Henry. “May 21, at St James Church, Mr Henry Dimmock, traveller to Messrs Harford B.B & Copper Co to Selina, 2nd d.o. Mr John Hill, clockmaker, St James Place. (BM 6.6.1835),
Mr Dolphin: “Sunday morning died Mr Dolphin, many years one of the clerks of the Brassworks at Baptist Mills. His death was supposed occasioned by a kick from a horse he received some days before. (FFBJ 13.8.1757)
William, brassman, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Joseph, his obituary: “January 7, at Keynsham, Joseph Eshod, wiredrawer, aged 83. He has been in the employ of the Bristol Brass & Copper Co. since childhood. He travelled from Warmley to Keynsham, a distance of 6 miles every day exclusive of Sundays for 52 years and was never absent a week during that time. The distance travelled was nearly equalled to four times the circumference of the earth. He had been superannuated for the last few years of a small weekly allowance by the company. (Bristol Gazette 20.1.1842)
c1870 in Joan Day’s book.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Edward (or Stephen) Finks. John Willis who kept a huckster’s shop without Lawford’s Gate and Betty Darby indicted for murder of Edward or Stephen Finks of the brassworks, Baptist’s Mills. GJ 31.10.1738
Jane d.o. Stephen & Jane brass melter, Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1781
William & wife from Bifson(?) Berkshire, “Intruders into Keynsham”, 1747
FIRTH, John, 19 Sept 1776, “make a grave at Leek, Staffs”, John Firth late clerk to the Brass Company, at Bristol, (Quaker Burial Records, Ancestry)
Mary (qv) mar Thomas Harford K 1737
Robert, awarded £4 in 1844 for 72 years service. See Bristol Brass, p 173
Thomas (x) Ford of Keynsham, wiredrawer & Anne Nurse, sp, mar Compton Dando by banns 19 Jun 1757 (witnesses Anthony Craymer & Timothy Chappell (both signed).
Thomas of the Mill House, bur K 13 Feb 1773 (two sons of the above bur 16 Mar 1773)
Thomas, described “wire drawer” Warmley at marriage of his son James to Hannah Jefferies, 15.1.1849, HTKW
William – see Richard Willington, 1843
Nancy d.o. William & Mary brass melter Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1779
Simon s.o. William & Mary brass melter Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1779
Yellus s.o. Yellus & Ann brass worker Baptist Mills, bp PJ 1779
FRANKCOMBE (Francom, Frankham, Francoom, Frankum)
Andrew, b 1713 see Walter
Ann (1768) see Walter
Charles, b 1808, see John & Martha
Elizabeth (1768) see Walter
George b 1802 see John & Martha
Hester (1768) see Walter
Isaac, b 1811, see John & Martha
James (1768) see Walter
Jane see Jacob Rose, 1731
John Frankham of Keynsham, bach & Mary Shellard of same, at Weston. Mar lic 11.4.1748
John Frankham of Kelston & Martha Clement mar Saltford 15 Apr 1799 (see Martha, d.1851, below)
their children (“Frankum”) bp Kelston:
William, 1800
George, 1802
John, 1804
Sarah 1806
Charles 1808
Isaac (Frankham) 1811
John, b 1804 see John & Martha
Joseph see Moses
Martha, “Dec 14, at Kelston, aged 77, Martha widow of Mr John Francome, of Kelston Brass Mills, near Bath. (obit, BM 20.12.1851)
Moses: Settlement Paper. “Moses Frankcombe, brassworker, now residing in the hamlet of Bitton, 9 Nov 1768. Born Keynsham. Has not been an apprentice or hired servant for a year or more. Son of Joseph Frankcombe of Siston, brassworker, who was likewise born Keynsham, son of Walter of Bitton, and dy’d in the Poorhouse there as this examinant has been informed. Examinant says his father Joseph or grandfather Walter did not gain any settlements themselves as he has been informed. Two and a half years ago he married Mary Cryer at Bitton aforesaid, by whom he has no issue living.” (BRO P/B/OP/6g/136)
Richard (1768) see Walter
Sarah (1768) see Walter
Sarah, b1806, see John & Martha
Stephen see Walter (1768)
Thomas Francom otp & Hester Rose, of North Stoke, banns at Kelston, 1769
Thomas Frankham, Will 1807: SRO F37/1807/197W Con Epi Wells
Walter (2) see Moses
Walter: his children
William, bp Kelston 15 Mar 1710
Andrew bp Kelston 1710
Walter Frankham & Mary Fowler, mar K, 23.10.1715: their children:
Elizabeth d.o. Walter & Mary bp K 28.7.1717
Mary d.o. Walter & Mary bp K 26.4.1719
Walter s.o. Walter & Mary bp K 18.10.1720
Joseph s.o. Walter & Mary bp K 14.10.1722 “no parishioner”
John s.o. Walter & Mary bp K 12.4.1724 “no parishioner”
Hester d.o. Walter & Mary bp K 13.7.1726 “no parishioner”
Catherine d.o. Walter & Mary bp K 20.2.1732/3
Walter (1768) see Walter
Walter & Sarah
Thomas s.o. Walter & Sarah bp K 2.8.1742
Walter s.o. Walter & Sarah bp K 6.5.1744
Stephen s.o. Walter & Sarah bp K 19.1.1745
Settlement Paper: “Walter Frankcombe, brassworker, now residing Bitton, 9 November 1768. Born Keynsham. Has in that parish an estate of seven pounds a year which is assessed to taxes of that parish. Two years ago he left Keynsham where he had lived several years. Has done no act to gain settlement to his knowledge. About 28 years ago he was married at Bufsleton (Brislington) in the parish of Somerset to his present wife whose name is Sarah Sheppard, by whom he has now living with him 9 children namely Walter, 24, Stephen, 22, William, 19, James, 14, Sarah, 12, Richard, 11, Hester, 9, Elizabeth, 7 and Ann aged 2. His son Walter gained settlement in Keynsham by being apprenticed to John Wise, cordwainer, but the rest are not settled, (Signed) Walter Frankham (BRO P/B/OP/6g/133)
William b 1710, see Walter
William (1768) see Walter
William, b 1800, see John & Martha
FRAY (Varoy)
Ann Sifford d.o. Joseph & Mary bp K 13 Jan 1788
Charles mar Hannah Fry both of St Nicholas, Bristol, at PJ 14.9.1745
Christian d.o. John & Martha bp K 18 Jan 1790
David, mason, aged 37, Keynsham burial board, 26.2.1887 (SRO)
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Edward Hathway s.o. Joseph & Mary bp K 27 Oct 1799
Edwin, started work at Avon Mill in 1842, aged 9, just after construction of Great Western Railway through the premises…..worked at the Mill for 66 years.”
Eliza d.o. William & Mary bp K 2 Oct 1804
Elizabeth d.o. William & Mary bp 7 Aug 1791
George s.o. John & Jane, bp K 24 Feb 1771
George s.o. George & Anne, bp K 3 Feb1805
Henry s.o. Joseph & Mary bp K 21 May 1793
Henry, “worked at Avon Mill in its final stages, the last representative of the family in the local industry”. Bristol Brass p172
Hester d.o. John & Jane bp K 13 Nov 1757
Hester d.o. Jane, bur K 30 Mar 1782
Hester d.o. John & Jane bp K 25 Jan 1784
James s.o. William & Mary bp K 14 Oct 1792
Jane wife of John Fray, bur Kelston 30 Apr 1786
Jane bur K 6 Dec 1787
Jane d.o. William & Mary bp K 12 Nov 1797
John ffray mar Sarah Norvell botp 12 Feb 1707/8 St P & J
John mar Jane Craymore (qv) K 8 Feb 1753
John s.o. John & Jane bp K 30 Dec 1753
John, wiredrawer, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
John Frays (sic) bur St P & J, Bristol, 20.7.1769
John Fray, witness to marriage at Kelston, Thomas Punter/Jane Gregory, 1778.
John bur K 10 Oct 1770
John bur Compton Dando 3 Nov 1776
John Fray mar Jane Gregory of Kelston at K 1 Jan 1778
George, their son, bp Kelston 7 Apr 1778
John s.o. John bur K 15 Jul 1784
Jonathon s.o. George & Ann bp K 7 Jul 1799
Joseph s.o. John & Jane bp K 21 Dec 1755
Leah d.o. John & Jane bp K 3 Mar 1765
Leah d.o. John & Martha bp 5 Jun 1791
Leah d.o. George & Nancy bp K 10 Apr 1796
Leah, inf, bur K 29 Jan 1797
Leah, inf, bur K 20 Mar 1798
Luke s.o. John & Martha bp K 19 Jan 1794
Maria d.o. George & Anne bp K 1 Jan 1804
Mark s.o. John & Martha bp 11 Jan 1789
Martha, bur K 11 Jul 1797
Mary d.o. John & Jane bp K 20 Oct 1759
Mary (formerly Nicholls) will 1808 (SRO ED1 DD/MGR Box 1 with Fry, Admin 178) “Widow, under £100, Admin to William Fray, St James Bath, son.”
Matthew s.o. John & Jane bp K 19 Aug 1781
Matthew s.o. George & Anne bp K 7 Jul 1799
Matthew, inf, of small pox, bur K 7 Dec 1801
Ruth d.o. George & Nancy bp 25 Jan 1795
Sarah d.o. John & Jane, bp K 24 Jan 1762
Virtue d.o. Joseph & Mary bp K 25 Feb 1803
William s.o. John & Jane bp K 20 Sep 1767
William s.o. Joseph & Mary bp K 19 Mar 1786
William, inf, bur K 4 Apr 1799
William see Mary 1808
A child of John & Jane bur K 4 Mar 1762
John Gane & Hannah Noah mar Kelston 8 Jan 1748
Thomas, 46, worker at Brass Mills, Keynsham, run over by a loaded wagon, inq. (BM 2.10.1852).
Betty d.o. George & Sarah brass melter Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1783
Mrs Susanna “at the Wire Mills” bur K 28 Jan 1746
(Godfrey family at K, in PR:
Jane d.o. James, lately deceased, & Sarah his relict bp 1713
Jacob s.o. John of Charleston & Mary bp 1714
Sarah d.o. James & Ann bp 1736
Joseph 1731, Ann, 1737, Mary, 1739, all children of James & Ann)
Richard, buried “from Kelston Mills” S 1744
GRAAF (Graft, Graff)
Ann Graft, Dutchwoman bur Twerton, 20 Nov 1737
John Graft, Dutchman & Judith Broad mar Twerton, 24 Dec 1732 (This marriage was by licence, but the licence itself does not seem to have survived.)
John Graff, junior, bur Twerton 8 Jan 1739
John Graft, a Dutchman, bur Siston 28 Mar 1762
Judith, wife of John Graff, Dutchman, bur Twerton 12 Aug 1753
Nicholas Graaf, a Dutchman, belonging to the Brass Mills, bur 9 Apr 1743
A nursing child from the Brass Mills, bur 12 Apr 1743
R.G. Naish “History of Twerton”, Bath Reference Library, writes: “There is one baptism, one marriage & five burials of the Dutchmen who operated the Brass Mills in Twerton, known locally as Dutch island and is shown on Thorpe’s map of 1742. The Dutch never figure in church or social life…..I regard Nicholas Graaf as the chief of the small Dutch group. His brass mills provided their employment. His wife predeceased him for in the church accounts we get ‘1737 rec’d of Niklis Graft for burining his wife, 10s.’ This undoubtedly refers to Ann, buried 1736. The Twerton wife was Judith. (The Broads had lived in Twerton for generations.) I have wondered whether John was the son of Nicholas. When Nicholas Graaf died in 1743, a stone tablet was erected in his memory.” (which indicates the home of these Dutchmen was Veit, now in Germany. See Joan Day, Bristol Brass). “His brass mills were still busy when Cruttwell
published Warner’s History of Bath in 1801.” Unknown to Naish, John Graaf moved to Siston (where he must have been employed in the Warmley works) after the death of Judith his wife.
James & Sarah: their children bp at Kelston:
Charles, 1825
Thomas, 1827
John, 1828
William, 1832
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
George x Gregory & Ann Steger mar Kelston 27.8.1786, witnesses William Noah & James Steger
Jane see Henry Buck, 1770
Jane mar John Fray, 1778, qv
Mary see Thomas Punter 1778 & John Fray 1778
Richard see Henry Buck, 1770
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Eliau d.o. Thomas & Mary bp K 1737
George Harford & Betty Ollis, banns called Saltford 1761
Thomas Harford & Mary Ford mar K 1737
James s.o. Andrew & Rebecca bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1782
John & William ss.o. John & Martha bt Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
Margaret s.o. John (deceased) & Martha bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1786
Samuel s.o. Andrew & Rebecca bh Baptists Mills bp PJ 1780
Sukey d.o. William & Martha bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
William s.o. William & Martha bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1780
William. “Dec 16, at Keynsham, aged 84, Mr Wm Harper, above 70 years in employ of Bristol Brass & Copper Co. (obit BM 21.12.1839)
Ann d.o. Samuel & Ann bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
Dinah d.o. Samuel & Ann bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1785
Francis Hollistays & Susanna Purnell, botp mar Compton Dando 11 May 1746
John Hollipstays, brassworker, bur Compton Dando 9 Aug 1771
Stephen: Counterpart contract of service at the Brass Battery Works in Greenfield, near Holywell, Co. Flint dated 29 Sep 1768, from 31 Oct for 7 years between George Edge of Tiverton (Twerton), co. Somerset, Maltster for Thomas Patten of Bank, in Warrington, co. Lancs. Esquire & the Warrington Copper & Brass Company, & (2) Stephen Hollister of Kelston, co. Somerset, brass battery worker. (BRO 31138 (1)).
Stephen, aged 18 years, of St George, Glos. Apprenticed to his father, John Hollister, brass battery worker, 2 May 1803. (BRO 31138 [3])
Mary Ann d.o. Mathias & Elizabeth bw Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1784
James, “May 8, at Keynsham, Mr James Hudson, wire drawer, nearly 70 years in the employ of Keynsham, Brassworks, Co.” (Obit, BM 15.5.1852)
Elizabeth Innolls mar Thomas Carpenter, K, 1742
Leah d.o. John & Sabrah bp K 1747
A child of John & Sabrah at the Wire Mills, bp K 8 Sep 1746
Philip of Mangotsfield, bach over 21, wiredrawer; see his mar lic bond with Ann Tanner, 4.2.1796, BRO
Evan, employee at Brass Works, gave evidence at inquest on William Joseph Leonard, 18, who drowned in Avon. (BM 3.1.1899)
John, a Dutchman, bur Twerton, 20 Jan 1723
Matthias, awarded £5 in 1838 for “seventy years faithful service” see Bristol Brass p 173. His obituary 5 Oct 1843: “Feb 18th at Keynsham, in his 90th year, Matthias Johnson, brassmaker. He had been in the employ of the Old Brass & Copper Co. from the 9th year of his age.” Bath Chron 3.3.1842
Thomas s.o. John & Sarah Johnson bm Baptists Mills bp PJ 1778
George, awarded £4 in 1850 for 51 years service. See Bristol Brass p 173
“Married, Mr Richards, having a considerable fortune in the county of Cornwall & Miss Loscombe, daughter of Joseph Loscombe, one of the proprietors of the Brassworks at Baptists Mills. (FFBJ 1.10.1763)
John “at the Wire Mills” bur K 17 Apr 1743
Henry s.o. John & Rebecca, Baptists Mills, brassfounder, bp PJ 1780
William: Obituary: “at Baptists Mills, aged 74, Mr William Martin, senior, 62 years in the employ of the Bristol Brass & Copper Co.” Bristol Gazette, 23 Mar 1843
Richard – see James Wellington, 1862)
William, aged 14, “killed at the Brassworks, Crew’s Hole, by part of the building falling on his head.” Inquest (GRO D260) 4 Feb 1809
Jacob Moxham & Sarah Noah mar Kelston 5 Jan 1779. Witnesses Peter Noah, William Jones, Edith Noah.
Ann see William, 1783, see Jeremiah, 1792
Ann, 67, bur Kelston 18 Sep 1803
Betty (b1761) d.o. William & Edith, bur Kelston, 22 Jul 1782
Betty (1787) see William & Eleanor
Edith (b1755) see William & Edith
Edith see Jacob Moxham, 1779
Edith see Betty, 1782
Edith, (b1797) see William & Eleanor
Edith, widow, bur Kelston, 1 Dec 1796
Eleanor see Elizabeth 1791
Elizabeth, see John Buck, 1752
Elizabeth d.o. Wm & Eleanor, bur Kelston 26 Apr 1791 (possibly Betty, b1787)
Elizabeth (b1793) see Wm & Eleanor
Elizabeth see John Rich Stegar 1812
Hannah (b 1729) see Peter & Elizabeth, see John Gane, 1748
Jeremiah, infant, s.o. Thos & Ann bur Kelston, 17 Apr 1792
Mary (b1738/9) see Peter
Mary (b1764) see William & Edith
Mary Ann (b1798) see William & Eleanor
Peter Noah & Elizabeth (blank (mar Kelston 31 May 1728
Children of Peter & Elizabeth (shown only as “of Peter”) bp Kelston:
Hannah, 25 May 1729
Stephen, 1737 (entry deleted)
Mary, 9 Mar 1738/9
Thomas, 13 Aug 1741
Peter, bur Kelston, 21 Mar 1744
Peter (b1753) see William & Edith
Peter Noah & Mary Robbins mar Kelston, Lic, 26.9.1757
Peter x Noah & Sarah Rose mar Kelston 25.12.1773
Peter see Jacob Moxham, 1779
Peter see Sarah, 1780
Peter aged 60, bur Kelston, 1 Aug 1802
Sarah see Jacob Moxham, 1779
Sarah wife of Peter, bur Kelston, 23 Dec 1780
Stephen, (b 1737), see Peter
Stephen of Kelston, in the 6th Company, 2nd Battalion, Somerset Militia, 1758. (A.J. Webb & James Skeggs)
Stephen (1796) see William & Eleanor
Susannah (b1795) see Wm & Eleanor
Thomas, (b1741) see Peter
Thomas Noah of Keynsham & Ann Barns, Saltford, 1769
Thomas, brassman, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Thomas see William, 1783
Thomas, (b1791) see William & Eleanor
Thomas see Jeremiah, 1792
Thomas, 72, bur Kelston, 11 Aug 1811
William Noah & Edith Clement mar Kelston 5 Apr 1752; their children bp Kelston:
Peter, 4 Mar 1753
Edith, 16 Mar 1755
William, 30 Apr 1758
Betty, 1761
Mary, 1764
William, (b 1758) see William & Edith
William, sen, bur Kelston 2 May 1776
William Noah & Eleanor Steger mar Kelston 9.12.1785, witnesses James Stegar, James Crew & Catherine Robinson. Their children bp Kelston:
William, 1786
Betty, 1787
Edith, 1789
Thomas, 1791
Elizabeth, 1793
Susannah, 1795
Stephen, 1796
Mary Ann,1798
William see Betty, 1782, see George Gregory, 1786, see Elizabeth, 1791
William s.o. Thomas & Ann of Saltford, bur Kelston 6 Apr 1783
William (b1796) see William & Eleanor
William, 46, bur Kelston, 2 Sep 1804
OLLIS (Alice, Hollis, Olles, Olos)
Anthony s.o. William & Ann Ollis, bp Compton Dando 6 Oct 1756
Betty see George Harford, 1761
Caroline b 1823 see George & Mary
Charles, s.o. John & Jane, bp 6 Nov 1754
Charles Ollis & Betty Pinker, banns 1777, mar 1778, Saltford
Edward s.o. William & Anne bp Compton Dando 6 Jan 1760
Edwin Ollis & Dinah Payne, Saltford, 1837
Eliza b 1826, see George & Mary
Esther d.o. Henry & Elisabeth Olos bp K 1721
George b 1816 see John & Ann
George & Mary Ollis, their children registered at Keynsham Baptists:
Caroline, 1823,
Eliza, 1826
George, awarded £5 in 1841 for 60 years service. (see Bristol Brass p 173)
James s.o. William & Ann bp K 1747
James s.o. John & Jane bp K 1747
James, s.o. John & Sarah, bp Saltford, 19 Sep 1762
James, s.o. James & Mary, bp Saltford, 21 June 1767
James Ollis otp Brassworker & Mary Pool, spinster mar 16 Apr 1769 Compton Dando (witnesses William Ollis & James Martin)
Job b 1818 see John & Ann
John Alice of Keinsham, brassman, mar Ann Hynd of this parish, widow, by licence, 4 May 1707, at Bedminster, St John.
John, wife & children, “Intruders into Keynsham”,1747 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
John bur K 1749
John s.o. Nicholas Olles of Oldland bp Hanham & Oldland 17 Nov 1754
John Ollis & Sarah Cayford, Saltford, 1760
John s.o. John, junior & Sarah, bp Saltford, 7 Sep 1760
John & Ann Ollis: their children registered at Keynsham Baptists:
George, 1816,
Job, 1818,
Priscilla, 1820,
Sarah Ann, 1822,
William, 1824.
Leah d.o. John, senior & Jane, bp Saltford, 25 May 1760: see James Buck, 1778
Martha d.o. John & Jane, bp Saltford, 4 Mar 1764
Martha bur Saltford 29 Nov 1764
Mary wife of Nich bur K 1744
Mary d.o. John & Jane, bp 18 Apr 1756
Nancy d.o. William & Ann bp 14 Apr 1762 Compton Dando
Nancy d.o. James & Mary bp 24 Jan 1773 Compton Dando
Neece s.o. Nich & Mary bur K 1736
Nicholas bur K 1727
Nicholas s.o. John & Jane bp K 1746
Nicholas, wife and children, “Intruder into Keynsham” 1747 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
Nicholas s.o. John Hollis bp Saltford, 24 Jun 1750
Nicholas awarded £4 in 1847 for 60 years service. (see Bristol Brass p 173)
Priscilla, b 1820 see John & Ann
Richard s.o. William & Ann bp 14 Sep 1766 Compton Dando
Sarah d.o. John & Jane, bp Saltford, 24 Sep 1758
Sarah wife of Nicholas, bur Compton Dando 3 Mar 1771
Sarah Ann, b 1822 see John & Ann
Stephen s.o. John & Jane, bp Saltford, 3 May 1752
Stephen Ollis & Betty Baker mar Saltford by licence, 10 Jun 1776
William s.o. William & Betty (d.o. Isaac Fry) bp K 1749
William Ollis mar Martha Craymore (qv) K 25 Dec 1763
William, s.o. John, bp Saltford, 2 Mar 1766
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
W.C. Ollis (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
William Ollis & Ann Oxley both of K, married Compton Dando 13 Apr 1746
William s.o. William & Ann bp 24 Sep 1764 bp Compton Dando
William b 1824 see John & Ann
William, brassfounder, Keynsham, Bristol Poll Book, 1830
William “Jarmin” Ollis said to be “ninth generation to work at Keynsham brass works” see Bristol Brass p171
A son of John & Jane, no parishioner, bp K 6 May 1744
OLLIS in date order:
John Alice of Keinsham, brassman mar Ann Hynd of this parish, widow, by licence, 4 May 1707, at Bedminster, St John
Esther d.o. Henry & Elisabeth Olos bp K 1721
James s.o. William & Ann bp K 1747
James s.o. John & Jane bp K 1747
John, wife & children, “Intruders into Keynsham”,1747 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
John bur K 1749
Charles, s.o. John & Jane, bp 6 Nov 1754
John s.o. Nicholas Olles of Oldland bp Hanham & Oldland 17 Nov 1754
Anthony s.o. William & Ann Ollis, bp Compton Dando 6 Oct 1756
Edward s.o. William & Anne bp Compton Dando 6 Jan 1760
Leah d.o. John, senior & Jane, bp Saltford, 25 May 1760John Ollis & Sarah Cayford, Saltford, 1760
John s.o. John, junior & Sarah, bp Saltford, 7 Sep 1760
Betty see George Harford, 1761
James, s.o. John & Sarah, bp Saltford, 19 Sep 1762
Martha d.o. John & Jane, bp Saltford, 4 Mar 1764
Martha bur Saltford 29 Nov 1764
James, s.o. James & Mary, bp Saltford, 21 June 1767
James Ollis otp Brassworker & Mary Pool, spinster mar 16 Apr 1769 Compton Dando (witnesses William Ollis & James Martin)
Leah see: see James Buck, 1778
Charles Ollis & Betty Pinker, banns 1777, mar 1778, Saltford
John & Ann Ollis: their children registered at Keynsham Baptists:
George, 1816,
Job, 1818,
Priscilla, 1820,
Sarah Ann, 1822,
William, 1824.
George & Mary Ollis, their children registered at Keynsham Baptists:
Caroline, 1823,
Eliza, 1826
Edwin Ollis & Dinah Payne, Saltford, 1837
George, awarded £5 in 1841 for 60 years service. (see Bristol Brass p 173
Griffith, of Bitton, copper worker, Bitton, 26 Mar 1750 (P/B/OP/6/g/41)
William s.o. Nathaniel & Sarah, brass turner, Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1781
John, bound apprentice to William Willington, brassworker, 1 Jan 1772. (Document at Keynsham LHS)
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Dinah see Edwin Ollis 1837
John, spelterman, 34, “who cut his throat with a razor” left wife & 4 children. Inquest at Tennis Court Inn, Warmley, see BM 12.5.1821
Betty see Charles Ollis, 1777
Samuel, brassfounder, Baptists Mills, freeman, Bristol Poll Book, 1841
Thomas x Punter bach of Weston Bath & Mary x Gregory otp sp, mar Kelston 9 Aug 1778. Witness was John Fray.
Jacob of K – see Christopher Wise
William mar Ann Harris Keynsham Somerset Mar Lic 1758
William mar Martha Strange of Siston at K Jun 1767
William, batteryman, Keynsham, will 1815. Ref SRO 15/622
Deb from the Cupiloes bur K 1 Mar 177
Stephen, “one of the oldest of the copper smelters at Crews Hole” see KW Annals. Crews Hole was established by the Bristol Brass Company to supply refined copper to Baptists Mills. (See Bristol Brass, p 44)
Thomas from the Cupiloes bur K 3 Dec 1765
William from the Cupiloes bur K 10 Aug 1749
William from the Cupiloes bur K 20 Feb 1757
Son of Elihu Radford of Saltford, bur K 13 1772
George, batteryman, bp K, 1796
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
— (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Mary see Peter Noah, 1757
Catherine see Wm Noah 1785
Hester, see Thos Francom, 1769
Jacob Rose & Jane Frankham mar Kelston 15 Apr 1731
Sarah see Peter Noah, 1773
Ann d.o. William & Sarah bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1781
Mary d.o. William & Sarah bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1785
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
William s.o. William & Sarah bf Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
SHARTMAN see Shortman
Tom – one of last two men to produce battery pans at Saltford Mills in 1908. See Bristol Brass, p 171.
I(saac?)(Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Sarah see Moses Frankham (1768)
Martha d.o. Josiah & Eliza bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1780
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Jacob Shartman (sic) senior & junior & William Shartman: “This is to certify to all persons that are afflicted by worms in many parts of their bodies or any other distemper that I, William Shartman, one of the meltors belonging to the Brass works in Baptists Mills had a worm upon my right cheek for some considerable time and could get no cure until I applied myself to Benjamin Thornhill at his dwelling house, the Green Door, St Philips Plain who made an easy incision of my worm that I scarce felt him cut it and by the Blessing of God and his choice salves and ointments the Doctor cured me in three weeks time. Witness my hand this 26th day of October, 1728. William Shartman.”
“We whose names are underwritten. Being the Master of the Works and chief workmen of the Meltors do testify the above. John Wall, Jacob Shartman senior & Jacob Shartman junior. (Farley’s Bristol Newspaper, 9.11.1728)
I feel sure the name was Shortman – and the printed word reflected the way he spoke! – besides which, perhaps the reporter couldn’t hear very well – see below:
A correction was placed the next week. “Through an oversight of the compositor….. WORMS should have read WENS….which our readers are desired to correct.” (Worms are of course themselves, but a wen is a cyst.)
Peter s.o. Peter & Jane bw Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
Thomas s.o. William & Sarah bs Baptists Mills bp PJ 1779
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Obituary: “died at Baptists Mills, Mr Moses Slade, many years the manager of the brassworks there.” (FFBJ 28.7.1764)
George. “Thursday sennight George Smith one of the workmen at the Mills at Keynsham was found drowned in the river. He was seized with a phrenzy fever and on Tuesday watched for an opportunity to get from the care of the nurse when it is supposed he threw himself into the river. (source? DATE?)
Abraham s.o. Jacob & Sarah brass melter, Baptists Mills bp PJ 1786
s.o. Jacob & Sarah brass melter, Baptists Mills bp PJ 1781
James s.o. Jacob & Sarah bw Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1779
Isaac s.o. Jacob & Sarah brass melter, Baptists Mills bp PJ 1783
STEAGER (Steger, Stegar)
Adam Steager & Mary Bageridge, mar Saltford, 17 May 1746
Richard & Betty,
Ann d.o. Richard & Betty bp S 1740
Ann d.o.Nicholas bur S 1746
Ann d.o. Nicholas & Betty bp S 1753
Ann bur S 24 Oct 1757
Ann see George Gregory, 1786
Betty d.o. Nicholas & Betty bp 1745/6
Catherine bur Kelston 27 May 1801
Charles see James Rich Stegar 1812
Charles Steger & Sarah White mar Kelston 19 Feb 1822
Christopher s.o. William & Elinor bp S 1734
Christopher Stegar, from Bitton, bur S 7 Jul 1768
Christopher, 10th Bn Reserves mar Esther Watts, Freshford, Som mar lic. 3 May 1804, bondsman James Forster of Freshford, good signatures.
Edward aged 47, bur Kelston 8 May 1808
Eleanor see William 1721
Elinor d.o. William & Elinor bp S 1723
Eleanor wife of William bur S 1 Jul 1751
Eleanor see William Noah, 1785
James: obit FFBJ 21.1.1825, “Mr James Steger of Kelston, father of Mr Steger, linen draper of this City.” (ie Bristol)
John & Rebeckah:
John Stegar of Saltford, batteryman & Rebecca Oldfield of same, spinster. Wells Marriage Licence
27 Apr 1722.
William s.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1724
John s.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1726
John s.o. John & Rebecca bp S 1730
John s.o. John & Rebecca bp S 1732
Rebeckah d.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1734*
Joseph s.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1737
Elizabeth d.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1740
Henry s.o. John & Rebeckah bp S 1744
* Rebecca Steager of Saltford & William Dowling Froom mar S 4 Mar 1753
Elizabeth Stegar of Kelston aged 81 bur Kelston 3 Feb 1811: Her will, 1811, ref: SRO S148 1811 Con Epi Wells 536 W
George, s.o. William & Martha bp Saltford, 18 Apr 1769
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
Henry s.o. John bp S 1748
Henry: 1861 census Oldland Common, Nuns Lane: Henry Stegar, wiredrawer, 48, born Bitton & Matilda & James (RG/9/1700/p8)
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
James s.o. William & Betty bp S 1754
James & Catherine, their children bp at Kelston:
William 1778
Robert 1780
James Rich 1781
Charles 1784
George Green 1787
Elizabeth 1791
William, 1792
Jemima 1796
James see William Noah, 1785
James see George Gregory, 1786
James Rich Stegar & Elizabeth Noah mar Kelston 24.12.1812 (witnesses Charles Stegar & Elizabeth Noah)
Their children: bp 30.10.1813 James
bp 1815 Robert
bp 1817 Anne Amelia
bp 1819 William George
bp 1821 Caroline
bp 1824 Henry Norris
bp 1826 Elinor
bp 1832 Thomas
bp 1834 Cecilia
These children were all baptised at Kelston. James Rich Stegar’s occupation was “labourer at copper works” except for Cecilia’s baptism when he was shown as “labourer at brassworks”.
Jane d.o. John & Kath bp K 1713
Jane d.o. Sebastian & Hannah bp S 8 Nov 1722
John s.o. William & Elinor bp S 9 Jul 1721
John bur K 1740
John s.o. William & Elinor bp S 1737
John, with certificate, “Intruder into Keynsham” 1747, (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
John of Keynsham & Betty Batchelor mar Saltford 1754
John Stegar of St James, brassworker, bach over 21, & Mary Sheppard, spinster over 21 of K. Bondsman William Stegar of same, tyler & plasterer, Mar Licence Bond, Bristol, 14.3.1767.
John, senior & John, junior, Richard & Joseph, brassmen, “Intruders into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
John Stegar, bur S, from Keynsham, formerly lived K, bur 8 Sep 1769
Kath d.o. John & Kath bp K 1711
Child of John bur K 1739
Nicholas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bp S 1751
Nicholas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bur S 1753
Nicholas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bp S 1756
Phyllis see George Friend, 1793
Samuel Steager – see Richard Willington, 1843
Susanna d.o. William & Elinor bp S 1727
Susanna Steger mar Thomas Hymers, Newton-St-Loe 10 May 1755
Susannah d.o. William & Elizabeth bp S 1756
Susannah aged 51, “from Bristol” bur Kelston 9 Sep 1807
Thomas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bp S 1733
Thomas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bp S 1740
Thomas s.o. Nicholas & Betty bur S 1743
Wife of John bur K 1737
William s.o. John & Catherine bp K 1707
William s.o. John & Catherine bp K 1709
William s.o. Eleanor bp Saltford 29 Jul 1721
William s.o. William & Elinor bp S 1729
William senior, bur S 31 Jul 1744
William s.o. Nicholas bp S 1748
William Steger of Saltford mar Betty Green 26 Dec 1753 at Corston
William: Settlement Paper: “William Steager, brassworker, residing Bitton, 9 Nov 1768. Born Saltford where his father William, now dead was a legal parishioner. Not gained settlement elsewhere. About 15 years since was married at Corston to Betty Gowen (see Betty Green above) now living with him at Bitton. His children are James, 10, Mary, 10, Ann, 8, Edward, 6, Eleanor, 4. (Signed) William Stegar. (P/B/OP/6g/132)
William bur S 29 Dec 1765
William bur Kelston 28 Mar 1801
Child of William, from Bitton, buried Saltford, 7 Jul 1768
Betty see Peter Swymmer 1720/1
William, a Dutch Brassmaker, bur Compton Dando 3 Feb 1750
Jane wife of Gabriel Sweet of Weston Mills, bur S 16 Oct 1746
Ann d.o. John & Mary Swimmer bp Compton Dando 6 Oct 1811
Hester Swymer & Isaac Parfitt mar Compton Dando 31 Aug 1795 (NB This marriage was not signed)
Isaac s.o. John & Mary Swimmer bp Compton Dando 3 Jan 1808
John BB s.o. Mary bp Compton Dando 4 Jun 1775
John Swimmer bur Compton Dando aged 51 16 Jul 1826
Martha d.o. John & Mary Swimmer bp Compton Dando 25 Mar 1810
Peter Swimer of Compton Dando, brassworker & Grace Welladvise of same, at Chelwood. Mar Lic (Bath & Wells) 24.10.1711
Peter Swimer of Compton Dando & Betty Stone of Marksbury, sp, aged 36. Mar Lic (Bath & Wells) 20.2.1720/1
Peter, a Dutchman, bur Siston, 24 Oct 1761
William s.o. William & Ann Swymmer bp Compton Dando 1 Apr 1742
William: Settlement Paper: “The Examination of William Swymmer of the Hamlet of Bitton in the said county, batteryman, taken on oath this 14th day of February 1770….who says that he was born in the parish of Compton Dando in the County of Somerset. That his father Peter Swymmer was a German and never gained any settlement of himself as this examinant has been informed, and who dy’d about 8 years ago. That the place of this examinant’s mother’s settlement before her marriage was Compton Dando as this examinant has been informed and who dy’d when (he) was an infant and her maiden name was Grace Williams.* (Marriage lic gives her surname as “Welladvise” see above ) (He) has not gained any settlement of himself and about twenty eight years ago he was married to his present wife whose name was Hannah Davis at Temple Church, Bristol who has now living by her three children, only one of which lives with him, Mary aged 24 years who has gained a settlement of herself and was born at Taplow in the County of Bucks and who has not yet been married. The mark of William Swymmer. (P/B/OP/ check etc.)
Eleanor, wife of Jacob Taylor, from the other side of the water, bur Twerton 24 Apr 1762
Elizabeth d.o. Jacob & Mary, bur Twerton 6 May 1772
Jacob Taylor of the Brass Mills & Eleanor Porter, d.o. Thomas Porter of Twerton, mar Twerton 25 Dec 1729
Jacob x Taylor otp & Mary x Taylor of St Michael, Bath, mar Bathweston, 13.8.1769
John, senior, bp Twerton, 13 Nov 1733
John Thomas, senior, of the Wire Mills, bur K 14 Nov 1779
Mary d.o. Jacob & Eleanor Taylor drowned in New Cutt near the gates of the Lock, aged 7 years, bur T 15 Oct 1738.
Mary see Jacob 1769
Mary see Henry Buck, 1771
Thomas (x)Taylor, brassworker & Esther (x) Taylor mar Compton Dando 21 Jun 1776, witnesses: Joseph Taylor & John Smith.
William see Henry Buck, 1771, bach
Son of John Taylor, Dutchman, bp Twerton 11 Nov 1733
Son of John Taylor, Dutchman, bur Twerton 10 Nov 1734
James. “Oct 1, 1726. Five men belonging to the brassworks at Baptists Mills having been up the river in a boat were all thrown by current. All saved except James Thomas who was drowned.” (1.10.1726. Glos Journal)
John, brassworker, “Intruder into Keynsham” 8 March 1769 (List at Keynsham Local History Society)
James, copper worker, Bitton, 9 Nov 1768. (P/B/OP/6/3/130)
William (5) s.o. John & Martha bf, Baptists Mills bp PJ 1786
John s.o. John & Mary bm Baptists Mills bp PJ 1778
John: “Saturday last, John Vails, who worked at the mills at Twerton had his hand caught in the mill work which with part of his arm was crushed to pieces and separated from his body.” (FFBJ 24 Dec 1785)
VAROY see Fray
J (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
William: Obituary: “Kingswood Hill Spelter Works, Mr William Walker, 30 years principal agent to Bristol Brass & Brass & Co. whose agency he quitted in 1792 and established with others the extensive works of Pitt, Savage, Anderson & Co. (Gents. Magazine, 1815). “Died Friday at Kingswood Hill Spelter Works, whose agency he quit in 1792. He lived as he died. An honest man is the noblest work of God.” (FFBJ 5.10.1815)
See William Shortman, 1728
John of Twerton Mill, bur Y 27 May 1794
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
James s.o. Samuel & Mary brass warehouseman, Baptists Mills, bp PJ 1785
Samuel, brass wire agent, nominated at Overseer of the Poor, 6.4.1800. (Document at Keynsham LHS.)
Sarah see Charles Steger, 1822
James: Settlement Paper: James Williams, coppersmith, residing Bitton, 9 Nov 1768. On oath says he was born at St Thomas, Pensford, Somerset. His settlement is that of his father Robert Williams, who now lives at Siston, is in Stanton Drew. Five weeks since he was married at Bitton to his present wife Sarah Harford. (X) the mark of James Williams.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
James, “Feb 27, Mr Jas Wellington, 42, many years servant to Richard Mortimer, Esq., Keynsham Brass Works.” (Obit BM, 8.3.1862)
Richard Willington, 60, William Ford, 79, Samuel Steager, 69. “The above individuals were in the employ of Harford’s & Co, Brassworks, and the time of their combined labours amounted to 180 years. (BM 7.10.1843)
William see John Parsons.
Christopher. Settlement Examination: Christopher Wise now resident within the Hamlet of Bitton in the parish of Bitton in this county, Wire Drawer, taken upon his oath before Norborne Berkeley & Charles Bragge. Esquires, two of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace this 8 June 1752. This informant sayth that he was born at Compton Dando in the County of Somerset and lived there until he was 18 years of age. Soon after he put himself to apprentice to William Champion of the City of Bristol, Marchant and Brass Manufacturer for the term of 7 years and he served the said William Champion about three years at his Brass Works in the parish of Syson and then this informant married with Jane the daughter of Jacob Racker of Keynsham in the County of Somerset, Brassmaker who is now living by whom he hath one child namely Mary aged about 1 year and a half. And immediately after his said marriage he with his wife went and resided in the Hamlet of Bitton and they there continued ever since and informant has worked with his said master Champion in Syson under his indenture all the time and continues the same now having not served out the term of is apprenticeship by one year and an half and upwards. The mark X of Christopher Wise.
- (Pictured): one of personnel of Keynsham Brass Mills, c1870.
William: Settlement: William Yeels, wiredrawer, of Bitton, aged about 48. Born at St Thomas, Exeter, son of John Yeels, that when examinant was about 17 years of age he entered himself on board of one of his Majesty’s ships of war and continued in said service till about three years last past when he was discharged therefrom. Believes his father to have been dead several years but knows not where his settlement was when he left him to go on board a man of war. He now follows the business of wiredrawing and about three years since was married to Sarah Hulbert at Bow Church, London. 22 Jan 1766. The mark of William Yeels. (P/B/OP/6/9/107)
Thomas of the Wire Mills, bur K 31 Aug 1751
Wally son of Joseph, at the Wire Mills, bur K 9 Oct 1746
Blog Comments
Deborah Dunseith
26th February 2023 at 11:32 am
I’m so delighted that I happened across your excellent website. So very interesting. I’m related to the Buck’s of Keynsham. John Buck battery man at Saltford Brass Mill is my 5 x great grandfather. John’s son Isaac worked as a wire worker at the mill.
I live in Norfolk but am now on a mission to visit the mill and get an idea of what my ancestors did and a sense of the place in which they lived. It is interesting that the Buck family descended from those `Dutchmen’ probably Buik originally. You’ve filled in a lot of the gaps for me and have put flesh on the bone of my ancestors which is really thrilling.
I just have to convince my husband that making the journey will be interesting……
dp lindegaard
26th February 2023 at 11:33 am
Dear Deborah
I’m thrilled to hear from another “Dutch” descendant. When you come, please let me know, and perhaps we could meet. Saltford Brass Mill has a Museum which reminds me I haven’t been there for ages, so I am definitely due a visit.
Leo Price
3rd January 2025 at 3:36 pm
Hi there,
I have recently been doing some family history research into my mother’s side of the family, when I stumbled upon your index of “The Dutchmen” brassmakers. My 5th great-grandmother, Mary Ann Houselander, appears on this list, having been baptised in Bristol to Matthias Houselander, a brassmaker, and his wife Elizabeth (nee Lovell).
Do you have any knowledge on how I may be able to find out whether Matthias was truly a “dutchman”, and any record sets which may help me? I wasn’t even sure what being a brassmaker fully entailed until discovering this, so it is safe to say I am fairly lost in terms of finding out more about him! It looks like the first mentions of Houselanders are in the mid-1750s in Bristol, which combined with the German origins of the surname raises some suspicion about whether they may have actually been from continental Europe. Any pointers would go a long way, and help received gratefully!
Many thanks and best wishes,
dp lindegaard
3rd January 2025 at 3:37 pm
Dear Leo
I don’t know how far on you are with your research, or whether you are in Ancestry UK, but if you have access you will see that several others are researching the Houselander family and seem to say that Matthias’ father was Henry, who was in London in 1745. I guess anglicised from Heinrich. Matthias was in Bristol by the time of his marriage in 1769. It seems certain to me that Matthias would have worked at Baptists Mills, at the Brass Foundry there. Details in Joan Day’s book, “Bristol Brass, the History of the Industry.”
See also my blog
which gives the background , even though primarily about my own family, the Frays (Varoy) and Craymers. I have not managed to trace where mine actually came from, but I understand Byfleet in Surrey had some “Dutch” bms there, and the Shortmans (Kurtzman) have been traced to Ballenberg in modern Germany.
I feel sure the Houselanders were of “Dutch” origin, from anywhere in Flanders or what is now Germany.
I don’t know whether you have tried the LDS. (Family Search) which quotes a marriage in 1755 at St Philip & St Jacob Bristol of Ann Houselander to George King which takes you back another few years. I would be interested to hear of your progress.
Leo Price
3rd January 2025 at 3:38 pm
Hi Doreen,
Thanks for getting back to me. Your blog has been really helpful, and it is very interesting to learn about what exactly the brass-making profession involves.
Matthias’ wife Elizabeth was born around the year 1746 according to her death records, so I think it is safe to say that he was born around the early-to-mid-1740s. I’m not sure exactly where the trees on Ancestry (I do have a membership and a tree set up on there) have to source the Henry Houselander you mention from what I can see, but I am certain he is either a sibling or a cousin: One of Matthias’ sons was named Henry Rickets Houselander, and it also seems there was a second Henry Rickets Houselander born in Macclesfield two years later to one Henry Houselander, who I suppose would be the same Henry. Therefore, I am relatively confident there was a set of siblings who move from Europe to England, one of whom may be the Ann you mentioned.
I will keep looking, and let you know if I find any thing else.
Thanks once again,
dp lindegaard
3rd January 2025 at 3:40 pm
I don’t know much about the Ricketts family except that the name rang a bell, (I think they have a connectiopn to BRislington where I live). I looked on Google and the firm has an archive deposited at Bristol Archives Office back to 1783
and several more
Also spotted in the Bristol Mirror, 13.4.1833 (General Qtr Sessions.) the following:
Henry Houselander for an assault on John Fisher. He has been in prison for three months and was ordered to be further Imprisoned for one month.
Ours came to Keynsham & Saltford.